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Retiree Fishing
I hear that the office at Trout Run will be giving retirees the opportunity to fish in the creek there. Any truth to that?
"They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." John Gierach
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/09 14:07:50
Lol in the nursery waters?! That ain’t a creek and it wouldn’t be “fishing.”
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/09 14:37:09
As the late, great peacymike would say, dream on! Seriously though, Trout Run is their primary nursery water for brood stock. I really can't envision a scenario where they'd open the creek to fishing for anyone, but stranger things have happened. Who knows? I'm not sure who currently owns the building and the old marina there, but maybe the rumor you heard somewhere was in regards to opening that back up to fishing? I follow the PFBC on social media and check their website for weekly region reports usually, but I haven't seen anything at all about this, and I would think they'd be promoting it if it was going to happen anytime soon.
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/09 16:11:03
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/09 17:10:30
☄ Helpfulby psu_fish 2019/10/10 08:26:29
And don’t call me Shirley.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/09 19:08:55
Flashback ......early 80's , we are fishing Trout Run people are lined up like fence posts for a hundred yards the marina is busy also. It's about 10 am and fishing has been slow with some early action but the nursery creek is black with Steelhead. Suddenly a young kid ( maybe 8) appears on his bicycle and decides to ride into the creek and get his bike wet . Instantly the creek is boiling with Trout all headed back out to the lake It wasn't long before guys were catching fish again . What a sight to see !
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/10 00:44:31
That’s awesome capn!!! So the moral of the story is...make a deal with an 8 year old on a bike ahead of time. “But officer, I’m just a little boy, I didn’t know no better...” 10 bucks and a candy bar is “worth the trip” for me if the kid scares a couple hundred feesh into the strike zone!!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/10 07:13:48
One thing about Trout Run especially in the early years of super crowded shore fishing got to witness lots of crazy things ! You also got to see hundreds of fish caught daily ! It was a super mecca for fishermen from everywhere . Remember back then the limit was 8 fish, then it was lowered to 5 fish each. Now for years it's been a 3 fish limit. I witnessed fights , drunks , arguments, illegal netters, people arrested , parking infractions , littering ,and dogs stealing shore bag lunches ! We had many laughs and crazy action fishing back would have made a good TV viewing show today ....never a dull moment on most crowded days ! 
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2019/10/10 07:19:19
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/10 10:05:02
Captain Enjoys looking at you pics. You must have taken many over the years. Me, I never took many.
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/10 17:48:25
I was there too Capt, it was insane! Funny I was just telling joebaker79 about the pig pen!
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/10 18:42:13
Speaking of Trout Run, why are there so many smolts in there now? Tues there were hundreds there.
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/10 20:15:02
yep even seen palominos in there back then they came in with the steelhead
I have become comfortably numb
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/11 08:06:53
I caught 2 Palominos off of Trout Run back in the day both around the 18" mark but I seen one caught close to 30". They were a silvery yellow color not as colorful as the stockies . Even seen a Lake Trout caught there off shore. The Pig Pen was the craziest fishing fishing in a giant swimming pool with guys tangling up on almost every fish hooked. But it held a ton of fish mostly salmon in the peak years . Nothing to see 50 fish caught at first light !  Coho fever !  Yea that guy has no boots on ! Nothing to see 20 boats out front fishing....even canoes !  A more resent Trout Run .....still busy !
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/19 10:26:27
fisherofmen376 Lol in the nursery waters?! That ain’t a creek and it wouldn’t be “fishing.”
why not? beyond the "legal" thing, what's the difference in fishing there or any other hole or run polluted with steel? Seriously asking ...cause I'm not sure what you mean ..L.T.A.
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/19 10:33:14
It's nursery water.....very narrow....makes it easier for poachers to seine fish.....years ago 2 Russian guys hit and ran,probably got 10-12 fish on a couple dips apiece....gone in a flash.....I'd image this is a frequent thing.....wardens can't watch it 24 /7
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/19 19:38:03
I seen it first hand also ....years ago at Trout Run .....3am two guys got out dipped the long handled net , scooped up about 3-4 fish the trunk and off they went . I'm sure it still goes on by poachers ....pitiful as that is you can't stop them Big T says can't watch 24/7
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/19 21:31:31
Genie,You must be bored asking questions like this so I’ll play along for a sec. Trout run is an intentionally dammed up area that is super small. It ain’t legal, and it’s nursery waters. It’s been modified to hold fish and prevent them from moving up. So no fishing! But you already knew that.
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/19 22:54:34
 Yea that guy has no boots on !
The guy with the hip boots might as well not have any on... I remember my first few trips with my dad to Trout Run in mid 80s. He had some old fire fighter boots he had from the mill. Bought me some cheap waders that split at the **** within a day or two of use. Both of us might as well wet waded. Spent the rest of the day trying to find a laundromat to dry our clothes before sleeping in the back of the station wagon... Good stuff. Would have done it every weekend if he was up for it.
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/20 14:28:22
I believe sleeping in cars and trucks was all part of early salmon and steelhead fishing whether fishing Pa. or NY. Being young you had more tolerance for sore backs and lack of good sleep .....also lack of funds
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/21 10:28:39
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2019/10/21 22:37:57
Anymore, sleeping in the front of the truck is a sure bet for not being able to cast the next day, sometimes a trip to the geriatric emergency room!
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Re: Retiree Fishing
2019/10/23 11:39:31
I'm pretty sure those retirees shoot all the pheasants too, might as well let them fish in the barrel.