How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been?

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2015/06/11 18:40:13 (permalink)

How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been?

I haven't seen many recent reports for Walleye or Lake Trout in the past few weeks so how's everyone been doing on them? Is anyone even picking up good numbers of Eyes yet or is anyone still boating Lakers? If so where are you guys finding numbers and what method(s) are you catching them on now (FOW, lure depth, type of lure, etc). We're going up this weekend and I have the itch to troll for some lunker fish rather than anchor for perch that barely fight.

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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/12 20:51:00 (permalink)
    lol, you must be new here.  can't believe you haven't taken a verbal beating yet just for asking these questions. 
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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/12 21:55:54 (permalink)
    lol, you must be new here.  can't believe you haven't taken a verbal beating yet just for asking these questions. 

    Yeah, I just joined a few weeks ago. Don't know why it's such a secret lol. I'm a catch and release guy so it's not like I'll be stealing anyones' fish. If somebody is willing to share but doesn't want to post they can PM me, we've only been trolling one weekend so far so we don't have much to go on yet.
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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/13 07:46:06 (permalink)
    Havent been out yet DM. The lake is still rebounding some from a thermal inversion. As soon as I get out there I'll be more than happy to share info.
    monkey puke
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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/13 09:28:34 (permalink)
    I fish lake erie for eyes, perch and lakers. I also fish lake ontario for salmon, steelhead and brown trout. I am a member of fisherie and lakeontariounited. On lakeontariounited, people post what they caught and the methods/colors they used. They folks up there answered any questions ive ever asked and really helped me get better at catching! If you ask questions like you did, most people are very forthcoming with info. I don't know why everyone one here is so tight-lipped. It's a big lake with plenty of room so there is no need to hide anything.... not like it's a native brook trout stream or something.
    that being said, I fished out of dunkirk, ny last week and targeted mostly bass though we did fish a little for perch and eyes. The perch were 55 -60ish feet and the eyes were from 58 to past 60. The walleye were in the top 25 feet of water so small dipseys up high and in line planer boards with stick baits were working well. Hopefully this would be a good starting point for you.
    monkey puke
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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/13 09:31:21 (permalink)
    There used to be nearly as many walleye reports on here as perch reports but they've all disappeared for some reason. Hopefully they come back. The bait shops are always very helpful with starting points. Stop in and pick up a couple lures and bait and they'll get you pointed in the right direction. They want you to catch fish.
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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/13 10:01:58 (permalink)
    I did pretty decent Tuesday nite 10-20 fow on DHJ 12's. Between trout and walnut.
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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/13 11:51:26 (permalink)
    lol, you must be new here.  can't believe you haven't taken a verbal beating yet just for asking these questions. 

    Nahh, it aint steelhead season.

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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/06/14 17:48:09 (permalink)
    Lol you gotta put in time And not just ask for a handout each week. Fishing is spotty right now. A lot of boats are getting 0-3 fish. Some of the more seasoned guys are pulling teens to twenty some fish but that's rare.
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    Re: How's the 'Eye and Laker bite been? 2015/07/09 18:14:43 (permalink)
    Been doing decent last few weekends. Pulled a nice 12 pound eye out trolling off the point, some nice Drum towards Walnut, and a nice 7 pound Steelhead at the mountain. Plan as of now for this weekend is either troll for Walleye and hopefully a few Steelhead off Walnut or Steelhead and hopefully a few Lakers at the mountain. Oddly enough at the mountain last weekend we caught nothing in 100-130 FOW but a white bass but shortly after moving to 80 FOW picked up that Steelhead at 40 feet. Anyone catching Lakers as of lately (no matter how close you are to the border) or have they all gone to Canada for the summer? Haha.
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