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perch fishing
what happened to the perch does anybody have a clue
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/09 07:54:34
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/10 14:22:22
☄ Helpfulby LetMeBeFishing 2016/08/14 12:05:23
son went on e j sun. said 30 was onboard , he said not one perch was caught entire trip this from all aboard. said water was full of nets after docking he talked to a commercial fisherman who said he was getting gangs of them in nets , even asked him if he wanted job on board helping the other hands I remember I had my park model on bank in ripley and at late night you could see there lites, I even watched one time them unloading gill nets which I thought was not allowed anymore so looks like this is where the perch are.
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/10 20:41:13
☄ Helpfulby LetMeBeFishing 2016/08/14 12:08:57
This came from an old article I found on this site........ http://www.execulink.com/...m/GillNets/theway.html To-day, on any given day, as sports fishermen, we'll fish around many commercial nets - miles and miles of them. Some of these nets are bottom nets, gill nets thus set for perch, most often in anywhere from 30 feet of water, out to 65 feet of water, or more. As well, we'll often have to go around, or keep away from 'canned-up' nets, which are suspended at a 'given' depth and are primarily set for walleye. Many of these nets are easily a half mile long, and several set in a row; where one stops - the next starts, so that effectively, this gill net set-up may, and often is, several miles in length. We often troll along these nets and catch walleye and salmon and trout. Commercial fisher-folk are not supposed to catch salmon or trout, as these fish are not 'commercial fish'. If we sport fishers are catching decent harvests of salmon or trout, fishing not even one hundred yards from such nets, would it not be fair to assume that they (commercial nets) are catching salmon/trout too? The 'stock' governmental and commercial fisher's answer would be that these fish don't get caught in their nets, as trout/salmon like different temperatures/depths and so on.. But the fact remains that if we are fishing primarily for walleye, at the same depths as the nets are set, and taking excellent catches of trout and salmon, in addition to walleye, would it not be unfair, or unreasonable to assume that the gill nets, not 100 yards distant, are catching them too? Still wonder where the Perch are ? Steelhead too ?
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/08/10 20:42:54
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/10 21:26:30
☄ Helpfulby LetMeBeFishing 2016/08/14 12:08:51
Last year I watched a T.V. show that showed commercial fishing for Perch in Ohio,I could not believe how many Perch were harvested. Really, they were filling Dump Trucks with them. I don't think that the netters are allowed in Pa. waters, are they? sam
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/10 22:13:40
☄ Helpfulby LetMeBeFishing 2016/08/14 12:08:47
So that's whats going on ...news to me thought Canada was only commercial fishing bad enough. That's why we see less steel and perch ...greed nets for $$$ Money ruins everything... WCW
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/10 22:27:07
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/10 22:52:36
I don't think it makes a difference what state nets or Canada. As the fish migrate around feeding in schools the ones that do net just hammer them sooner or later ! Miles of nets !!!! And I have one rod out ! LOL..... Tons of Sport fishing dollars right into the nets ! That's what sucks !
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/08/10 22:57:14
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 00:50:58
"BTDT stick with Carini's it's guaranteed fish ! Might try it Friday myself......LOL " (Captin Hook)
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 07:57:13
mr.crappie Last year I watched a T.V. show that showed commercial fishing for Perch in Ohio,I could not believe how many Perch were harvested. Really, they were filling Dump Trucks with them. I don't think that the netters are allowed in Pa. waters, are they? sam
Actually there are numerous net systems set up in PA. Waters now....
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 08:30:53
☄ Helpfulby LetMeBeFishing 2016/08/14 12:10:41
CAPTAIN HOOK This came from an old article I found on this site........http://www.execulink.com/...m/GillNets/theway.html To-day, on any given day, as sports fishermen, we'll fish around many commercial nets - miles and miles of them. Some of these nets are bottom nets, gill nets thus set for perch, most often in anywhere from 30 feet of water, out to 65 feet of water, or more. As well, we'll often have to go around, or keep away from 'canned-up' nets, which are suspended at a 'given' depth and are primarily set for walleye. Many of these nets are easily a half mile long, and several set in a row; where one stops - the next starts, so that effectively, this gill net set-up may, and often is, several miles in length. We often troll along these nets and catch walleye and salmon and trout. Commercial fisher-folk are not supposed to catch salmon or trout, as these fish are not 'commercial fish'. If we sport fishers are catching decent harvests of salmon or trout, fishing not even one hundred yards from such nets, would it not be fair to assume that they (commercial nets) are catching salmon/trout too? The 'stock' governmental and commercial fisher's answer would be that these fish don't get caught in their nets, as trout/salmon like different temperatures/depths and so on.. But the fact remains that if we are fishing primarily for walleye, at the same depths as the nets are set, and taking excellent catches of trout and salmon, in addition to walleye, would it not be unfair, or unreasonable to assume that the gill nets, not 100 yards distant, are catching them too? Still wonder where the Perch are ? Steelhead too ?
I've run across a gill net on one occasion while diving, in about 40-45 FOW just west of the condos, it's unbelievable how many Perch were in that thing for seeing very few others throughout the dive. I also saw a few White Bass and Perch, a couple Drum, and even a Smallmouth. And I'm certain that the Walleye nets in deeper water are catching many suspended Steelhead, Salmon, and Lake Trout as well. It amazes me that PA still allows this kind of commercial fishing whose practices commonly make it seem like it should've ended years if not decades ago. THE GOVERNMENT IS KILLING OUR FISH!!! (Sorry, I had too haha)
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 09:40:50
It all makes sense now...WCW
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 10:53:02
This comes down to the commercial fishing industry being organized and contributing to politicians. Just like any other issue, if a politician is making a choice/vote that doesn't affect them personally, would they vote for one that contributes $$$ to have them re-elected and living their lavish lifestyle, or for the good of their average constituent? This same thing is going on in NC with the Pamlico Sound. Killing thousands of juvenile game fish to catch shrimp, and crushing what could be a World Class fishery. Something to consider when looking at what justices uphold laws like Citizens United. Corporations and lobbying groups funding politicians is not "Freedom of Speech". Until we learn this and fix this problem, the trickle down affect on issues like this will always occur.
Indiana Lou
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 18:33:17
Gentlemen, I thought that was the reason the "Erie fishing permit" (Lake and tribs.) was instituted to pay the commercial fishermen not to fish. If that's the case why are we still paying? Boy is that a rhetorical question! Lou
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 18:41:28
To buy 'em new nets & do away with the gill. That stamp went out yrs. ago.
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 19:04:31
☄ Helpfulby LetMeBeFishing 2016/08/14 12:18:25
I thought it was a complete buy out of the netters, when did they start allowing them to net again. it didn't work the first time they netted it won't work now !
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 19:27:46
bubbaman I thought it was a complete buy out of the netters, when did they start allowing them to net again. it didn't work the first time they netted it won't work now !
There were nets out last year and again this year.
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 20:02:41
Think it was 1995 or 96 when the L.E. Permit was first put in place, 3 bucks or somethin'. It was only supposed to last until enough funds were raised to buy the commercial fishers new nets to replace the gill nets that became unlawful. It surpassed the $$$ & then removed. CRAPPY
Indiana Lou
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 23:20:19
Guys am I missing something? I just opened the 2016 license book to page 4/5 and it indicates (code 151) Lake Erie Permit for $9.70. On page five it says," All anglers fishing the waters of Lake Erie and it's tributaries, blah, blah, blah. You can read the rest. It seems to me that constitutes some type of permit. No? This does not include the trout/salmon stamp that is required for another $9.70. Don't get me wrong I still feel the fishing license is probably the best money spent for entertainment. Fortunately I was able to purchase my lifetime license this year along with the trout/salmon for the next ten years. But I do feel for those that fork out the full amount. Lou
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/11 23:57:06
Yeah, The original permit was to get the new nets needed to help commercial fishers stay in business, a one time handout. They kept it a few yrs. longer than they said they would (LIED/STOLE) hence the large extra amount ov $$$$$ needed but then finally dropped it. Little later they came up with the new L.E permit that is in place today. hOPr tHis hElpZ
post edited by crappiefisher - 2016/08/12 08:55:10
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 14:14:11
I'm getting lost myself. Where does the Pa. Lake Erie permit money go now and for what cause ? I know there are trap nets and gill nets. Gill nets supposedly the worst because they trap all. I believe Canada uses both, not sure about Ohio , Pa., and N.Y. I read that Canada hits it's Lake Erie net quota limits every year! (no catch and release there !) I thought some of that Lake Erie permit money was used to pay netters so their limits were lowered to allow more fish stock (numbers ) for Sport Fishing ?
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 15:55:58
The (NEW) version is for new & improved fishing access for the lake & watershed. The Gill net payout (original L.E. permit) is long gone!!!!! crappy
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 16:29:51
I did not know they were netting out der in Lake. All the debates I read on here about steelhead numbers I think once Canada was mentioned about commercial fishing. That is the problem with numbers of steel and perch if it is not regulated right the nets will do serious damage. How about Lake Ontario is that commercially fished? WCW
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 16:44:25
heck i thought the permit was originally to pay the commercial fishermen their salary for so many years don't know how many when they stopped netting and put them out of business not sure now
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 17:06:25
That would be like having a garden let go to rot. The great lakes feed & wouldn't think any part ov the fish goes to waste unlike sport fishers. It's all good in my book & would be no brainier not to harvest to feed the world. Think the limits must be ok or they would put themselves out ov business in no time. crappy
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 17:31:32
Limits are fine but as you see Sport fishing is taking a major hit in my book. Lots of articles about net boats exceeding their net limits and boats fishing out of boundaries ! Can't see how that helps. Plus those are the ones that get caught cheating, how about the ones that don't ! Sounds like we'll have nice new improved docks and access areas......just no fish ! $$$$$$$
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 17:47:01
They got rid ov the gill nets 20 yrs. ago in Pa. so would think they did a good thing to improve the fishing from the past. It's called fishin' & the guys I know that fish Erie catch fish like nowhere else in Pa. crappy
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 18:58:11
Just read an interesting reply on another post from the new captain of the EJ. Purely speculation, but he mentioned crazy currents and bait fish everywhere within the perch grounds as possible reasons for the lousy season.
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 20:42:05
Ugh yeah its the currents...nothing against EJ(actually enjoyed the 1 trip I took and would like to go out again soon if reports get better) but hes jus trying to hide the truth like PFBC. I am NOT a LAKE GUY got no clue what goes on out there I admit it... We are paying for PFBC to stock for the Commercial fishermen... I will STILL be fishing tribs for whatever steel is there...but when a newbie asks me WHERE ARE THE FISH I will say IN DA NEYTS! Said it b4 but...IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW WCW
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Re: perch fishing
2016/08/14 20:46:14
"Think the limits must be ok or they would put themselves out ov business in no time.-Crappy" Or there would be no fish for anglers in Criks and no large groups of perch to catch...sure there will be SUM fish 2 catch but ...WCW