Limit of Eyes

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2013/05/07 06:50:07 (permalink)

Limit of Eyes

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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 07:21:56 (permalink)
    Good job! Those will be good eatin for sure
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 07:51:58 (permalink)
    Nice Catch Ed!

    Got Walleye???
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 08:10:22 (permalink)
    Congrats, some hogs in there (unless from Erie, then I guess average...).  River or lake?
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 08:30:40 (permalink)
    River, why go to erie when you can get em local? ;)
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 08:31:34 (permalink)
    Eman was that you down at the HPD friday? saw a guy with a nice stringer of fish down there. Good catch man!
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 09:51:48 (permalink)
    Walleye season didn't start until Saturday, so whoever you saw with a stringer full of eyes down there on Friday was harvesting fish unlawfully...
    By the way, nice haul Eman!
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 11:10:43 (permalink)
    nice catch, BTW is canada dry in season?

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 11:33:55 (permalink)
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 11:38:15 (permalink) was late, not sure if it was after midnight or not...Im guessing they were illegal then. We were trying for flats. Not too often you see people keeping that many fish out of that stretch of river haha
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 12:55:56 (permalink)
    Snag_826 was late, not sure if it was after midnight or not...Im guessing they were illegal then. We were trying for flats. Not too often you see people keeping that many fish out of that stretch of river haha

    Was wondering the same...dam really isn't that far from the city and I'd be deathly afraid to eat a city fish. Then again the river flows into the city, so you don't have all the sewage and what not up there like you would fishing around downtown.
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/07 17:16:49 (permalink)
    Then again the river flows into the city, so you don't have all the sewage and what not up there like you would fishing around downtown.

    You might be surprised.
    Plenty of raw sewage flows into the rivers miles from Downtown Pittsburgh. There's a huge outflow in California, PA in Washington County for example (not to mention West Pike Run, the stocked trout stream that flows into the Mon there that gets a nice supply of raw sewage from some of the old coal towns on its banks).
    I've seen lots of other outflows around too, plus all the streams, plus the pure stuff running over banks here and there. 
    And then you can factor in all the industrial waste. Ever look at the water around USS Clairton Works or some of the other remaining facilities along the rivers? Redstone Creek or some of the others that run orange for most of the year? Remember the fish kill in Dunkard Creek, tributary to the Mon? There's reportedly a bad leak of old mine water pouring into Ten Mile now.
    And you have the effects of all the mining and fracking (and disposal of the waste and water from those wonderful endeavors) in places like Washington and Greene counties, and West Virginia further south.
    It's counterintuitive but sometimes the more rural the area the worse the water conditions.
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/08 08:52:40 (permalink)
    Raw sewage is typically bad after heavy rains.  The outflows from the sewage plants during "normal" periods without heavy rain should be mostly treated water. 
    The only semi-pure stretch on the Allegheny is the stretch from the dam to the Penn. ave. bridge in Warren.  After that, the Conewango comes in with a lot of farm run off and just a little further down, United Refining sits right on the river in downtown Warren.  
    And I think every waterway in PA has advisories on it for either mercury, PCBs, Chlordane and other assorted nasties and lots of that comes from coal power plants to the west (or leftover, long gone industries) that we don't have any control over.  
    That being said, I wouldn't eat a ton out of the river but I still wouldn't shy away from an occasional meal.
    Reminds me, I need to finish up all the work around my house and my mom's house so I can get the boat out on the river...
    PS - Nice haul Emans...
    fish hard 79
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/08 09:29:36 (permalink)
    I personally would never eat anything from the 3rivers pool.  Fishing can be good.  However eating fish that swim in my own **** and S**t.  No thanks.  Not to mention the condoms ive seen floating around.  Allegheny white fish.  That just came from a local toilet.  9billion gallons of raw sewage. 
    A main goal of this blog is to help its readers prioritize the biggest threats to water quality and to understand that, though gas drilling impacts are real, they are well down the list of the most serious causes of pollution of Pennsylvania's waters. A must read is yesterday's Pittsburgh Post Gazette front page story about the massive amounts of sewer overflows that reach rivers in the Pittsburgh region multiple times each year.

    The annual volume of untreated sewage reaching rivers and streams is reported as 9 billion gallons per year and occurs in 30 to 70 storms annually, according to the Post Gazette. And the bill for stopping this pollution and cleaning up is a staggering $2.8 billion.
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/08 09:47:41 (permalink)
    I thought is was closer to $4B and like $30M, just to devise a plan of attack.  It is crazy how much it costs, and not to mention how much of an inconvenience it will be when they do it.  Miles of drain pipes under roads and homes replaced.  If you think traffic or your water/sewage bill is bad now...
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    Re:Limit of Eyes 2013/05/09 03:34:01 (permalink)
    Maybe Consol will step in with a donation. That company is an environmental hero. (All you'll have to do is let them frack under the Golden Triangle and/or put their name on some more stadiums.)
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