Lake Pleasant regs change

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2017/03/15 11:53:57 (permalink)

Lake Pleasant regs change

I was looking up the regs on Lake Pleasant for the month of March and noticed that they changed four bodies of water in Erie County  from open year round fishing  back to "stocked trout waters" closed from March 1st. to the April 15th . This effects Lake Pleasant , Upper Fairview gravel pit pond and both of the PI waterworks ponds . I really enjoyed the catch and release fishing the last few years in late March and early April . It was great to have that chance to fish for a cold water fish while the water was still cold and it was catch and release only so it was no harm to the fish stocking program.  The trout were still going to be there when the masses so up for the opener . I don't see the reason for the change ?  The only change I see is that there is now four bodies of water that are closed to all fishing for 45 days in Erie county . They made the change to 15 lakes in 11 counties  and four of them are in Erie county . That's a pretty big hit to our local anglers . Anyone know the reason for the changes ?
Lance McFeely

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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/15 12:23:54 (permalink)
    In my area there were many complaints of the guys who fish every day of the week there with bait an having 80-100 fish days at times an all the while pulling the hook out of their gut because they wouldn't wanna lose a hook, an throw the fish back. After awhile that takes its toll. So people cry to fish commission an since trout is their money maker, shut it down again. It really sucks if you like going to one of them bodies of water to fish for other fish.
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/15 12:46:44 (permalink)
    I had the same question regarding Cowan's Gap lake in Fulton County.  Found the following explanation in the PFBC's 4th quarter meeting minutes.  Check out pages 88-89:

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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/15 13:12:23 (permalink)
    Should just make it year round and spread da stocking out. Lots of places i like to hit for other fish are closed cuz of dumazz pellethedz

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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/15 13:29:34 (permalink)
    Mountian Man
    Should just make it year round and spread da stocking out. Lots of places i like to hit for other fish are closed cuz of dumazz pellethedz

    Totally agree but ...

    Hype of opening days still puts too much $ in the PFBC coffers to do away with it.

    The decision comes down to money as it always does. If people don't go opening day cause they can't catch a bazillion dum fish and keep their limit they won't buy licenses.
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/15 13:46:49 (permalink)
    Mountian Man
    Should just make it year round and spread da stocking out. Lots of places i like to hit for other fish are closed cuz of dumazz pellethedz

    Totally agree but ...

    Hype of opening days still puts too much $ in the PFBC coffers to do away with it.

    The decision comes down to money as it always does. If people don't go opening day cause they can't catch a bazillion dum fish and keep their limit they won't buy licenses.

    Yea $$$ talks but "opening" day seems to be going downhill. I dont even seem 3/4 the people that be creek stomping in the local trout ditch 5 minutes from my house, whats the point paying $40, fish 10mins, keep 5 nasty azz fezh, if you into that save yourself $30 and go to a paylake...they wanna actually succeed they outta invest in other species (the catfish/walleye/muskie stockings in a few lakes near me have been awesome) and focus on the duUDz that fish year in and out...

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    Veni Vidi Vici...
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/15 16:03:51 (permalink)
    Agree 100% I don,t buy the trout stamp because of that exact reason. Like when walleye,and salmon were always fishing trips to remember.
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/15 17:24:34 (permalink)
    Mountian Man
    Mountian Man
    Should just make it year round and spread da stocking out. Lots of places i like to hit for other fish are closed cuz of dumazz pellethedz

    Totally agree but ...

    Hype of opening days still puts too much $ in the PFBC coffers to do away with it.

    The decision comes down to money as it always does. If people don't go opening day cause they can't catch a bazillion dum fish and keep their limit they won't buy licenses.

    Yea $$$ talks but "opening" day seems to be going downhill. I dont even seem 3/4 the people that be creek stomping in the local trout ditch 5 minutes from my house, whats the point paying $40, fish 10mins, keep 5 nasty azz fezh, if you into that save yourself $30 and go to a paylake...they wanna actually succeed they outta invest in other species (the catfish/walleye/muskie stockings in a few lakes near me have been awesome) and focus on the duUDz that fish year in and out...

    Mostly agree with you MM. only difference is that I do still see almost as many people on the first two weekends around where I live as I did when I moved here 16 years ago.

    Until the PFBC collapses under the financial burden of the trout program they'll keep trying to catch financial lightning in a bottle for a few years to right the ship. That's what this move is. It's foolishness to continue to spend so much on a program that has no long term value or benefits to anglers.
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/16 10:13:49 (permalink)
    Yup, the opening day folks were complaining that they weren't catching enough so the PFBC shut the lakes back down.
    "Happy customers" putting 5 fish on a yellow rope on April 15th is more important to the PFBC than all the people that catch & release fish(for trout or other stuff) before the opener. Not enough fish getting caught on opening day? So let's make sure NO fish get caught for the month and a half before then...
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/16 11:07:42 (permalink)
    Problem is the Trout Program is still Top Dog in bringing in young fishermen into fishing. I'd be willing to bet we all starting fishing at a young age mostly because of catching Trout locally somewhere near our home grounds. Opening day was almost like a celebrated holiday and still is in some areas! It's a put and take program that allows kids and "not so good fishermen" to catch fish rather easily and face it makes the Fish Commish look good.
    (all those big Palominos caught)
    I kind of see both sides of the issue, but like the opener mainly for the kids sake only!
    If there are other fish in the same waters, that shutdown makes it tough.
    I've also heard the self adult braggers say I caught 25 Trout today!
    All while sucking on the exhaust pipe of the stocking truck !

    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2017/03/16 12:12:21
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/16 13:30:42 (permalink)
    any fish is easy to catch when there's hundreds of them....... 
    its the same thing with steel head, crappie, and all the fish ppl talk about...  of course you'll catch 10+ steelhead when there's a big pod/school in front of you... of course youll catch a stringer full of crappie when their spawning or hanging around some fallen trees etc etc....  
    they stock the trout and ppl catch em.... its just something to do, plus there's some nice scenery on some of the trout streams....
    a Saturday afternoon in may when its nice and sunny and go out and catch some fish on a night crawler... nice, easy, simple.  
    that's how I started fishin... going on opening day... and yes it was just like a holiday to us
    I only go "trout fishing" a few times a year but what's 40$ over the course of a year... 11 cents a day?
    i think they should shut down erie once the smolts go in too...

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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/16 13:59:54 (permalink)
    I kind of see both sides of the issue, but like the opener mainly for the kids sake only!

    I agree here. I used to really look forward to the opener and like the whole "family tradition" part of it. Though I think there can be alternatives without the opening day free for all
    This is why I like the idea of the mentored youth days. It's a day just for the kids, without the craziness of opening weekend. As long as adults focus on the kids and don't use it as an opportunity to get a head start at putting fish in the freezer, I'm all for the mentored youth days and similar events, kids derbies, etc.
    At the same time, the closure of these lakes take away opportunities for kids. Less people/pressure and more fish(because they haven't been kept yet) sounds like the perfect time for getting kids into good fishing! Heck a month and a half long "mentored youth period" would be awesome on these waters. Either open them up to everyone, or just the kids.......closing them off to all fishing is kinda silly to me, other than the family tradition aspect of the opener. But I think we can come up with better, more efficient ways at managing our fisheries and creating quality opportunities for both kids and adults. I'd like to see more kids-only sections on streams.
    With low funds and low numbers of fish, restricting harvest(whether it's specific limits, C&R during certain times of the year, etc.) helps keep more fish in our waters while stocking the same amount, or fewer fish. Keeping waters open to fishing maintains opportunities to utilize(ie. catch) these fish, rather than them just swimming around with no fishing allowed. More opportunities, and good numbers of fish = more angler hours, and more successful angler hours which equals happy anglers. Or does it? That begs the question.....would the general PA angling public rather fish less, but are able to keep limits of trout, or enjoy more days on the water year-round while not being able to keep fish every time out(but may be catching more due to restricted harvest)?? I get it.......there's still opportunities at year-round trout fishing(special regs sections, non-stocked streams, etc.) but not closing waters would create even more trout opportunities during this time of year. Is that what the people want? or would they rather ensure that they EASILY catch and keep their 5 fish on April 15th, instead of possibly working a tad bit harder to catch them, while having enjoyed some easier C&R fishing during the month prior...
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/16 14:24:40 (permalink)
    I like that idea of a longer early Trout mentor period even if it means catch and release for kids. Most younger kids want to throw the fish back anyway unless it's a big one !
    Maybe a one fish trophy limit for kids or even handicapped during a pre Trout opener week ! 
    Your right, having fish swim around for weeks and not being able to let people fish doesn't make sense. At the same time watching people catch Trout or other fish and mishandle them, and then tossing them back only to see them floating belly up isn't cool either. 
    I actually like the April 15th opening birthday !
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    Re: Lake Pleasant regs change 2017/03/16 14:59:07 (permalink)
    Maybe a one fish trophy limit for kids or even handicapped during a pre Trout opener week !

    That would be cool. And trophy doesn't necessarily have to mean could be the kid's first fish, hardest fighting fish, cool story to go along with it, etc. or of course a lunker. Or simply one fish to take back for grandma to cook up for dinner. Point being, there can be a fun kids/handicapped day(or week, or month) without needing to rope up a limit for the sake of doing so. It should be about a quality, fun time on the water with family or friends.
    At the same time watching people catch Trout or other fish and mishandle them, and then tossing them back only to see them floating belly up isn't cool either.

    True. In the perfect world, harvesting those fish during the "C&R period" would make sense. Though it would be near impossible to enforce, and people would take advantage of it. I've seen at least one floater drifting downstream just about every single opening day I participated it. Happens all year, with every species. Nice meal for other critters I guess, but those are the type of fish you should keep. Educating people about proper handling techniques would limit the amount of floaters, and usually the people that fish regularly already understand this stuff, put the opening-day-only types likely don't, or don't really care or put much thought into it. Obviously you can't guarantee that every single fish you catch lives.....I'm sure we've all had some fish die without even knowing, but we can try our best.
    And happy super early birthday, Captain!! Hope it's a good one.....whether it's at the circus or not
    i think they should shut down erie once the smolts go in too...

    Just like getting rid of opening day, this will never happen. But I like the thought of it. Closing the PA tribs won't impact my personal spring steelhead fishing, but obviously many people still fish these creeks this time of year, and for other species in the spring. Impossible to enforce, but making barbless hooks mandatory would be cool. And people just need to learn to move to a different spot if they start getting into smolts.
    This is the only good thing about the big posted sections. They can act as a refuge for smolts making their way downstream
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