Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak

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2019/04/16 21:29:14 (permalink)

Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak

According to the latest NW PA fishing report Canadohta Lake now has a dam leak. The report said the lake has been drawn down and boat launching difficult to impossible. A couple things; I didn't think Canadohta had a dam, its a natural lake right? And if there is somekinda makeshift dam for the winter draw-downs; WHAT, they don't inspect it and fix it if needed while the lake is down for the winter?
I'm worried there will be some stupid fish removal, draw-down, closure for 15 years (sarc) like Tamarack, Somerset, Donegal, etc.....
Anyone have any more current official info???  Thanks in advance!
post edited by SteelFishinMusky - 2019/04/16 21:42:40

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    Re: Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak 2019/04/17 08:24:12 (permalink)
    Did they edit the report? No mention of Canadohta


    REGION COUNTIES -- Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango, Warren (County Guide)

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    The 2019 Trout Stocking Schedule is online. If you are interested in helping with trout stocking, search for your county from the drop-down list on the schedule. Pick your favorite stream to meet the stocking trout on the date and time of stocking. 
    Erie County Presque Isle Bay Anglers are catching Northern Bay in several of the small bays using flashy spinnerbaits. Anglers are catching panfish and Largemouth Bass in Misery Bay.
    Forest County Allegheny River Northern Pike and Muskellunge fishing has been productive from shore and boats.  Anglers can access the Sand and Gravel Island from the parking area near the Lighthouse and walk to the Allegheny River or Tionesta Creek.  The confluence of the Allegheny River and Council Run is productive for Musky and Northern Pike. Walleye season is currently closed until May 4, 2019. Tionesta Outflow Anglers are reminded that they must have purchased a trout permit to fish in the Tionesta Outflow, regardless of fishing for or keeping trout. Tionesta Lake (Nebraska Bridge) Water levels fluctuate which could cause the boat launch and road to become inaccessible. Anglers are catching crappie, Yellow Perch, and Bluegill from the bridge.  
    Mercer County Shenango Reservoir The Shenango Reservoir is designated as a panfish enhancement area.  That means crappie must be 9 inches long and the creel limit has dropped from 50 to 20 crappie a day.  All other panfish still have a creel limit of 50, but only 20 of them can be crappie. 
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    Re: Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak 2019/04/17 09:26:30 (permalink)
    there is a dam. it is a natural lake.  same as conneaut.  both would be significantly less by volume if the dams were gone..  thats another argument for another day. 
    they draw it down every december-april for "weed control and to protect the docks" which i think is about the dumbest reasons in the history of lake control.  
    i did see in one post somewhere that they did minor repairs.  but the lake is normal pool presently.  
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    Re: Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak 2019/04/17 19:00:54 (permalink)
    I'm worried there will be some stupid fish removal, draw-down, closure for 15 years (sarc) like Tamarack, Somerset, Donegal, etc.....
    Anyone have any more current official info???  Thanks in advance!

    If the PFGC has "anything" to do with it.... "WORRY".
    Anyways here is a bit of info, taken from the Lakes web page, that you might find useful including a phone number to the 'fishes mouth'
    "I hear the dam controls the water level of Canadohta. What are dates for Lowering the dam in the Fall and filling it back up in the spring"?
    "The lake is lowered around end of October.The lake is filled in April of each year. Please call the Township office at 814-694-2611 for dates each year".
    Hope the info helps, Good times and Tight lines.
      GOOD GRIEF... WTH was that BS??   Sorry.... think I got it fixed.   STUPID BS 
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/04/18 19:54:11

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak 2019/04/18 01:06:59 (permalink)
    2nd article down on page #4. This is the 4/10 report and it says the lake has been lowered back down to winter level.
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    Re: Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak 2019/04/18 10:52:32 (permalink)
    i can tell you for a fact that the lake is at normal level. 
    the public dock is not presently in, but should be in the next few weeks.
    you can still launch, but bring waders.  
    Dirty McCurdy
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    Re: Canadohta Lake Drawdown & Dam Leak 2019/04/18 18:21:19 (permalink)
    They fixed the issue, according to the folks who live there. I think it was discovered during the initial fill up, they lowered it back down right away. Luckily it was something simple and now it is full.
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