2016 season starts off last Sunday.

Big Tuna
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2016/09/24 18:59:33 (permalink)

2016 season starts off last Sunday.

 Decided to take a day off,my second day since  two weeks before Easter. Hit the big timber oak forest in Ohio, had a two hour still hunt and collected 3 hefty fox squirrels. Tomorrow planning on a second hunt with my 22 even though it's deer season I'll pass till late October.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/09/24 19:01:59

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    Big Tuna
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    Re: 2016 season starts off last Sunday. 2016/09/25 06:47:33 (permalink)
    Columbia county,I hunt a couple of big old oak woods that have been very lightly timbered and have some old hickory trees in them. I'm about ready to make the hour drive now. I like hunting the big big fox squirrels,they don't run like Grey's and stand still for the shot.lol Believe it or not,there one of my favorites on the table. Love fried squirrel in gravy and Bisquick dumplings( soft biscuits). My wife thinks I'm crazy and my kids won't touch it.lol.Oh well more for me. Well it's time to roll. I'll report back,I'm hunting a new property today that I just got permission to hunt. Plenty of tall oaks are visible from the road but the long walk and some what wide stream has me concerned. My other woods I can drive on a tractor path to the woods and start hunting.
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    Re: 2016 season starts off last Sunday. 2016/09/25 08:02:31 (permalink)
    Way to go BT. Once archery season is over I'll be ready to hit the woods with the dog looking for some treerats. Made a few practice runs late this summer and she is ready to go. Should be a good year.
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    Re: 2016 season starts off last Sunday. 2016/09/25 08:49:39 (permalink)
    I've been watching 5 fox squirrels and close to a dozen greys while sitting in my stand in ohio. Had a momma with a yearling go through about 20 mins ago then a small buck right after. Nothing close enough for a shot though.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: 2016 season starts off last Sunday. 2016/09/25 16:43:52 (permalink)
    Ohio hunt was a bust today,after a long 700 yard walk across a mowed soybean field, I ran into a Dutch kid in a tree stand and backed out. I felt bad but  s--- happens. I drove into town,filled my van with cheap gas 1.89 a gallon and drove over to my deer woods. The farmer said there's a couple of dandys this year. I didn't enter the woods because nothing changes there since the 90's,plus my son is going to hunt this afternoon and more than likely may kill a buck. He's done it 2 out of the last 3 years on Sunday. I love to hunt but really enjoy hunting the rut. I've killed my last 4 bucks in Ohio from November 14- 24 th.  Oh well good luck guys. Crappie Slayer I almost went to pickup a fiest pup in central Pa.today but need to persuade my wife a little. She said my beagles enough dogs. Will see.lol The guys got some beautiful pups out of a squirrel dog champion. He only wants $250 for them. 
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    Re: 2016 season starts off last Sunday. 2016/09/25 17:06:07 (permalink)
    Six more days and I can dress up like a bush and go sit in a tree and shoot pointy sticks at stuff running in the woods.  In the mean time I'm gonna dress up like a bush and go shoot pointy sticks at rag filled bags, with pictures of stuff, running in the woods.
    I offered to let my wife drive my utility tractor pulling a wagon but when I told her the wagon would be loaded with a bag full of rags having pictures of stuff running in the woods, she wasn't very nice.
    I'm so excited....................
    good luck out there fellas and hunt safely.

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