I've never fished the SR but have fished the Oak and 18 mile for years in the Fall. I can't imagine anywhere else that would provide better Brown fishing than those two streams. Several years ago I was fishing 18 mile and spoke with an elderly fisherman next to me. I asked him where he was from and he replied Colorado. I asked why he would travel so far to fish and he said that this area is the best one in the US to catch a brown over 10#. Shortly after that he caught one that size and I netted it for him. He returned it to the water after I took his picture and he said that trout made his trip worthwhile. I personally prefer the Oak because of the courtesy of the fisherman. I'm an average guy but had the opportunity to have a custom rod made one year and the wording on it reads "Oak Orchard Special". My son and I, and sometimes one of his buddies, fish it every year and it's the highlight of my outdoor activity. Try the SR if you want but I'd stick with the Oak.