New Pin Reel ?

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2013/01/10 11:54:37 (permalink)

New Pin Reel ?

Pinners ... Ive got $325 to spend on a reel and line. I have a 13' 2 piece CTS rod to put it on. Problem is , is That money is in Bass Pro Shops gift cards and figure I could find a decent to good reel there.They only had a few choices.
I found this.. and should prove good enough for a beginning reel for this rod . Comments are welcome , good or bad.
I am more interested In good line that has strength and very little memory if possible.  Could any one give some good reviews on line for this reel. I am open for any and all advice.
Since Im going to give this a try I dont want to break the bank if I choose not to like it. The rod was virtually free , I got extremely lucky in a raffle. First time ever :) So I figure Ill Try Pinning next year and give it the ole' college try.

The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/11 20:23:55 (permalink)
    I just purchased my first centerpin setup, most people that I have talked to have said you can't go wrong with an Okuma.  I was between this reel you linked and the Okuma Sheffield s-1002 and ultimately went with the Sheffield only because it was $50 cheaper where I bought my setup.  So far my reel has really impressed me.  I wish i could help out more with line choice, my reel was spooled with 10lb mono... I should have went with 8.  The 10 has very little memory but is overkill for erie steelhead, but is overall great for salmon in NY.  
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/11 21:49:36 (permalink)
    Whiteobin , With little memory Im curious as to which line you are speaking of. I hate tangles with line that has memory. I use seaguar invizx for leader in 6lb. But I am reluctant in spooling up a pin reel with mono since I have not used mono in many years. Mostly what I have on my spin reels is 10 - 15 lb braid and the seaguar leader. So if I may ask what brand of mono are you using on the pin reel? and thanx for the response.

    The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/11 23:52:31 (permalink)
    I remember the guy putting on Sufix Mono, but I'm not 100% sure that exactly it was as there is a few mono's from Sufix.  Here is a decent website specifically for centerpinning and is fairly priced.  What are you going to be targeting with the centerpin? Trout, steelhead, salmon? I wasnt completely convinced that because of the length of the rod 13+ in most cases that you can easily fish with very light main line.  As I said earlier I have recently purchased my pin and have caught both kings and steelhead and it wasn't even a battle pulling them in (nice when the crowds are near you tho)  After this season im going to put on 6lb mono for all around. Trout, steelhead, and some technique for the kings. Also, each outing i pull out roughly 10yds of line and cut off to start fresh as you will see from bouncing on rocks etc some of the line gets frayed. 

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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/12 06:04:52 (permalink)
    Deetz the biggest issue you'll have will be line twist not so much memory issues. I ran 12 pound raven but may end up trying another line for spring. I will let you know in a few days what I order and I'll get enough if you want to try it.

    Whiterobin your mainline should not be fraying from bouncing off of rocks. It is most likely fraying from fish wrapping you around rocks. That is why I chose to run a heavier mainline then drop down to whatever leader I feel is necessary and my float is always on my mainline.
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/12 07:28:46 (permalink)
    IM not a Pinner, but braid floats and has no memory. Why not stick with that? Isn't there Siglon f or something? A pin specific hi vis braid?
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/12 19:09:46 (permalink)

      braid floats and has no memory. Why not stick with that? Isn't there Siglon f or something? A pin specific hi vis braid?

      YES Thats why I have used braid on my spin reels , I like it and how it works for me on the 10'6" noodle rod for slimers in the cricks. BUT Im not sure how it would work on a pin reel. I may just have to try it.
    However when the temps drop and how much water the braid holds I have had a spool completely freeze up on me which is why I switch from braid to mono in the COLD months. I may have to look into braid for pin reels if there is a specific brand for that. I may end up purchasing another spool for the reel , One with mono and One with braid or whatever I decide to put on it.

    The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/12 19:11:34 (permalink)

    Deetz the biggest issue you'll have will be line twist not so much memory issues. I ran 12 pound raven but may end up trying another line for spring. I will let you know in a few days what I order and I'll get enough if you want to try it.

    I hate line twist
    Thanx , Im going to need all the help I can get

    The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/12 19:23:20 (permalink)
    whiterobin , Thanx for the link , Looked it over , Im now leaning towards the Sufix Elite or siege lines.

    The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/15 09:25:40 (permalink)
    deetz, If you are worried about twist you should probably run a two swivel setup. As a matter of fact I still run this setup and I have been fishing a pin for over ten years.
    Here is how it is setup:  (12lb mainline)-------------0~0(8lb. Maxima shotline/floatline)--------------0~0(tippet)-------------bait(hook)    Note:0~0 = swivel
    This dual swivel virtually takes all the line twist away. Also on a snag only your tippet will break.
    I also prefer a hi vis line as it is easier to see the line on a long drift and aids in visual mending. Sometimes you actually don't need to mend as your line is following perfectly. Nothing worse than throwing an un-needed mend and taking yourself out of a perfect drift. Plus as you become older everybodies vision is somewhat diminished.
    I also prefer a heavier mainline like 12 lb. It is way easier to untagle the loops that you will encounter. I even use 14 lb. for my Niagara reel and for Salmon fishing. Plus a heavier mainline should never break which would result in you losing your float with the rest of your rig. I probably only lose a couple of floats a year...trees.
    I am currently running Siglon orange hi-vis, but have also ran the orange Suffix Seige. Hope this helps.
    BTW did you win that CTS at the pin outing? If so I was there and wish I would have won it.
    post edited by centerpindaddy - 2013/01/15 09:27:47
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/15 18:14:58 (permalink)
    cpd , yes that was the rod I won. Im anxious to get it rigged up as soon as I get the reel.  I also like to use a high vis line for my mainline. I use 12lb high vis power pro braid on my spin set up with the noodle rod and love it. 
    Tangles are the worst thing to have to any fisherman IMO. I hate them and I have avoided many through experience and time put in fishing a lot. I so do appreciate the input on the dual swivel set up. Ive broken more floats then Ive lost to leader break offs so Ive got that problem sort of in control.
    Thanx for the input

    The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/20 19:26:38 (permalink)
    here is what I got , sorry the pic is a tad blurry.
    Im pleased with how it looks and she spins like a top. All spooled up , ready for drifting. I just need a good day to go practice casting this thing.
    Okuma Raw II - 1002

    The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/24 11:33:51 (permalink)
    Learn how to cast the proper way and you will eliminate line twist all together.  All it takes is a bit more effort and a trip or two determined to learn the Wallis cast.  You WILL NOT regret you did so, trust me. 

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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/28 07:59:29 (permalink)
    I found this very in-structural video on the wallis cast.

    The Deetz
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/28 09:19:57 (permalink)
    What line did you go with?
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    Re:New Pin Reel ? 2013/01/28 21:45:19 (permalink)
    I went with the Sufix Elite in 10lb

    The Deetz
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