DT Caddis Tute
everyone has their own way of tying caddis. this is mine. i like to keep the deer/elk hair head above the hook eye. Some caddis imitations will add a wire rib. as far as i'm concerned, even though deer hair and elk float, a wire rib adds weight. i catch enough trout on'em i don't use wire.
if you decide to use a fine gold wire, counter wrap it over the hackle rib. this will keep the hackle rib from getting torn up by the fishies teeth.
it was late when i decided to do these so they are not refined, just a tute and they'll work just as well sunday or any sunday for that matter.
Hook: Standard Dry #16,#14,#12 (#14 used in tute)
Thread: Tan 0/6 or heavier.
Egg sack: Grannom green
Rib: Dark Ginger Dry Saddle Hackle, palmered over body in open wraps
Body: caddis green (lighter than egg sac)
Wing: light brown elk hair
Base hook shaft
2. Dub an egg sac at rear of shaft with bright green dubbing
3. tie in saddle hackle in front of egg sac.
4. Twist Caddis green dubbing on thread in one direction
5. Wrap dubbing forward, leave plenty room behind eye of hook
6. Palmer hackle towards hook eye and tie down.

7. Trim top of hackle at an angle as shown.
8. Cut a pinch of brown elk hair close to hide. Pull out underfur from base of elk hair and put in hair stacker tips down.

sorry no ubersnob hair stacker yet!

Tap bottom of stacker on hard surface and, with stacker horizontal, pull out inner tube with even hair tips.
9. Tie down elk wing, with tips just rear of hook bend, behind hook eye with
three soft loops and than pull down to tighten. this will flare elk wing some. Steely34 calls it "loose loop" technique.
10. Add afew more thread wraps to secure wing. Trim Elk hair as shown to make head. I use a half hitch tool to finish the thread wraps and I always add head cement. I trim the bottom of the hackle even or just above the hook point. This will make sure the fly lands correctly and i feel gets a better hook set on sipping trout.
A few other caddis
Flutting Tan Caddis (tan or ginger color body) Tan Elk Hair for wing
Tan Elk Hair Olive Caddis. This is tied on a #16 straight eye hook.
For those who have trouble hooking fish on small flies try using an up eye or straight hook eye rather than a down eye. Down eye hooks, on smaller patterns, narrow the gap between the hook point and eye of hook.
Dark Olive Deer Hair Caddis with egg sac.
I also use this dark deer hair for some of my Grannom Pattern Wings
Some of the dubbing colors i use for bodies
post edited by doubletaper - 2012/05/02 08:16:25