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Looking for some clothing / call help
Being i just got into goose hunting last year i don't have any waterfowl clothing and I was wondering if any of you guys had anything used in decent shape that you would be looking to get rid of. It would need to be XL or bigger, I am 6'4. If you got anything gloves shirt pants anything that i would be able to use shoot me a PM. Also, I only have 1 call so far what would be a good goose call that would be good for a beginner that isnt going to cost me a arm and a leg. Thanks, Ed
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/05 14:54:14
Ed look on YouTube for calling tips thers tons of info to help u out calling and look on eBay and waterfowl forums for used calls u can find good deals are there already broke in I got my stm call 170 New for 70 bucks super sick call or check out Hayes calls there pretty good to I got a bad azz goose for 50 bucks New
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/05 19:55:50
Save your money and buy an acrylic call. If not there are some decent poly calls, RNT Goozilla, i think there 20 bucks or so, good starter for the money. Check out waterfowl forums, you can buy top end calls for 60-100 bucks all day. I am a staffer for Foiles and love their calls, operator friendly, wide range of calls to fit your calling need, I've blown every manufacture there is, its just what I like. Just about every company makes great calls, Rnt, Zink, Lynch Mob, Field Proven, Big Seans CC, tons of good calls out there. Go to stores and shows and get a feel for some, dont be afraid to ask questions and dont be afraid to try a call out, everyone starts somewhere. Learn how to tune your calls, if you dont know how you will never get anywhere with a out of tune call. If your ever in Erie, shoot me a pm, I can meet up with you somewhere and try to help you out.
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/16 20:56:23
I'm looking at the Cabela's 4 - in 1 dry plus dri fowl parka right now does anyone have one or have any opinions? it's on sale right now for a good price. Thanks, Ed
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/17 03:42:47
I got a cabelas4 in 1 wadenin jacket warmest coat iv owned 4 years now and enough pockets to put Ur decoys in lol
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/18 08:25:16
Eman, I'll reiterate what Krott had to say. Being a newbie spend your money on equipment 1st and foremost. Calls,decoys,etc. should come before any kind of specialized clothing. Depending on the type of goose hunting you do 90% of the time will be spent in a blind of some sort. As long as your camo does not clash with the blind it will work. I use the same clothing to goose hunt that I wear when deer or turkey hunting. When I was starting out and I needed specialized camo for certian situations I went out and got some shell clothing to go over my regular camo.( White sweats or tyvek suit for snow) Mike
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/18 15:08:48
Will do :) my buddy is actually really good and he has all of the dekes and calls and everything all i really need is camos and i got my gun lol
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/18 21:18:28
If you want help on picking a call or learning on how to blow calls or questions about clothing there is a really good guy working as a zinks vendor at cablela's his name is Luke he is very good I hunt with him and he will tell you whats what. He is going to be there tomorrow and also next weekend. He has helped me out tremendously! Also listen to Krott he doesn't just kill geese he slaughters them!
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/18 21:44:42
I will have to stop down there soon. My buddy and I went in there they didnt have many calls at all I actually think that Luke was the guy we talked to. He had longer brown hair? Not too old maybe 25 or so.. Cabelas has a Buck Gardner Grey Ghost Goose Call on sale right now does anyone have a opinion on this call? Thanks
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/18 22:09:56
This guy would of been wearing a zinks shirt doesn't have long hair? But really you can ask people about calls all you want but in my personal opinion its what ever call fits you what ever call you can blow the best. My one buddy blows a zinks cod I can't, but I found the zinks nos fits me. When I started out I blew a zinks polycarb power clucker its a higher pitch call but really easy to blow and easy on the wallet. Your better calls are acrylic but you also pay more for them. start off small and work up to them. I'm not saying I'm great at calling but I Found what works for me it's deffinitly not something you pick up on in a day.
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/18 22:55:41
Must of been a different guy Blaze, Do you guys use layout blinds? This hobby is getting addicting quick there is so much stuff i need to buy.. My boss is actually one of the presidents of DU and is going to help me out with some dekes. So im going to get some calls and then i wouldnt mind getting a layout blind but we'll see how that goes. Ed
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/19 06:04:15
Yes our crew runs all layout blinds I believe everybody either has a finisher blind or a ghg ground force. I've used the nets and never understood why I didn't get a layout blind, stay dry not laying on the ground and no tangles in the net trying to pull up to shoot. But yes its very addictive and can be a ton of fun.
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Re:Looking for some clothing / call help
2012/08/20 09:55:28
We use blinds as well me and my buddy use a finisher blind I'd never buy anything else IMO also save the cash and buy a khaki one not camo its cheaprr and it gets covered anyways but look around u can find a used one
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky