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I've been using Gulp a lot this year. I've consistantly outfished live bait with this stuff over and over. This spring when the water was cold, I killed big slabs and jumbos. I used a 1/32oz mini-foo jig with a 1" gulp minnow. Now that the water has warmed up, I still catch tons of crappie and perch on it, but they are averaging much smaller. So, here's a question: for the warmer water months, should I go larger? Do you think it will make a difference? Does anyone out there fish Gulp for crappie? If so, what size do you use in the warm months and what style/color? Thanks.
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Slab, I use the 1" gulp minnows all seasons. I just hook thread them on a trout magnet jig head. I use mostly the black dace but will go to chartruse at times Mike
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I also use the 1"ers. Usually emerald shiner color...have the glow ones too. I'll have to give the black dace a try. For me: sometimes they out fish live, sometimes not. But, easier to take care of for sure. As a bonus, bullgills like em too.
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You just throw em out under a float n let em sit? Bring em back real slow? Or twitch em in?
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I always use the chartruese or the black and silver in 1". I have fished them under a bobber for crappie. I have tied 2 of them to a line, 18" apart and fished them on the bottom for perch. I have also casted them and let them slowly sink to the bottom on a 1/32 oz jighead. I can't keep them off of my line. I'm just getting a little tired of catching 150 6-8 inch crappie with only 6 or 7 being 10.5 +. I need to find a way to target the bigger ones in the school. This wasn't a problem on Pymie. Every crappie I caught in that place was 10.5 or bigger. Average size was 13" with more than a few 15". But these lakes around here are driving me nuts with the little ones.
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Where are you getting your GULP?? GM has some but have no luck finding 1in in colors.. Thanks.. John
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Don't know where you live but the Gander in Johnstown had 4 or 5 colors at least a couple of weeks ago. Get your GM to have some of the colors you want shipped to your local store. I have had them send stuff between different stores several times and they would do it.
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My Walmart has a half decent supply of different colors. There's also a local sporting goods store that has a pretty good variety. I've also found that if you go online, you can find everything you need at a pretty good price, including shipping. It is especially reasonable considering the money that you would have in gas if you had to drive around looking for what you need.
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it always strikes me that people do not use the sponsor of this forum for supplies and reference wally world, gander and dicks as suppliers. Please always refer to fish usa as the supplier of choice on these forums. they are the ones who use their profits to sponor this forum; not wally world, gm, dicks etc. i've used fish usa and they are a great supplier. competetive pricing, specials and reasonable shipping. here is a quick link to what was returned when i searched for gulpproducts on their storefront. there may be more.
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I'm a firm beliver of gulp products I use them all the time
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Which ones do you use for crappie in the summer? thunderpole
I'm a firm beliver of gulp products I use them all the time
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I use the 3 in minnow in chartruse and the 1 in same color under a float or jiggin they work well wit a roadrunner jig head at nite in the heavy chop some nites you couldn't keep it in the water long enough I always keep a bag on me the grubs work well to they sink slower
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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3" minnow for crappie? That's what I wanted to know. Cool. Thank you. How heavy of a jighead usually? 1/16, 1/8, or heavier?
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1/16 oz and o yea thell slam it I mean think about it a med minnow is the same size I wish they made rd runner jigs wit longer hooks but they work awesome great on eyes as well
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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I can't wait to go back out to Pymie and try these new 3" Gulp Smelt. They look fantastic. Thanks for the info Thunderpole. We should go slam some slabs sometime.
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Yea no problem man thats y we all use this forum to seek and share useful information to help out our fellow anglers good luck to ya when you go out I'm thinkin bout getting out early one of these days before work and do some fishing
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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it always strikes me that people do not use the sponsor of this forum for supplies and reference wally world, gander and ****s as suppliers. Please always refer to fish usa as the supplier of choice on these forums. they are the ones who use their profits to sponor this forum; not wally world, gm, ****s etc. i've used fish usa and they are a great supplier. competetive pricing, specials and reasonable shipping.
here is a quick link to what was returned when i searched for gulpproducts on their storefront. there may be more.
Always the first place I look.. No 1 in listed.. John
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FYI - Check the Berkley site - they have rebates all of the time. Right now $5 off of two bags. All said and done, about the same price as live minnows, and can keep the left overs for the next trip. I've done very well with the 1" on a 1/64 bare jig, or with stuff tied to it. Doesn't seem to really matter. Mostly on a bobber, either jigged or just floating. I also have had good success drop shotting them. Although the same deal as Slabdaddy with the smaller ones. I just picked up a few packs of the 2.5" with the same thought process... One thing that I did notice, certain hooks work better than others. I like to thread them on a longer shank hook. This allows you to catch 5-10 fish on one bait. If you single hook the head, or thread on a shorter shank, they seem to rip them off, after a bite or two. If they are on, they'll keep hitting one that is torn to shreds. I'm going to give the Road Runners and 2.5" a try this weekend.
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FYI - Check the Berkley site - they have rebates all of the time. Right now $5 off of two bags. All said and done, about the same price as live minnows, and can keep the left overs for the next trip.
I've done very well with the 1" on a 1/64 bare jig, or with stuff tied to it. Doesn't seem to really matter. Mostly on a bobber, either jigged or just floating. I also have had good success drop shotting them. Although the same deal as Slabdaddy with the smaller ones. I just picked up a few packs of the 2.5" with the same thought process...
One thing that I did notice, certain hooks work better than others. I like to thread them on a longer shank hook. This allows you to catch 5-10 fish on one bait. If you single hook the head, or thread on a shorter shank, they seem to rip them off, after a bite or two. If they are on, they'll keep hitting one that is torn to shreds.
I'm going to give the Road Runners and 2.5" a try this weekend.
Please let me know about the roadrunners and the 2.5". I've been thinking about this too but haven't bought any roadrunners yet. Size and colors that worked. Thank you.
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For colors I prefer the black or chartreuse Gulp minnows in the 1" and 4" sizes. Every year I consider trying different colors, but have done so well on what I've been using that I don't bother with other colors. I'll use them on circle hooks, 1/8 - 1/4 oz swimming jigs or Phelps Floaters depending on wave conditions and catch just about everything on them; 'eyes, crappies, perch, muskie and even cats. My favorite methods are circle hooks and the Phelps Floaters. The most important thing to me though is where I purchase the . Every year I get them from the Gulp products. I get mine from the Allegheny Sports and Travel Show and get the 12 oz tub for $11.00! Not too shabby. Way better priced than any bait and tackle shop I've seen.
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Slab - I just noticed this message. The 2.5" work great. They do seem to weed out the smaller fish a little. They still nibble at them, but much harder for a <5" gill to get in their mouths. We got a few nice crappie on them. The firetiger seemed to do the trick the one day, and has built some confidence for me. I tried the road runner, but nothing. They seemed to want them slow drifted or just lightly jigged, I'm sure they have their time and place though. In my past two times out, they were dropshotted, since the fish seem to be suspending in the deep.
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Yeah, I've been doing fairly well on the firetiger 2.5" too. I may have to try dropshotting them. I usually either jig them or put them on a jig head and give them a slow, steady retrieve.
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I tried some wobble jig heads, that gave a really nice action to it. No fish on it, but can't imagine it not working under the right conditions.
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I made several sloppy typos guys, most notably in the 5th and 6th sentences. Sorry about that! The bad part is I did proof read. That's what happens when one works way too many hours and works all 3 shifts in 3 days. It's not an excuse, just the facts. I know that to some the mistakes won't make much difference, but I do try to be a responsible writer.
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I made several sloppy typos guys, most notably in the 5th and 6th sentences. Sorry about that! The bad part is I did proof read. That's what happens when one works way too many hours and works all 3 shifts in 3 days. It's not an excuse, just the facts. I know that to some the mistakes won't make much difference, but I do try to be a responsible writer.
Commendable, but unecessary. It's all good buddy. I'm just glad that you were nice enough to contribute to my question. Thanks!
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Yeah, I think the grammar police stick to the off topic board (usually come out when they feel they are losing an arguement). Your post had enough quality input, I didn't even notice any typos... Susky bass weren't interested in the Gulp this weekend. Did trick one smaller channel cat with one. Did o.k. with a Rebel Crayfish. I should have taken the flyrod and Clouser Crays.
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I'm not sure if anyone mentioned, but the packaging for Gulp is rediculous. They make the zip bags break at the zip area after 3-4 uses, and jars leak after 3-4 uses. I'd suggest putting your bags in additional zip lock bags, and rejar the jars into something better. At the very least, make sure you keep them upright. I had a jar leak in my tackle box, and not the best smell. I've also had 2-3 bags dry up on me. I can't see this not leading to a class action lawsuit. Other than that, a great product. Got a few smaller crappie on them again a few days ago.
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Also, don't put other jig bodies in the jars and leave them in there. They will disolve in the liquid. If it's not gulp, don't leave it in a gulp jar. Dunking is fine, but don't leave it there indefinately.
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Yeah, a small jar lost all its liquid in my tackle bag. At least all the other tackle is "permeated" with gulp smell now, and my hands too whenever I grab something out of the bag.
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Mine too. My jar of 1" minnows leaked all through my tackle bag. Stinks like hell now.