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2014/11/27 19:21:06 (permalink)


I headed out this morning to fill my fall tag.
As I was sitting down before first light the birds went into a long conversation.
They talked for over 20 minutes. I joined in but very little.
Once the final bird did the fly down cackle that was it.........SILENCE,,,,,,,
Waited an hour walked over to the area........ALL gone?????
Took a break then headed out at lunch time.
I took a LONG stroll way out the gas lines. 
I got one to putt, but could not close the deal.
I saw SEVERAL active scrapes though........Bring on buck season....

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    Re: THANKGSGIVING 2014/11/27 21:29:46 (permalink)
    Me too BW..... looking forward to sitting in a tree Monday morning listening to the country around me, wake up. Won't be the same as Archery I'm afraid, a lot of tree stands springing up this year, looks like I'm gonna have a lot of company.

    Weather dude says no snow for the first week and maybe the second week too. :-\

    Snowing now at my house and looks to be a couple inches so far but, it will be gone by Sunday.

    Wondering if you ever tried to simulate a 'fly down' using a bird wing and a diaphragm call? Pros seem to swear it works to turn the birds in your direction.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one; good luck Monday, have a safe hunt.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: THANKGSGIVING 2014/11/28 19:20:32 (permalink)
    Can't find a bird to save my self.  I think they went down over the mountain to get away from the snow.  Is almost up to my  knees here in the Somerset County mountains.  Probably see birds in buck season though.

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    Re: THANKGSGIVING 2014/11/28 21:50:20 (permalink)
    BTDT---- Yes I have, the fly down thing. If your wearing a ball cap it works pretty **** close.
    I always lay a nice tree branch by my side . One with a couple branches and mock the feeding scratch sound.
    My turkey success is far better than my deer. Like 21 to 4........
    Just not this fall........
    Spotted on the way home tonight 2 fields ,the ones I hit 4 nights a week.
    Those fields have been empty for past 2 weeks.
    Tonight field one has 6 deer--- one nice 8 point.
    Field two had 8 doe.
    SEVERAL bedded done??? at 8pm
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    Re: THANKGSGIVING 2014/11/28 22:36:53 (permalink)
    One of my first times out for turkey was with a friend. I was pretty green (still am) and Brian wanted to call in a bird for me. Unknown to me he had wings in his back pack. We had put the birds to bed the night before so we knew where we needed to be the next morning. At dawns first light we heard the birds begin to talk and talk and talk and it seemed like they were never coming down. I didn't see Brian pull the wings from his back pack but, I sure as heck heard them and the fly down cackle too. Jeez oh man I'm sitting in the woods at sun rise with this guy and he has a loaded gun, pretending, to be a turkey! No bird that day, I think I scared them away when I busted out laughing. Heck I thought he was screwing with me until he gave me a couple of hunting videos to watch, and then I had to promise never to laugh again, before he would take me back out.

    Sure have some great memories of hunting turkeys. Haven't been out for nearly 15 years but, looking forward to next spring.

    Not seeing or getting pictures of any deer at all. Farm fields around me have been cleared of corn and beans. Might sneak out tomorrow night with the spot light for a last minute look.

    Set a new ladder stand today in a area so thick I might need a bazooka to get a deer in firearms. Got my fingers crossed the area shows some hope for late archery season then I'll cut some shooting lanes.

    Best of luck if your headed out next week.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2014/11/28 22:39:08

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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