Electric Augers

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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/01 23:26:55 (permalink)
 When I use to get lazy took the Stihl with no bar oil. Have a like new 28 volt Milwaukee drill/hammer with 2 batteries & charger for $150 for the drill guys. $400 at Home Depot. 
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/02 08:59:37 (permalink)
Not a bad price for that drill Crappie but, mentioning the Stihl just gave me a project, to use my mig welder.
I'm gonna weld the rear sprocket from a bicycle to the shaft of the auger, replace the cutting chain on the saw with a bicycle chain and, attach the saw.  Genius! 
Okkkkkk......  Ok......!  So I'm getting delusional from cabin fever, for crying out loud!!!!!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/03/02 09:03:27

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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/02 09:02:22 (permalink)
BE honest..... how many of yinz thought I was going to use the Mig welder to melt holes in the ice?  And you agreed when I said I was delusional???? (LOL)
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/03/02 09:05:24

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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/03 13:35:35 (permalink)
Hard to find right now. Most shops are sold out for the season. Some 6" models floating around.  Amazon had a couple 8" models for $600. 
Big Tuna
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/04 13:07:27 (permalink)
I almost went the electric route, but went with a Jiffy Pro 4 propane and love it. Soon or later you'll need a battery replacement. 150.00 bucks. On my 4 th tank of propane this year and fish 2-3 days a week,and cut 30 holes or more a day.
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/04 15:10:39 (permalink)
I might buy a propane now...
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/04 16:23:38 (permalink)
propane is 350 to 4 bucks now next year maybe 5 a tank. at 4 to 6 per year it wont take too long to get equal with the battery replacement cost friend have had same battery for 3 years now and they cut many many holes. A propane augar weighs in at 32 lbs and an ion at 22. to each his own I love mine and also cut a lot of holes and also fish 3 to 4 days a week. once u get one u wont want to go back.
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/04 17:12:00 (permalink)
There are a lot of complaints on the propane augers. . Ugh
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/05 07:55:30 (permalink)
I've used a makita 18v li ion impact driver just about every day for the last 6yrs+ and the batteries are still going strong. Old ni cad batteries never seemed to make it 3 yrs before they didn't hold much of a charge. I'd go electric if I was you. But I'm a bit biased as I hate carbeurators and small engines in general.
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/05 08:07:20 (permalink)
I emailed strikemaster to see if there is an update on the recall hopefully get a response soon
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/05 09:14:12 (permalink)
Big Tuna
I almost went the electric route, but went with a Jiffy Pro 4 propane and love it. Soon or later you'll need a battery replacement. 150.00 bucks. On my 4 th tank of propane this year and fish 2-3 days a week,and cut 30 holes or more a day.

Tuna have you ever experienced problems with the propane when the Temps. are nasty and in or, below the single digits.  I'm wondering if the gas output from the bottle is sufficient at full throttle?  I know you can warm the bottle up etc to offset any problem of this nature, I'm just curious! 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Big Tuna
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/07 20:37:57 (permalink)
No problems,starting it EVER First or second pull running,never stalls,powerful,eats through ice just started my 5th 1lb tank propane today.  I seriously cut over 500 ! 600 holes this year,cut 40 today. Fished yesterday on the record cold morning and the throttle cable would not let off and idle,I moved the throttle lever with my finger back and forth,still stuck,so I cut a cut holes on full throttle and it broke free. I sprayed with silicone lube and had no issues today. Mine is generation 2 there up to 4's now. I'm 62 and wish they made this year's ago. Cons the weight 38 lbs
Pros powerful,cuts a hole in 5 seconds no gas mix to stink up things,quite.  I'll put it up against any electric out there. As for the price of propane up against a replacement battery at 160.00 now,5x 3.00 = 15.00 buck for the year.  I'm almost positive the cost of the battery will go up. My buddies refills his own for under a buck a tank. So how many years do the electrics batteries last? When I'm fishing I don't want to cut 10,15, holes and run out of juice. I carry 2 extra tanks and cut all the holes I want for my son and I or all my buddies,which is growing with the thick ice the last two seasons.lol I'm not a sales rep and am fussy about my toys that cost 5 bills but this one's a keeper.3 seasons 1500 or more holes great,product.
Big Tuna
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/07 21:08:38 (permalink)
A little common sense and matinance on the anger. Read the manual,call Jiffy rep ask questions,don't let let your buddies use it unless they no how to use it and gently lay it on the ice or back in my sled. The rep tipped me off on using synthetic Mobil 1 oil instead off Jiffy's high priced 6 ounce bottle. Read the reviews on about it.
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/07 22:09:16 (permalink)
Appreciate the info Tuna, I'm looking at different avenues including the conversion kits for using electric drills.  Will be doing some hard shopping in the coming months.  Do like the idea of not messing with mixed gas etc.  As for batteries and the cost of OEM replacement, definitely pricey but, a little solder and some tabs can go a long way building your own power paks.  My problem is I have too much time on my hands which usually gets me in trouble.  But, what the heck I have fun(lol).  That having been said, I do carry a propane lantern and heater so another propane device is certainly a option.  Did some reading on the 'fill your own propane bottles' but, I'm shying away from that for now.   Thanks again for your input.  BTDT 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/08 04:59:49 (permalink)
Amazon has a few 8" Ion electric augers in stock. $505 plus tax. About $30 bucks more.
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/08 09:00:37 (permalink)
Amazon has a few 8" Ion electric augers in stock. $505 plus tax. About $30 bucks more.

Thank you..............

I gotta drop back 10 and punt.......

Just bought some other toys. Valentines Day and Easter are used up so, I gotta make the better half think the ice auger is her Mothers Day gift.(lol).

Telling yinz it works...............

'cept............ I don't think I'm gonna look real good wearing the ring, necklace and, bracelet she got for me.

Pretty diamonds though.........

Thanks again, I'll check it out.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/11 07:40:36 (permalink)
BTDT and Eman,i got the mil. m-18, drill kit with 2 4ah batts., charger, ,n,case for 3 hunnert, the clam plate for 60, ,n, a new 6" mora for 60 last fall. unit weighs 14 lb. don,t know how many holes in 15" ice since i,ve never run 1st batt. out of juice with 20 some holes. on pymy. plus i have a drill to work on boat ,n, stuff all summer. something to think about. wire
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/11 07:57:19 (permalink)
I'm a certified Milwaukee dealer too I get all tools cheap
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Re: Electric Augers 2015/03/11 09:15:17 (permalink)
WireNut would you be so kind as to let me know what the amp/hr is on your batteries.  I'm thinkin' of checking yard sales and flea markets for a good buy on a 18 volt drill. 
Not that I'm cheap ( I like toying with stuff that catches fire or, better yet, explodes when something goes wrong (except propane) )) I can buy three six volt batteries ( made for game feeders) and make a 18 volt battery pak.  Amp/Hrs will most likely be the draw back. 
The Clam conversion kit is pretty nifty and after hearing how Dakota made his adaptor, I'm thinkin' this will be a project that will keep me away from my 'puter' and off  the forum(s).
Anybody wanna make a donation to my cause? (LMAO)
Get that trolling motor mounted yet............?  Springs A Comin'
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/03/11 09:25:25

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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