Thinking out loud here

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2013/05/17 15:16:42 (permalink)

Thinking out loud here

I have been thinking about trying to start some sort of sportsman club for cross creek lake, i know that it would have to be approved by washington county and the fish commish.  I would like to start helping take care of the lake by doing things like adding structure and habitat and maybe some stocking.  Looking at the information on the fish commish website they have not added any kind of structure to the lake since 2007that is on their habitat plan.  Also they are only able to stock about 9500 walleye every other year.  They already know that the walleye dont take well in that lake but the sauger do.  I figure if we can get people to join some sort of club and use the membership money to build habitat and buy fish to stock everyone would win.  Cross creek is one of the few secluded lakes in southwest pa where you can really relax and enjoy the outdoors.  Anyone have any thoughts on this or suggestions they would like to add i would be all ears


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    Re:Thinking out loud here 2013/05/17 16:39:23 (permalink)
    are there any other already established local groups that you can work with to help get this done?  if the group (and the membership) already exsited, that would help get you off to a good start.  of course, this existing group might not want to spent time/effort on cross creek, but its something to think about.
    best of luck on your efforts
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    Re:Thinking out loud here 2013/05/17 17:14:27 (permalink)
    i am not sure about the other groups.  I only want to focus my attention on cross creek right now.  I really enjoy that lake and think that because of the size and depth it could be a fantastic lake even better than it is now

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    Re:Thinking out loud here 2013/05/17 18:23:13 (permalink)
    There is or was a group at Keystone State Park that was called (Friends of Keystone Park) that was formed to do what you want. They held periodic cleanups & also helped with placing structure in the lake & various other projects. You might try calling the State Park & see if you can get contact info from them. Also you may try to contact the local sports editor in that area,go to a Wash. Cnty.Comm. meeting to see if they can offer any suggestions. GOOD LUCK  sam
    post edited by mr.crappie - 2013/05/17 18:27:05
    pheasant tail 2
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    Re:Thinking out loud here 2013/05/17 23:39:30 (permalink)
    Structure was placed in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2013. Off the top of my head ,I don't recall what type of structure was placed each year. In most years porcupine cribs were constructed and placed, rock rubble humps were also placed off of Thompson Hill Bay.  The Fish & Boat Commission, Washington County and volunteers were responsible for the improvements 
    Beginning in 2013 willl no longer be included in the Fish & Boat Commissions Adopt a Lake Project. I understand their has been some type of priorization of Adopt A Lake Projects within the Habitat Management Division. According to the PFBC they will focusing their efforts on larger projects. Cross Creek was not deemed a priority from a habitat standpoint by the biologists and the Habitat Management Division.
    I have spoken with a number of individuals at the PFBC to discuss the matter to no avail. Perhaps phone calls from others might get someones ear?
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    Re:Thinking out loud here 2013/05/18 00:05:15 (permalink)
    There is a whole bunch of xmas trees sitting in the parking lot since March.  I dont know why they dont put them in the lake already.  I might be a bit negative (and I do appologize for this) but I feel that the guys that might actually join would get taken advantage of.  I would be open to join and would actually love to help the lake.  However, over the years it seems like the lake is getting more and more pressure.  Fishing isnt as good as it use to be from all the pressure in my opinion.  Bigger fish seem to not be caught as often as smaller fish.  The lake sees alot of week day traffic from locals and even more on weekends from weekend warriors or those busy with work.  I have participated in projects for the lake and cleaned it up through various bass organizations/clubs.  My point is it gets so much fishing pressure/visitors that dont care and destroy the place. Theres always trash everywhere from the bank fisherman.  I think the clubs efforts would go to waste because there would be more a-holes out there that would take advantage of the memebers money/efforts and disrespect the park as usual.  Also if the lake does get better, watch out because word of mouth will spread and it will even be more packed since theres hardly any where to fish in washington co. from boat.  More pressure on the lake will only turn the efforts from better to worse.  Ive watched the fishery (particularly the bass) go down hill from when I started fishing the lake alot 7 years ago till now.  And with these gas wells sucking water out of the lake and what not from time to time, it already kills the natural habitat.  The lake has a hard time recovering from it as is.  As I said just my opinion but your idea is deff a good one.  Just need alot of memebers to really make it worth it.
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