Helpful Replywhere would you fish?

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2020/06/26 11:14:14 (permalink)

where would you fish?

gonna be traveling from butler to dubois tomorrow and will have a couple of hours after our obligations in dubois to fish in some places with my son that i am very unfamiliar with but that we have often wanted to.  
where would you fish - wading or from shore - with a preteen kid who can handle his bizniss pretty well on the water (been fishing the erie tribs since he was 6 and i can take him anywhere there to give you an idea).  no particular target fish but we have gear suited for smallies, walleye, channel cats - typical western pa big creek type stuff.  we could also fly or spin fish for trout closer to dubois.  don't need specific spots or directions, just a general location along our way would be helpful.  
we could take i-80 from dubois to emlenton and fish the 'gheny from the emlenton area down to east brady.  i've heard it's fairly shallow and ok for wading in that stretch but have never fished it.  
we could take i 80 from dubois to brookville and head south along redbank creek through new bethlehem down towards kittanning.  mahoning dam and mahoning creek are a little out of the way, but doable.  i have never fished any of those, but have read about fishing around the dam in new bethlehem which is probably where we'd try without other suggestions.  
would also be willing to head a half hour north, east or south of dubois for a fun couple of hours.  
solitario lupo
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 11:24:04 (permalink)
Not familiar with the area but looking on the map sure looks like some good spots to try. Bunch of creeks and a couple lakes.
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 11:29:33 (permalink)
solitario lupo
Not familiar with the area but looking on the map sure looks like some good spots to try. Bunch of creeks and a couple lakes.

too many choices!  
i love wade fishing bigger creeks but am not very good at it.  lake fishing is ok, but we have more fun getting in the water and trying something new and different.  
i have checked out some of the info on all the blue lines and class a wild trout water around dubois and we may head to a couple of those with our fly rods too and do some 'splorin.  
Erie Mako
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 12:08:34 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby snagr 2020/06/27 00:30:29
There is the "city lake" in DuBois, actually called Juniata Lake - bass, panfish & stock trout.
You could run north a bit to Ridgway and hit the Clarion River.
There is Cloe Lake down near Punxsutawney.
Kyle Lake just west of DuBois is just now refilling from construction - don't know if any fish in there!
Mahoning Creek runs through Punxsy to the dam - smallies, cats, rock bass and the random eye.
In Falls Creek, there is a creek that runs behind the "tie plant" and the rail yard (Larkeytown Road) - the locals fish it for muskies.
Parker Dam State Park is east of DuBois.
Little Toby Creek runs through the middle of Brockway (just west of DuBois).

On the internet, EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion!
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 12:25:36 (permalink)
erie mako i wanted someone to help me narrow down the options, not give me more!  haha.  
thank you very much for the advice, very much appreciated.  just a quick google-ing of some of the names and places you threw out might have helped me find something i wasn't even aware of that looks pretty promising that we would really enjoy and is much more in our wheelhouse.  
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 13:08:47 (permalink)
You can detour a half hour north off 80 at brookville to hit the clarion river at/near Cooks forest... or fish it closer to clarion at the boat launch just north of piney dam lake (on map just outside of clarion) for variety I think the clarion may be a good bet, smallies, rock bass, suckers, trout and catfish.
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 13:11:06 (permalink)
A fellow who went by the screen name @world famous on here fishes the clarion pretty steady with his wife through the summer. If you can find his name still on the list it may be worth sending him a PM, though a long shot of him seeing it soon enough to help.
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 14:47:26 (permalink)
Mako and Fisherlady I know there's no spot burning allowed but your secrete will be safe with me ๐Ÿ˜‡, if you had one spot to fish near DuBois, where would that be?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 15:36:47 (permalink)
I would play around in the creek near the tie plant.
But then again, as a kid I could waste entire afternoons exploring a local creek and turning over rocks looking for crayfish....
post edited by Fisherlady2 - 2020/06/26 15:39:08
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/26 16:18:29 (permalink)
Stella-Jones by the Pilot still in operation and who says ya have to be a kid to hunt crayfish. lol

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/28 08:51:59 (permalink)
the winner of the snagr and snagr's son "where would you fish," poll is erie mako.  
by the time it was all said and done, we had about 30 minutes to fish in one of the waters he suggested before it got totally dark,  and the water was ripping and off color from heavy rains earlier in the day.  had read about this water several years ago and when i did some digging on it, i knew we had to fish it.  
snagr's son and i tag teamed this beautiful chunk of pa butter where the fish stories from this stream in print are almost too good to be true.  also got a handful of smaller ones.  finding access to it was really tough, and with daylight fading fast, i almost decided to turn around and head home, but glad i looked a little harder.  
it is definitely on the "must fish again soon," list.  
thanks erie mako!  
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/28 09:51:53 (permalink)
Congratulations to both the 'fishing team' and Mako.๐Ÿป

Good times and tight lines.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/28 09:58:26 (permalink)
Congratulations to both the 'fishing team' and Mako.๐Ÿป

Good times and tight lines.

thank you sir!  
what have you been there and done, if i may ask?  
i see your status on here is a pro angler.  is that because you catch a lot of fish and have sponsors?  
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/28 11:34:00 (permalink)
No, it's because he posts too much.
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/28 12:10:26 (permalink)
No, it's because he posts too much.

๐Ÿ˜‚.... Now cut that out!!!

No not a pro at all snagr, far from it, just been around a long time and seeing pictures and reading stories such as yours, brings back many wonderful memories afloat or afield.

Your story, in particular, brings back memories of the very few times I fished with my father.

Congratulations again and thanks for the memories.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/28 13:19:12 (permalink)
No, it's because he posts too much.

๐Ÿ˜‚.... Now cut that out!!!

No not a pro at all snagr, far from it, just been around a long time and seeing pictures and reading stories such as yours, brings back many wonderful memories afloat or afield.

Your story, in particular, brings back memories of the very few times I fished with my father.

Congratulations again and thanks for the memories.

glad to hear it was a good trip down memory lane for you.

i too have some great memories of fishin with my dad. thankful heโ€™s still around and able to make fishin memories with his grandsons too, though not as many as he used to.
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/28 13:46:16 (permalink)

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/30 13:45:16 (permalink)
 After your first paragraph I figured you out as possibly being someone on here. After reading the rest ov first post and the name "snagr" confirmed it. Glad you old fat fart got out with your son.
 I have many screen names on here also.
 Have a great summer with the family.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2020/06/30 13:52:40
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/30 14:13:02 (permalink)
Just curious, why would you have more than one screen name on here, let alone many?
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/30 19:18:17 (permalink)
I am curious also.  sam
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/30 19:28:49 (permalink)
i have one and have only ever had one. had my old one deleted by the mods awhile back at my request. if ya search for my old self, he's a ghost on here now.
post edited by snagr - 2020/07/01 15:52:12
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/30 22:35:32 (permalink)
   I have many screen names on here also.

The question was directed towards you.

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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/30 22:55:17 (permalink)
 My sons and I have posted under each others screen names by accident many times.
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/06/30 23:36:57 (permalink)
Okay, got it.
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/07/01 09:41:26 (permalink)
I ๐Ÿ˜‡ ain't sayin a word. ๐Ÿ™„Nope not me.๐Ÿ™ƒ

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837โ€“1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: where would you fish? 2020/07/07 17:01:42 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crawlerman2 2020/07/14 08:22:53
That snagger's a jag!
Been away for awhile.  But i just wanted to say that these boards still have some fellowship and life to them.  This thread is a perfect example.  People talk, ask questions, give non-spoonfeeding advice, and boom, a kid and his dad go catch a brahhn in unfamiliar waters.  Good work yinz, well done!

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19
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