Helpful ReplyCrappie Questions

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2019/05/24 20:56:07 (permalink)

Crappie Questions

I've been doing more crappie fishing this spring than ever before.  Lately, I've noticed that the crappie have been up super shallow in the big vine-like weeds.  I've also noticed I don't usually find any in or around the coontail mats.  Once I start hooking gills it seems like the crappie bite dies out.   I also have been crappie fishing near beaver lodges which I thought would be loaded with crappie, but no luck near the woody lodges.  Am I on the right track, or am I missing something important?
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Re: Crappie Questions 2019/05/25 07:55:02 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby 22250rem 2023/01/05 08:31:12
They spawn in shallow. Like all fish, they have a seasonal pattern. Keep notes. Where you have found them at this year, you will likely find them next year with same water temps. They eventually move into brush and other structure that you can’t visibly see at certain times of the year. Those beaver dams will usually have some fish check them out when they are in other patterns as well, but not the huge schools. Stragglers that know where bait fish are hanging out.
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