Stren magnathin 4# test...

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2013/03/25 23:08:18 (permalink)

Stren magnathin 4# test...

Anyone tried it? I opted for it with my first ultralight for some trout action in WV and the **** line broke three times in a row pulling fish out of the water, not the fight. Not large trout either, rainbows at about 12-14". Definitely not 4#'s of fish. Perhaps it's my knots but I've gone to 6# before with no issues, my standard is 10# test but I'd like to get a line I like at a lower test than 10. I tie a Palomar knot if that makes a difference and yes I've tried wetting the line prior to pulling tight.

Anyone ever tried this line?? If so, any suggestions on particular knots? My next option is to go onto a 6# flouro for casting distance. I'm pretty disappointed in the line, it's my first attempt with 4# but it seems like a net is **** near the only way I can get a fish out of the water on this....

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    Re:Stren magnathin 4# test... 2013/03/26 10:56:13 (permalink)
    I  use berkley vanish 4lb fluorocarbon never had an issue with breakoffs, how high are you pulling them out of the water, try pulling the fish to the shore and reaching down to pick up.  
    I have also used P-Line flouro for stockies with no issues breaking or casting. No need to use 10# test on stockies or panfish.

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    Re:Stren magnathin 4# test... 2013/03/26 11:04:35 (permalink)
    I read alot of reviews online, they seem to get a good overall rating.
    here is a review that sounds quite similar to what you spoke of.
    "I have been using the Stren fishing lines since back in the days when the Stren package also said DuPont on it. I always got along very well with the Stren Original.
    I bought several spools of the 10# Magnathin last spring and have been using it most of the time this year going fishing just about every day. I have been lucky and have not caught any fish large enough this season to break it, if that is lucky. I had some of it left on a spool so I thought that I would test it myself.
    I did this by tying it to small barbells that are supposed to be of a certified correct weight. With the 10# Magnathin I started with a 10# barbell. The line broke before it would even lift one end of this weight.
    If you look at specifications of fishing lines you will see that the Stren 10# Magnathin is the average diameter of what would be 7# monofilament for most brands including Stren Original. 7# line is what this 10# Stren Magnathin tested at for me. The 10# Magnathin would lift the 8 lb barbell without breaking but with just a slight bounce the line would snap.
    I am not talking about breaking at the knot. I tied knots for these tests that I would also use for fishing. I did not have any line failures at a properly tied knot.
    Considering its true strength this is fine line as any Stren product that I have used has been for me. Minimal memory problems and it is nice line to fish with.
    As the report with the lab tests that I referred to stated, one must rate and or select the fishing line by the diameter of the line. Not by what the line is supposedly tested at. The report also stated the manufacturers do not test the lines for the so call pound test rating. They go by the diameter of the line and attach a pound number to it that may or may not be correct.
    I also tried some of the 10# Stren Original and the 10# Trilene XL lines. Neither one would lift the 10# barbell without breaking. They did both lift the 9# barbell and neither of them broke at the knot. According to the manufacturer’s specifications the Trilene XL is listed as being .001” smaller than the Stren Original in the 10 pound test lines.
    I also put some 10# Eagle Claw Premium Monofilament line on the 10# barbell and it did lift it without breaking. The 10# Eagle Claw is .011” thick that is also the size of the Trilene XL and smaller then the Stren Original listed at .012”. Eagle Claw fishing line has always been my preference but is usually not available when I want to buy fishing line. I will not go any further about the testing of the Eagle Claw line since that is not the subject of this review.
    The 10# Magnathin is still an excellent line to use in place of 6# line or as a 7# line that is not available from most manufacturers."

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    Re:Stren magnathin 4# test... 2013/03/26 12:09:43 (permalink)
    Very good review.  I appreciate that.  I guess that makes sense then that i purchased a "4#" line which probably has the break limit of a lesser line.  Oddly enough, according to Bass Pro website, the magnathin 4# test has a diamter of 0.018mm (0.007") and the Berkley Trilene XL Smooth is 0.008" which is hardly a difference considering the same Berkley line at 2# test is 0.005"
    I wasnt lifting them up to a pier or dock or anything, I was wading near the shore, just had to put enough lift pressure on them to get over a couple small rocks on the shore line to pull them out of the water so I could get ahold of them.  I didnt have a net (which I guess I will get before using that line again). 
    Perhaps the next line for the ultralight will be a 6# to give me a little more flexibility.
    There are too many options, fireline, nanofil, braid, fusion, mono, flouro.....
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    Re:Stren magnathin 4# test... 2013/03/26 12:27:47 (permalink)
    yeah, tons of options, just go with something that you have used in the past that is reliable.....there are great threads on here about fishing line, type it in the search and gather some info.

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    Re:Stren magnathin 4# test... 2013/03/26 18:46:42 (permalink)
    I never liked Trilene line.  I've been using Sufix Elite 4lb test which I like a lot.  It's tough and has low memory.  I was using P-line Floroclear in 4lb test but it seemed too brittle, I had a fair number of break offs with it.
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    Re:Stren magnathin 4# test... 2013/03/26 19:29:09 (permalink)
    Ask 100 Guys what the best line for trout is and you'll likely get 100 different responses. I personally use 3 or 4 lb braid with about a 18" flouro leader. I like how it casts and I love the sensitivity of it. And it's just a bonus that it floats when you're fishing under a float. The other line I use is seguar Invisx in 4 lb. I like out allot, it's what I use on steel head. some people just don't like flouro though, not really sure why.I however, don't typically lift a fish completely out of the water with the rod to land it. I either use a net our beach the fish on it's side right at shore.
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    Re:Stren magnathin 4# test... 2013/04/08 22:04:06 (permalink)
    Try some VANISH , I think you'll like it.  I pulled my 16' allum. boat - rigged for erie with 40 hp and 10 hp kicker - loaded with gear and 2 of us aboard back to a snag on pymatuning lake in a stiff breeze. This was on 6# test ! I've been using it ever since with no regrets. And it's flouro to boot!

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