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2020/09/24 09:38:08 (permalink)


With some of the most expensive fishing license prices in the whole country, we as anglers need to step up as a group and voice our concern for the lack of steelhead stocking in the Erie streams over the last three years to the PA fish commission. This is exactly why there are little or no fish in these streams each fall, the place for many years known as "Steelhead Alley". It is a sad pathetic fishery now. Do the research and you will see the commission has not stocked the majority of the Erie streams. What are we paying for? Are we paying for all the high paid salaries of the PA commission Board members?

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    solitario lupo
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    Re: FISHERMAN: PLEASE VOICE YOUR CONCERNS !! 2020/09/25 11:45:52 (permalink)
    Sorry I don’t pay just to fish for steelhead. I think they do a great job on stocking them and wish I didn’t have to pay for a trout stamp or Erie stamp just to fish up there. Maybe that’s what you should be complaining about is why do we have to pay extra for these stupid stamps. Just a thought. honestly there just a invasive fish being stocked.
    You guys who complain about this should do your research on the type of steelhead that they stock. I know there’s two different types and they all do different runs. Maybe that’s why your not seeing numbers.
    Moses Guthrie
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    Re: FISHERMAN: PLEASE VOICE YOUR CONCERNS !! 2020/09/25 12:17:10 (permalink)
    Same topic, different year. Ok I will play along. What is so pathetic about it? I don't fish the tribs as much as I used to but make maybe 8-10 trips a year and still have no trouble hooking into and land double digit fish each day in prime season(october-march)with no problems over the time period you mentioned. It's not like the hatchery waters it was in the late 90s early 2000s but there are still plenty of fish. Have done well the two days I fished this fall already.
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    Re: FISHERMAN: PLEASE VOICE YOUR CONCERNS !! 2020/10/28 21:34:00 (permalink)
    i've had trouble finding fish this year, i dont think its from a lack of numbers as much as a lack of ability to reproduce because they get pulled out of the streams very early. Sadly, the only way to fix this problem would be to increase numbers of stocked fish or reduce the , already low limit, of 3 fish. the main problem is the people who go out, catch their 3 fish, go back to their truck, throw them in the bed, and do it again. Then they are the same people to complain about a lack of fish in the streams. 
    just a thought, its a little frustrating. my dad used to tell me stories of going fishing in august and seeing the waves turn silver because they are full of fish. It is sad i have never, and  likely will never see those numbers. 
    Personally i think they are overfished and under-stocked, also, the fish commission is very inconsistent with their stocking locations and times. if they would be more consistent, more people would volunteer to help stock.
    thats just my two cents take it as you will.
    do i think that licenses are expensive, yes, but 1 i dont have to pay for one yet, and 2 what are you going to do about it.
    post edited by Gammywizzler - 2020/10/29 20:37:14
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    Re: FISHERMAN: PLEASE VOICE YOUR CONCERNS !! 2020/10/29 19:23:09 (permalink)
    Things are fine
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