Knot for jigs

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2012/10/25 11:07:34 (permalink)

Knot for jigs

I use the clinch knot to tie on my jigs. It seems the jig (1/16th ounce) gets more vertical than horizontal. Just curious what knots would work better with mono to hold
the jig in the right position. Thanks in advance....

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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/25 11:22:18 (permalink)
    I like the palomar knot.If the eye is too small to get a doubled up line thru I like the one where you put the tag end thru twice,wrap it around the doubled up circle twice, wet, and cinch.I haven't tried it yet but the rapala knot would probably give it more jiggle.
    post edited by rippinlip - 2012/10/25 11:34:29

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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/25 16:19:24 (permalink)
    Palomar knot with a dab of super glue. I tie my jigs to leaders ahead of time and use a quick release.
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/25 21:12:30 (permalink)
    Seen a lot of crappie pros, say like Todd Huckabee, use a loop knot or rapala knot. The jig is actually loose like that an has more action.
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/25 23:01:45 (permalink)
    Some jigs,like the mini-foos are meant to ride horizonaly,so I just check every cast to make sure the knot is on top of the eye while I check the line for fraying or nicks. It is almost automatic for me & I feel that I def. get more hits that way & I use Trilene with a clinch knot.  sam
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/26 11:49:59 (permalink)
    Palomar knot and check knot location like Sam said.
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/26 19:43:10 (permalink)
    A friend of mine works at the hospital. I ask her to get me a length of  the smallest tubing she could find. (the ER throws all kinds of it away) She came up with a length with a 1/32 I.D.  I then cut it into pieces about 1/4" long. Slide  the tubing on your line first,  then tie on your jig. Finish up by sliding the tubing over the knot and jig eye. Works for me.  For more jig movement use the Rapala knot as stated above.

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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/26 20:31:13 (permalink)
    Cinch knot
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/27 09:58:41 (permalink)
    I never had much luck with the tubing(too small for me to pull over) you can also squeeze the eye a little with pliers to form a groove that will hold the line in place( again difficult for my big fingers,but effective) that is why I just check to make sure the mimi-foo or trout -magnet is riding horizontal before every cast. The other methods may work better with bigger jigs,but I normaly use 1/64 or smaller.  sam
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/28 11:22:06 (permalink)
    not exactely the right answer for the question but a really cool web site is , it shows a ton of different knots in animation.
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/10/31 23:28:19 (permalink)
    Big fan of using the rapala / loop knot
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/11/01 07:51:50 (permalink)

    Seen a lot of crappie pros, say like Todd Huckabee, use a loop knot or rapala knot. The jig is actually loose like that an has more action.

    That's how I tie *most* of my panfish jigs on....double surgeons loop.
    IMO, it gives the jig more motion, while you're actually 'moving' the jig less, if that makes sense.
    Also, *most* jigs that are meant to ride horizontal, will naturally hang that way when tied with a loop.
    (obviously not the foos & trout magnets, I usually use tungsten ice jigs & balances.)
    In a situation where it won't hang how I'd like with my loop knot, I too use the palomar & adjust location as needed.

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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/11/01 09:28:51 (permalink)
    I'm also a fan of the loop knot for smaller fish.  I use this on dry flies too, but I don't find myself using dry flies often.  Make sure if you are giving this a try, not to make the loop too big, or your hook will hang on it.  Not sure what the knot is that I use, two backwards twist loops, one pulled through the other, with the tag pulled through it (visual would probably help). I was surprised the first few times that it would actually hold...  I've caught some bruiser cats & largemouths on 4lb line as byproduct panfishing and held up fine.  I do tend to change up to a clinch or palomar if using jigs targeting larger fish though.  
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/11/01 11:42:25 (permalink)
    Good point about keeping the loop small...
    I forgot to mention...about the loop knots;
    careful of the jig you tie them with, if using light line & a jig with an eye that's not closed completely, the line can slip through the crack causing you to reel in your loop knot with no jig, but the loop still intact.
    Lost 2 jigs & 1 fish in the last year like this...
    the first time I thought the fish must have been Houdini reincarnated...
    had a fish on, came off, and I reeled in an intact jig, no fish.
    Wasn't until I lost another jig, & checked out my others & found open eyes, that I realized what had happened.

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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/11/01 12:33:28 (permalink)
    Are you buying your jigs from the same dude on the internet auction site as me???  I had to go through 100 of them with a pair of needle nose pliers, still have a few gaps that aren't completely snug.  Had the same thing with a fish on, and a loop to show for it...
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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/11/01 12:58:59 (permalink)
    haha, could be...these were the little rubber legged spiderz, ebayd.
    like these 

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    Re:Knot for jigs 2012/11/01 13:48:59 (permalink)
    Nice.  Look like fish candy...
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