Trolling motor battery

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2015/06/16 11:29:20 (permalink)

Trolling motor battery

I have a lil 12 ft alum boat with Ol'Minn Kota.
Looking to get it out on Edinboro and Woodcock Lakes.
Everything was inherited so I do not mind spending on battery which is the best battery Optima or are they just the most expensive.Please excuse me for posting such a silly question I do not know boats and you guys do...
Thank you

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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/16 11:52:27 (permalink)
    I have had decent luck with Wal Mart brand deep cycle batteries.  
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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/16 17:19:17 (permalink)
    I also use the Walmart ones and so far so good.  I got them because I hoped if I did have a problem with one under warranty there would be another Walmart store near where ever I happened to be.  I've never had a problem to date so I have no idea if that is good reasoning or not?
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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/16 17:27:01 (permalink)
    About any will do. Just make sure u get a good charger. You should try wilhelm back in the stumps ;)
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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/16 17:43:30 (permalink)
    The only silly question is the one you don't ask........

    Used the Sears Diehard and Walmarts Brand and would recommend either.

    For trolling go for the 27M or 29M or higher. Stay away from the 24M cranking batteries.

    Depending on the age and model of the MinnKota a 27M should last no less then 2 to 3 hrs. min. using med. to high speed settings. The batteries will last longer with the newer motors.

    Check M/Ks web sight, you should find a 'power chart' giving you an idea of battery life for your motor model.

    Make sure to fully recharge the battery ASAP everytime. Caution using chargers greater then 10 amps. Marine Batteries are designed to discharge at a slow rate over long periods and should be recharged the same way.

    Personaly I would recommend staying away from gel filed maintenance free marine batteries.

    Keep a lead acid battery filled using distilled water and it should last for years.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/06/16 17:46:38

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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/16 17:53:47 (permalink)
    I use Walmart and never had a problem but I still use a minn kota maximizer with overload protection and battery meter.. What I like is putting your mother on 5 then failing the exact speed you what to troll, I could be wrong but my battery charge seems to last a little longer.
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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/16 21:35:24 (permalink)
    Jigs your battery will last longer as you have one of the 'newer models'. I'm not sure what year the "Maximizer" was introduced but, it certainly makes a difference.

    Of course, the slower speed settings will make a difference with battery life when using the older models without the "Maximizer".

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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/17 00:43:55 (permalink)
    Yeah talked to a friend about this today he said walmart too.
    I appreciate all the comments and tips and still listening if anyone else has anything to add.
    I figured older motor would drain more I have 2 will check out MK site for info hopefully pick out a nice new one next year.Wilhelm is on my long term list also would like to hit Geneva swamp next spring that place looks interesting anybody wants to give me info on Woodcock pm me happy to catch anything but never caught a muskie b4.This boat is where I learned to fish as a kid with grandfather nothing of any value(1960 Seamaid) but looking forward to catching some fish out of it.
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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/17 09:56:47 (permalink)
    I use Interstate batteries and get a few years out of them.  I remember having trouble with a Walmart battery but I think it was a car battery.  Maybe I should try a Walmart battery next time I need one.

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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/17 11:01:55 (permalink)
    Yeah.......... forgot about Interstate so I did.
    The biggest mistake made with purchasing a Marine/Deep Cycle/RV battery is with the the group size 24M/27M/29M etc.  Of course the higher the rating the higher the cost and many people will opt for the less costly which is a no-no-no because you most likely will be buying a cranking/marine battery that won't last nearly as long as the battery that cost ten dollars more, when it comes to your trolling motor(s).  Like wise, why overspend buying too 'big' of a battery if a cranking battery for starting a motor and maybe running the pump for your livewell (which should be on a timer) is all that is needed.   Oh..... for the navigation lights also.... silly me.
    I'm noooo expert soooooo, once again I researched my "Encyclopedia Britannicas"(1950s edition) and found the following info for those truly interested with learning about deep cycle batteries or, those just needing some reading material for a trip to the throne.

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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/30 21:28:49 (permalink)
    The charger is everything buy the best you can afford...automatic...and like someone else said charge as soon as possible...I've bought every brand and the freshest was always best...freshest used to be sears die hard before opening day of trout season ...geez im getting old the biggest one that will fit or that you can carry without whining and recharge with a charger that costs more than the battery...yep pricey hobby

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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/30 21:32:40 (permalink)
    Sorry btdt you pretty much said the same thing just read too fast sometimes

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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/06/30 22:34:02 (permalink)
    Great minds think alike......(lol)

    Meatball, you been catching any fish?

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    Re: Trolling motor battery 2015/07/21 09:15:22 (permalink)
    Bought  the largest 1 wally world had used it 5 times no problems.
    Thanks for the input everyone.
    Also landed my 1st 4 muskies 24 to 32 in still trying for the big one.
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