RE: Youth Field Day
2011/08/28 13:05:13
I think that these youth days are very important & also participate in several of them that are for handicapped children.Unfortunately as my phsical condition worstens I am doing more administration than hands on.I do think that we are missing a great public relation oppurtunity by not scheduling more of these events on the last Sat. in Sept. ,as this week-end is set aside by the Government as National Hunting & fishing Day. As far as I know My club( Irwin Sportsmans Assoc.)is the only club again, that has an event for that week-end in our area. On this day we have free shoots for beginners in trap,.22,bows & pistols,along with that, we collect used hunting clothes & equipment,especialy clothes that our kids have grown out of, to give to those who can't afford them. I would suggest that any club that is intrested in helping our youth,do the same. We all know how important it is to have warm clothing.It could make a difference in whether a kid goes the following year or not. sam