Finally a shooter buck =

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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 13:20:15 (permalink)
Dr. Trout
Have you looked at Pittsburgh papers .... they hardly ever had photos of big bucks taken in that area, let alone the trophies that area is producing now...

Would imagine there are a few reasons for that, more observational/anecdotal than hard science:
1.  I grew up in Irwin in Westmoreland County, 25 miles east of Pittsburgh. I started hunting in '87.  Most of the guys we knew that hunted from our area and the Pittsburgh suburbs went "up camp" to hunt for deer.  Throughout archery season, for the few that hunted archery, and especially in gun season often for at least a week, and sometimes the entire gun season, including the 3 day doe season.  For some that was the Somerset/Bedford area.  For others, it was north into the ANF area.  And a handful of my friends hunted the Clearfield area.  My dad and I were laughed at because we often hunted deer within 10 minutes of home.  
That's changed a lot.  I now live just south of Butler, and I know very, very few people that travel far hunt deer.  I can be in Allegheny County in about 12 minutes.  Off the top of my head, can't think of a single person I know that bow hunts more than a 20-30 minute drive from home.  There are a few who still go "up camp" for the first day of gun season, far more for tradition's sake than for good hunting.  Hunting pressure in the counties surrounding Allegheny is probably way up from what it was during "the good old days."
2.  When the PGC relaxed safety zones for archery hunters to 50 yards, it opened up a lot more opportunities for hunters in Allegheny County to go after the big bucks that have ALWAYS been there.  Have a buddy with a wall full of P&Y bucks that he's killed in the past 10 years in the northern suburbs, where he hunts in 1 or 2 acre wood lots between housing plans.  
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 13:23:13 (permalink)
I do look at the numbers, I also know the same agency that is  giving us the numbers today is the one that gave us the numbers 13 years ago. 
It is also the same agency that has studies showing the way they calculate the archery and muzzle harvest inflates the harvest but still uses it.
It is also the same agency that has changed they way they calculate the deer numbers THREE times since AR/HR.
It is also the same agency that does not recognize a  reduction in deer numbers as a decrease in their WMU deer herd calculations unless it exceeds 25%.
It is also the same agency that 13 years after telling us they had studies showing DEER were the cause of lack of regeneration now are doing a 5 year study to determine the lack of regeneration.
It is also the same agency that uses data from 1985 to try to show us the percent deer kill hasn't changed.
It is also the agency that uses 700,000 hunters when determining kill percentages but 881,000 when calculating impact of Sunday Hunting.
Whose data do you  want to use. 
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 13:42:54 (permalink)
you said a friend has a wall of P&Y Bucks in the past 10 years....
Please tell S-10 how many of them he took the time to record in any record book... he loves throwing up "the record book" as some type of indication of the number of TROPHY bucks getting kill in Pa since ARs....
I've tried to tell him most hunters do not care about books...
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 13:52:29 (permalink)
who cares about figures an agency puts out..
let's talk hunters .... and look at what is getting harvested today....
On average ....  BIGGER BUCKS ...plain and simple
now that we have an internet I let that do some of the talking for me... and the memories, photos and experiences from the 60s to 90s... 
the AVERAGE buck getting killed today is bigger than in the past....
and I personally base that on ONE FACT .... 
they are older and much more "sneaky wise" (as a friend tells it)LOL
I also hear most guys complaining about it appears to them that today's bucks are more nocturnal that he remembers from the" good old days".
One guy wishes for some time during the "rut" to use a rifle ....if only for a day or two ....
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 14:02:57 (permalink)
Dr. Trout

The papers have always had photos of good bucks, even before I was old enough to hunt.
 I never said that there were never big bucks harvested in Pa.... but one would have to appear foolish to me to say that the papers don't have a lot more of those "bigger" bucks now than back in the day... I NEVER remember seeing teenagers and youth in picture with as many 8s and 10s like I do now.... Have you looked at Pittsburgh papers .... they hardly ever had photos of big bucks taken in that area, let alone the trophies that area is producing now... but we continue to disagree and that's okay I guess.......

Did it ever occur to you that getting a photo for the paper is much easier in the age if digital cameras and cell phone cameras and emailing them to the newspaper so they can include them without any effort than it was calling the paper, having them send out a photographer before the deer go butchered, processing the black & white hard copy photo, editing the photo, transferring the reverse image to a metal printing plate, etc.?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 14:12:28 (permalink)

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 14:25:30 (permalink)
Dr. Trout
who cares about figures an agency puts out..
let's talk hunters .... and look at what is getting harvested today....
On average ....  BIGGER BUCKS ...plain and simple
now that we have an internet I let that do some of the talking for me... and the memories, photos and experiences from the 60s to 90s... 
the AVERAGE buck getting killed today is bigger than in the past....
and I personally base that on ONE FACT .... 
they are older and much more "sneaky wise" (as a friend tells it)LOL

We didn't have the internet to post them on Doc.--- Also, the average buck being killed today certainly is bigger, heavier, with more points and more mass than before AR/HR and the reason is simple math, nothing else.  When you take all the low numbers out the average of the remaining numbers has to be greater.  ------If you average all the numbers from 1 to 100 the average is 50. If you throw out 1-50 Ex spikes, 3's and 4's the average is 75.
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 14:36:05 (permalink)
Dr. Trout
you said a friend has a wall of P&Y Bucks in the past 10 years....
Please tell S-10 how many of them he took the time to record in any record book... he loves throwing up "the record book" as some type of indication of the number of TROPHY bucks getting kill in Pa since ARs....
I've tried to tell him most hunters do not care about books...

Dunno that he recorded any Doc.  You're right though, he doesn't care about the books.  
My recollection of growing up this close to Allegheny County with high population densities - both deer and humans - is that big bucks of this quality have always been around these areas, you just didn't hear about it or see it as much 20 years ago for the reasons I shared.  And again, I could be wrong in my anecdotal observations, but I think that the primary thing AR/HR did for these areas was to push more hunters here.  With social media and the ease of sharing pictures, I would imagine news of such bucks gets out a lot more easily now than it did 20-25 years ago.  
We moved to a new, bigger house in Irwin in 1992 when I was in high school and there was about a 5 acre woodlot across the street from us.  Couple other small woodlots in the neighborhood surrounded by hundreds of houses.  Late at night once in awhile, we could look out the back window and watch P&Y bucks walking through our yard and eating at the bird feeder.  Others in the neighborhood would see them too.  Big suburban bucks are nothing new.  
post edited by DRod - 2014/10/27 14:37:14
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 14:36:30 (permalink)
It appears to me; harvesters, backing the PGC and the bogus deer plan, are not concerned with results. As I see it the harvesters defend the PGC and bogus deer plan because it means more antlerless tags. In turn, giving the harvesters ample opportunity to KILL more deer. Which is why they go harvesting in the first place. It's not about how many points the buck had but, how many deer I 'harvested'.

Reminds me of the story where a hunter publishes a picture, of the antlerless deer he 'harvested'. "Three more to go" he says .

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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 14:43:35 (permalink)
As I see it the harvesters defend the PGC and bogus deer plan because it means more antlerless tags. In turn, giving the harvesters ample opportunity to KILL more deer. Which is why they go harvesting in the first place. It's not about how many points the buck had but, how many deer I 'harvested'.

I'm more convinced than ever that the PGC just wants more deer killed.  
Know somebody this weekend whose kid shot a small buck in mistake for a doe during the firearms youth doe season.  Dad did the right thing and reported it as a mistake kill.  WCO came out, told him to tag it with the antlerless tag and took the buck, wrote him a $25 citation AND GAVE HIM A REPLACEMENT DOE TAG!!!  
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 14:56:04 (permalink)
No doubt in my mind that more support for the deer plan comes from those wishing to 'harvest' multiple deer.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 15:03:39 (permalink)
There is also a big difference between a P&Y class buck and one that officially measures the required score after deductions, etc. I have a relative who hunts outside Pittsburgh that killed at least 5 P&Y gross score bucks BEFORE AR/HR including some gross 150's but only one actually qualified P&Y net after drying. They were all bucks that would make us in the Northern tier drool. As DRod stated, living on estates with small woodlots feeding on high priced shrubbery makes for easy living and large racks and has for decades.
This same fellow lived in Ohio until the late 80's and skipped their gun season to come here and hunt with me. We always knew he was one brick short. LOL
As for no one having any interest in record books, have you ever seen the number of entries recorded in any of them.
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 15:18:36 (permalink)
There is also a big difference between a P&Y class buck and one that officially measures the required score after deductions, etc. 

Very good point S10.  And it applies to me as I write here - I should say P&Y class bucks.  
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 21:47:38 (permalink)
It appears to me; harvesters, backing the PGC and the bogus deer plan, are not concerned with results. As I see it the harvesters defend the PGC and bogus deer plan because it means more antlerless tags. In turn, giving the harvesters ample opportunity to KILL more deer. Which is why they go harvesting in the first place. It's not about how many points the buck had but, how many deer I 'harvested'.

Reminds me of the story where a hunter publishes a picture, of the antlerless deer he 'harvested'. "Three more to go" he says .

That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with there.  I don't exactly know what the heck a "harvester" is, but if you're talking about a successful hunter, I don't believe that  makes someone a blood thirsty PGC apologist as you imply.  I kill multiple deer per year as I have for many years, and there are many things I disagree with the PGC on.  Look at S-10, he is a pretty darn successful hunter by my standards based on what I read here, but also strongly opposes much of the DMP.  The reality of the situation is that if you truly enjoy hunting, you have to adapt and make the best of things, regardless of what your feelings are towards the PGC.  Or you could try to run for the BOC...    
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 22:01:08 (permalink)
Drod I live in irwin ain't no deer here
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 22:31:23 (permalink)
Esox take a deep breath and relax. I'm merely staying with the trend of being politically correct. Some no longer 'kill' during the hunt; they 'harvest' thereby, making them 'harvesters'.

I imply nothing of a successful hunter being blood thirsty. I simply voice my opinion as to how, and why, I see certain support for a deer plan that has failed. Nor, have I made comment about those opposing the failed plan.

The reality of the situation is the exploitation of the PA. whitetail for the dreams of a select group of people pretending to be hunters and/or BOC.

Finally sir, If you feel insulted by my opinion, there must be a reason.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/27 22:55:01 (permalink)
I imply nothing of a successful hunter being blood thirsty. I simply voice my opinion as to how, and why, I see certain support for a deer plan that has failed. Nor, have I made comment about those opposing the failed plan.

Really?  Didn't you just post this:
BeenThereDoneThat.As I see it the harvesters defend the PGC and bogus deer plan because it means more antlerless tags. In turn, giving the harvesters ample opportunity to KILL more deer. Which is why they go harvesting in the first place. It's not about how many points the buck had but, how many deer I 'harvested'

BeenThereDoneThat.The reality of the situation is the exploitation of the PA. whitetail for the dreams of a select group of people pretending to be hunters and/or BOC.

Are you referring to the majority of PA hunters who support ARs?
Finally sir, If you feel insulted by my opinion, there must be a reason.

Nah not in the slightest, but I do find your opinion to be fairly comical.

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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 00:35:57 (permalink)
I live in the Oil region of N.W. Pa. When the PGC commission made the open season rule in the state the good old boys around here put the season in when we cook, when we cook the venison.If its brown its down The Rules are there are no Rules. Just calling it like I see it.!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 07:03:34 (permalink)
PGC reduced the amount of tags in 4-A, shorten the season to 1 week and then issued 13,000 addition tags for control of CWD, in that area.....WF......I guess only does get the disease
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 09:29:08 (permalink)
Drod I live in irwin ain't no deer here

Eman, wasn't really talking about the places with enough room for typical hunting scenarios with a gun.  
Most places I hunted through high school and college around Irwin that were big enough for small game or deer hunting with a gun 20+ years ago prob fall into one or more of these scenarios now:
1.  They're now housing developments
2.  They're now within safety zones due to new housing developments
3.  Or if there's still enough room to hunt with a gun, like many areas in 2B outside of Allegheny County you can safely hunt with a gun, the deer population has been hammered in the last 10 years.  
In those areas, there were always plenty of deer around, but big P&Y class bucks were not something we saw or heard of very much.  
I was talking more about the very small woodlots in the middle of housing plans and neighborhoods where no hunters roamed back then, or maybe only a small handful that were well connected and hunted quietly with a bow where P&Y class bucks were a little more common.  My broader point was that now that the safety zone for archery has been reduced to 50 yards, more of these areas are now accessible to archery hunters and some of the bigger bucks we're seeing since HR/AR are being taken from these types of scenarios.  Also, more hunters - at least the ones that I know - are taking advantage of these scenarios instead of traveling to the more traditional hunting areas.  
I know 3 or 4 guys that bow hunt now in some Pittsburgh neighborhoods where they can see downtown Pittsburgh from their tree stands.  That was almost unheard of 20 years ago.  
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 09:29:17 (permalink)
Esox glad your seeing 'some humor' as that is my intent.

However, if I wanted to say successful hunters were blood thirsty. I would of said; Successful hunters are blood thirsty. Apparently you have had issues with others, that see hunters as blood thirsty.

I am happy to hear you are not insulted but, you know what they say in the old country...........

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 10:10:34 (permalink)
Hunting the 'burbs' of the 'Burgh' reminds me of a hunting video I watched with my family about 20 years ago. I believe the title was HUNTING SUBURBAN WHITETAILS. The dude was setting tree stands in small plots of trees and you could see the cars parked in the lots of big name stores. Can't tell ya the name of the 'burbs' but it was about archery hunting.

Tried searching the video and came up with published stories on the subject.

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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 12:30:15 (permalink)
Perhaps I'm interpreting your writing differently than you.  It doesn't really matter either way and I have no issue with someone calling me a blood thirsty killer; in fact I'll take that to be a compliment.  After all, I'm fairly certain that being a killer is what most hunters strive to be. 
I remember seeing a Michael Waddell show where they were bow hunting in the suburbs of Philly a few years back that sounds a lot like what you described.  
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 13:29:20 (permalink)
I guess I'm just not a post by the swing set and maybe move over by the swimming pool for a while type of guy.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 13:45:35 (permalink)
One of my relation just outside Pitts has a stand overlooking a swing set that he has bow killed several bucks out of between watching the neighbor kids play. Claims the kids voices doesn't bother the bucks a bit. Think of the swimming pool as a watering hole.  Times are changing DarDys.
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 14:23:53 (permalink)

A friend shared this with me a few years ago.  His friend lives near North Park Lake in Allegheny County and this is his back yard.  
Definitely not for everybody - not sure I'd even hunt in those woods for a crack at a buck like this.  But certainly an example of the scenarios I'm talking about.  Some hunters are doing it, and killing some very big bucks.  
post edited by DRod - 2014/10/28 14:25:03
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Re: Finally a shooter buck = 2014/10/28 14:31:30 (permalink)
Man, cut a little hole in the safety net and you have a ready made blind.
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