Re: Fishing Wilhelm 2016
2016/07/04 01:00:04
Slabfinder I was really concentrating on plotting the the deeper channel from the causeway up to the electric motor area. My next adventure to Wilhelm, I hope to follow that course and record the area then review the recording on my laptop, making note of structure and other fish holding habitat. Only wish I had seen that stupid rope before I snagged it and lost my favorite lure, which was a Flicker Shad.
Actually, I should have made the recording today but, curiosity got the best of me so I had to toss out, a Hot-N-Tot and my [sniff] Flicker Shad. Also, wished I would have marked the weigh point where I got hung up, then I could take a dredge hook and rip that lure stealing @#$%* rope out by it's roots.
Ummm, just having a moment please excuse the rant. Anyway, I've fished that section of the lake since the early seventies, first using maps then sonar when it came out, so I feel that the area is ideal with helping me to learn the use of all the features incorporated in my new sonar/GPS unit.
A couple of Walleye would have added to such a lovely afternoon and even a Large-mouth or two but noooooo, some stupid rope just had to ruin everything.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.