register every gun

Walleye jigs
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2015/03/10 10:35:53 (permalink)

register every gun

I'm sitting here watching PCNC news talking about having to register every gun you own. What's your opinion? Last time this came up I was against it and still am. I feel the government or anyone else has the right to know what I own. I understand the need to control who can carry what and where to extent but not what you own. When this first came up I stated that if it passed I would never buy another new gun and they would have to prove to me what I own.

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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/10 11:12:01 (permalink)
    What you register you will eventually lose if the democrats ever control both houses and the White House or they are able to put another liberal on the Supreme court. Do you think the real criminals will ever comply? Can you name one country where they did?
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/10 14:09:00 (permalink)
    Morning Local newspaper "Major survey shows gun ownership declining".........................Dateline: 03/10/2015
    According to the survey 32% of Americans either own or live with someone who does (?) own a gun.  Survey says that's a significant decline since the late 70s and early 80s when half (?) Americans told researchers there was a gun in the household.
    "The decline in gun ownership is paralleled by a reduction in the number of Americans who hunt" according to the survey.
    The 'General Social Survey' is conducted by NORC a independent search organization based at the University of Chicago with money from the National Science Foundation.
    I'm thinkin' there's a much better reason why the percentage of guns owned (reported) has dropped.  Also, does a person count as a 'gun owner' if they live with someone that has a gun and, what number is "half" the Americas (or living with) owning guns in the 80s?
    Anyway, I conducted a survey under DTWBOBTWB (Dazzle Them With Brilliance or, Baffle Them With BullChyt) and the results were 100% of the 1 people surveyed think surveys are bogus.
    Just my opinion..........  thanks for asking.

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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/10 17:50:45 (permalink)
    In the sixties, if I got a call out of the blue from a unknown person saying they were conducting a survey and asking me if I owned a gun I probably would answer truthfully as I had no fear of big brother. In todays liberal anti gun climate, don't bother asking.
    When my wife went to her first appointment with her new doctor one of the things she was asked was if there were any guns in our house. Hell, my VA doctor asked me the same thing since Obama was president.
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/12 08:31:13 (permalink)
    On my 1980 cenus form, there was a list of "optional" questions to answer. One question was...How many guns do you own? and another many shells do you have for each weapon?....I answered...I have 1 gun and 5 million bullets. I have probably been on their "list" since then....WF....That was 35 years ago..none of their dang business 
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 12:26:48 (permalink)
    Take a look at our largely RURAL population a hundred years ago to the largely URBAN society dominating the Anti movement today.
    IMHO in another hundred years our way of life will be a distant memory.
    We seem to be in the early to mid stages of that unfortunate transformation.
    The Deer trapping and eradication is a mere example as is the president wanting to ban certain ammo---examples abound.
    Unfortunate but sadly obvious-we are slowly, bit by bit,  going the way of  dinosaurs.
    Enjoy the LIFE now cause your great grandkids may never know its joy.
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 12:56:37 (permalink)
    r3g3 the average life span of a civilization(with few exceptions) is 250 years.  Your perception is very real.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 13:10:15 (permalink)
    Dont necessarily mean the end of our Country but the end of a sportsmans way of life-perhaps fishing will last but sport hunting and all its trappings like gun ownership, trapping and likely bow hunting will end - sadly.
     Some folks in far out inhospitable places will illegally continue but they will be a distinct minority who is looked down upon  causing them to be the new INDIANS- sneaking around quietly trying to preserve their heritage.
    post edited by r3g3 - 2015/03/20 13:12:02
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 13:31:20 (permalink)
    I have to completely agree with your post! I'm sitting 1000 yds from where I was born.As kids we lived in the creek and woods, hunting,trapping and camping.We all carried knifes, bb guns and 22s.Fought 100s of Indians, defended ourselves from grizzly attacks and even fought among ourselves. Never even considered aiming a gun at another person.Only gun control we had was responsible parents who taught us right from wrong and other than that it was no ones business what guns we owned and in my mind its still that way. Electric goes off around now days half this town panics cause its dark.
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 17:12:37 (permalink)
    Yep- as I have posted in the past- A Warden cousin got sent to an Urbies house late one night. Seems the " new millenials" had just moved from the city and wanted him to stop the peepers from peeping so they could get some sleep.
    They haven't a real clue about our lifestyle but will readily vote and lobby to eradicate it.
     Kinda recall a news story bout a Mountain lion killing a woman in California- They hunted and killed the man killer then they got more money donated for the cats kits than for the womans family.
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 18:31:39 (permalink)
    All I want for Christmas before my time is up is to wake up in a world where the majority rules and there are no special interest minoritie to ruin it for everyone else
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 18:57:40 (permalink)
    Part of it is the evolution of a society and part of it is our fault.  I've always thought in another 3 or 4 generations our "way" would end up being the highway, it's inevitable.  That would put us right about the 100 years r3g3 stated above.  But we're going to hasten that demise because not even responsible gun owners got behind some sort of laws banning the kind of weapons that took out 6 and 7 year olds at Newtown.  Yeah, blame the shooter and not the gun all you want, the majority of our society doesn't see it that way, especially when it comes to killing babies.  And if you think just because they've been quiet lately and that nothing is in the works to undermine gun ownership, you're out of your minds.  I used to think the 2nd amendment was unbroachable, not so much anymore.  When the NRA goes under they won't have anyone to blame but themselves.
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/20 20:34:03 (permalink)
    So you are willing to give up a type of firearm just because some nut used it to kill kids. Hang the gun and free the killer. Most types of firearms have been used to kill kids at one point or another in our history.  Knives have been used to kill kids. Hands, fists, and feet have been used to kill kids. The greatest mass murder in numbers of school children in our nations history did not even involve a gun. 
    The only thing protecting our right to own any firearm is the Second Amendment and the folks willing to fight to protect it. 
    The only thing outlawing a type of gun does is make it more expensive for those that want to get one. Just look at recent events overseas in the countries that don't allow their citizens to own them. They get mowed down like frightened sheep by the folks that ignored their laws. No Thanks!!
    BTW----The NRA still has a more favorable rating than the president who is trying to take our guns so most folks see through his rhetoric.
    post edited by S-10 - 2015/03/20 20:43:24
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    Re: register every gun 2015/03/23 12:34:30 (permalink)
    Part of it is the evolution of a society and part of it is our fault.  I've always thought in another 3 or 4 generations our "way" would end up being the highway, it's inevitable.  That would put us right about the 100 years r3g3 stated above.  But we're going to hasten that demise because not even responsible gun owners got behind some sort of laws banning the kind of weapons that took out 6 and 7 year olds at Newtown.  Yeah, blame the shooter and not the gun all you want, the majority of our society doesn't see it that way, especially when it comes to killing babies.  And if you think just because they've been quiet lately and that nothing is in the works to undermine gun ownership, you're out of your minds.  I used to think the 2nd amendment was unbroachable, not so much anymore.  When the NRA goes under they won't have anyone to blame but themselves.

    Dude, please move to NYC.  Your line of thinking is welcomed with open arms there.  My god...
    So you don't think Adam Lanza could have done exactly the same amount of damage with a pump shotgun loaded with buckshot?  
    There was NO ONE there to stop him.  From the time he started shooting to the time police actually entered the bldg., almost 10 minutes had elapsed.
    PS - The NRA is only getting stronger, as it should.....
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