Helpful ReplyOn the hunt for Northerns...

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2018/06/17 07:53:18 (permalink)

On the hunt for Northerns...

This is my first post on this forum, though I've been reading it for years.  I suppose I should first describe the type of fisherman I am.  Though I've dabbled in pretty much all kinds of fishing (bow, fly, turtles), I predominantly fish creeks with a spinning rod.  I'm a catch and release fisherman and spend most of my fishing days wading, but sometimes I'll fish the deeper creeks on a kayak. I've traveled all over northwestern PA in search of good fishing spots. My passion has always been fishing for smallmouth and pike, which brings me to my first post.  I know some western Pennsylvanians hate Northerns because they sometimes feed on other gamefish.  It saddens me when I see pike thrown up on the bank and left to die.  No one would dare do that to a Muskie, but the Northern somehow gets a bad rap.  Either way, since I'm a terrible Muskie fisherman (fish of 10,000 casts is a lie - I think I've doubled that chasing them), I just really enjoy the hunt for big Northerns.
I've come to beg...
If anyone out there wouldn't mind sharing some locations where they often run into pike (especially bigger pike), please send me a PM and let me know.  I would really appreciate it.  Like I said, I mostly fish smaller to medium sized creeks - when the water gets too big (like the river), I have a difficult time reliably targeting them.  Also, if anyone would like to discuss techniques or share some stories on fishing please reply to this thread and perhaps we can all learn something new.  I look forward to hopefully discussing pike fishing with my fellow Pennsylvanians...
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/06/28 18:43:47 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Metal Bob 2018/07/03 21:11:25
Beaver River-the entire river has them
Ohio River- below Montgomery 
Lake Arthur- muddy creek outflow(only muskies I think but if you are gonna get one, thid is the spot)
Shenango- below the dam to the Beaver/Mahoning
Upper Allegheny/Kinzua
Presque Isle(immediately after ice melts)
if you want a big one, wait for September-October when they move into shallow water and fish/ice fish until they spawn in February/March. I've only been catching little snot rockets this summer. Not that you can't catch a big one but the bigger ones aren't super active 
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/06/30 20:16:09 (permalink)
Thanks Looch...
Can you wade fish in the Beaver?
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/07/03 20:26:55 (permalink)
certain places you definitely can, but be careful, lots of drop offs. If you are experienced you should be fine. 
In the rivers look for islands, try fishing below them. Couple of my favorite pike spots on the Beaver and Ohio rivers are right below islands. 
Metal Bob
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/07/03 21:13:14 (permalink)
Pike fishing has been really hard the past few years... at least from my experience. Since High Point has been getting warmer, i really can't find pike anywhere except for small creeks that u wouldn't imagine could hold a fish like that.
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/07/04 06:08:54 (permalink)
Bob, I hear you.  Those are often times the places I hunt for them and usually can have decent success in finding them.  However, this year seems to be more difficult to get into them and I keep wondering if it's just me or if something else is going on.  I have noticed a lot more eagles in the areas I usually look for them so maybe that is an issue. 
Metal Bob
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/07/04 06:37:40 (permalink)
The problem is the warming waters
solitario lupo
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/07/05 12:25:03 (permalink)
The problem is your trying to catch them in the middle of summer. I wouldn't fish for them unless the water is 75 degrees or lower. Spring and fall. You do know musky and pike can die if caught in high heat and overplayed. Just like any cold water fish.
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/07/07 15:55:16 (permalink)
yeah, I wait until September/October to really target them, I've caught  5 little guys(all 21" and under) this summer so far and all have been on walleye(jig+grub), bass(whopper plopper), and panfish lures. I caught 2 on 2lb test and my favorite crappie crankbait couple weeks ago, was lucky they didn't bite me off, would of been bummed to lose that lure. Same day caught a 18" sauger on big 1oz firetiger daredevle spoon that I started throwing after catching the pike on my ultralight....go figure. 


End of summer, on the rivers at least the bigger ones always move into the shallows and creek mouths, it never fails and they are super aggressive and pretty easy to catch on topwater lures, spoons,  and mepps musky killers
post edited by looch325 - 2018/07/07 16:00:33
solitario lupo
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Re: On the hunt for Northerns... 2018/08/31 11:18:49 (permalink)
Boy that backpack looks like it’s just going to weigh you down. You get into musky and pike fishing remember all those big lures do add weight but hey you can a least carry them in that backpack.
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