Re: Owl call for gobblers
2013/10/30 19:28:25
Hey Rap/Cold... I still lurk and occasionally participate on the boards, but nowheres near like I used to. I don't hoot with my voice like I used to, so I ended up going back to the Palmer tube which is pretty good when I put it against the others... This past spring I was introduced to a call which I have since purchased. It is a box call used for locating birds in BIGGG Woods and it is called the Road Warrior. It is a special makeup by QB and carries a $70 retail, but Holy Living $h!t... I have never heard or seen anything like it before. The first time I heard it, I nearly lost my bodily functions right there. The term loud does not do this call justice...
On a side note, the two birds in my avatar were a pair that my wife and I put the smack down on this past season. I shot mine a bit further out than she did, but she tried to take the head off of hers at about 5 paces... It was as good a turkey season as I can remember. Take Care, Mike