RE: Muddy Creek?
2012/01/28 05:15:19
Muddy Creek by cambridge springs (nearest town) is most easliest axcessed from swamp road. The issue with that is that is its a huge wildlife refuge. I have read the rules and it is set aside for migritory bird and allow no boats, tude or anything that floats with a person in it for fear of people transporting aquatic hitchhikers to its waters.
The surrounding area is low lying swamp with alot of red brush, pricker bushes, thick tall growing grasses. It isnt a diamond in the rough because the water is super low and the air if filled with biting insects as the case for many slow moving swamp like streams.
But i have to wonder if you have the names of the creeks you are lookin for information messed up since you asked about edinboro/venango. Check on that.