Wtf??? No ice fishing??
I have been ice fishing a small state park for the last 15 years. It's only a couple acre lake that is stocked with trout in thespring and fall with trout but alot make it till ice season. I went there yesterday to check it out and the state parks have no ice fishing signs freshly posted everywhere. I've only ever seen three other individuals here in the last 15 years. I've been checked by the dcnr plenty of times and never had a problem. It's only ten min from my house and now I gotta drive an hour to ice fish now. Just bummed about it. Any ideas as to why they just now won't let Ice fishing this year? I'm going to the park office today and see what's up. Oh by the way my lake had 4 inches of ice 3in clear and 1in white. I had the auger and decided to check anyways. This was at ten yards from shore