Planer Masts and Boards

621 Ranger
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2016/01/19 11:04:05 (permalink)

Planer Masts and Boards

Have been doing a lot of research lately (internet/old threads) on planer masts and boards that I can run off my Ranger.  I want the flexibility of running my mast out of the front pedestal mount instead of mounting the mast to the boat.  I have narrowed my options down to Big Jon and Riviera Trolling masts.  Any else using these masts with the front pedestal mount?  Any suggestions between the two masts?
Other than making homemade boards, I have been looking at the Aurora Lites for boards.  Reviews seem to be great but I don’t think I need that much of a board.  What other boards does everyone have success with on Erie pulling 3 lines of divers/LC per side? 

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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/19 12:00:04 (permalink)
    I like Amish outfitters redwood
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/19 12:12:32 (permalink)
    Looking at the aurora lites, that's about how much board you need if you're running 3 dipsey divers off of 1 board. That's alot of pull! I have home made jobbers from my dad though. They work well.
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/19 13:35:43 (permalink)
    I have a riviera mast permanently mounted on my 196. The thing I like about the riviera is that they collapse down, it goes from 3.5 - 7' so when running I can lower it.  
    On the rare occasion I run big boards I have a set of homemade pine boards that are old, they soak up water and pull pretty hard. I can run 3 tru trip 40's or 3 leadcores no problem.
    The amish outfitters or aurora lites are the way to go, but they pull pretty hard.   I'd imagine that would be a lot of torque on your pedestal base. Cisco makes collars for helping support a mast.  I'd look into this if you run those hard pulling boards - maybe run a line to a front cleat on each side for extra support:
    I've heard good things about the Pauls Planer boards, but don't have 1st hand experience using them.
    Or option B is forget about big boards and run inlines. 
    621 Ranger
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/19 17:42:06 (permalink)
    Wouldn't running LC or dipseys off inline boards create a lot of drag to the board?  Still keep the lines spread?
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/19 19:58:29 (permalink)
    How much lead core? Or what size dipsy? Depending on how hard something pulls you just need the right inline for the job. I run the church tx22 or a church walleye board for pulling 6-colors plus a deep diver or a tru trip 40 and it does the job. My offshore boards get used for inline weights or unweighted cranks, they will struggle with the hard pulling stuff.
    621 Ranger
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/19 20:28:19 (permalink)
    I would typically run 5-7 colors LC or a size 1 dipsey.  Sounds like the Church TX22 should be able to pull that.  Do you use the double action flag systems with yours or to much pull for those?  Ever have any problems with the clips coming lose?
    I have Offshore boards now and they struggle to pull either without lagging behind.
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/19 20:40:19 (permalink)
    A size 1 dipsys pull pretty hard, there is a video on YouTube of one being pulled behind a tx-44. I think even big boards would struggle with them. With the #1 dipsys there is really no need to put them on a planer board. Since they pull out to the side. Some guys run 4 per side when the fish go deep with no planers and do very well. 0, 1, 2.5, 3.5 settings.

    if you want a diver for boards try the tru trips, it's a jet but with a release on it, plus they dive quickly. The size 40 hits 42' with only 125' of line out. I pull these behind tx-22 for lakers in the spring and sometimes for walleye. I have the flags on mine but never hook them up to the line. Also the line doesn't pop out of those clips often, I wish they did so the board could slide on the line easier with a trout.
    post edited by freshwaterdrumR - 2016/01/19 20:51:26
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/20 15:11:11 (permalink)
    +1 on what freshwaterdrummr says.

    If you do the revieria mast stay away from the "automatic spools" do a manual hand crank retrieve or electric. I put the big john electrics on the revieria mast. Good combo.

    In the summer i run alot off dipsys right off ths side of the boat and 1 or 2 lc (4 or 6) colors off the church walleye boards. Totally doable and its a great program.

    No need at all to run dipsys off planer boards. Dipsys are a directional diver... jet divers yes off boards.

    I got away from big boards and just run offshore boards for cranks and harnesses for fish above 35'. Once they get below that divers at that depth pull too hard. Its dipsy time for me and a few board rods with the harder pulling church walleye boards with a few lc and cranks. I stack the dipsys and just throw out a few board rods to enhance the spread.

    Big boards can be a pain. Learning how to be versatile with inline boards will maximum your fishing, breaking down and running times..
    post edited by eyedreamn - 2016/01/20 15:14:47
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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/25 16:01:58 (permalink)
    621 Ranger,  Both the Big Jon and the Riviera are sound choices based on the premise of your post.
    I will say that I've had outstanding factory support from big jon's.  Haven't tried the other, so I can't say good or bad about them.
    Good luck!

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    Re: Planer Masts and Boards 2016/01/27 08:34:57 (permalink)
    I run a big board program from my smaller boat.  I have a Stratos 386XF (19Ft) boat.
    I also use the 7 Ft Riveria retractable mast, with the pedistool mounted base.  I run the Amish Outiftters Azek (white composite) boards.
    Speaking from experience, this set-up pulls extremely hard.  It is especially noticeable in my smaller boat.  Though once both boards are deployed and locked in, the boat is relatively stable.
    I've run up to (4) weighted lines a side, and have run up to (3) 50 Jets a side-And never noticed any significant lag in the running line.
    If you do go this route, I would recommend the heavy duty board snubbers as well.  It prob wouldn't be a bad idea as drummer suggested too-that you would want to reinforce your mast.
    This  set-up does put a ton of stress on the mast and base.  
    Hope that helps.
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