Youth Field Day

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2011/08/09 19:48:31 (permalink)

Youth Field Day

I am working down by Buzzard Swamp in Marienville and have seen posters for the Youth Field Day there on last Saturday.
Was just curious how the turn out was or if any one attended....

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB


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    Outdoor Adventures
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/11 23:52:27 (permalink)
    Was this the field days put on by the PGC and PBFC ? I know the NWTF had an event. The JAKE program is great way to introduce kids into the sport. NWTF does a great job putting together these events. I am also curious as what type of turn out they had.
    post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/08/12 00:02:38
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/12 06:52:58 (permalink)
    PGC I think..

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/12 17:05:27 (permalink)
    Youth Field Day events are held all across the state, generally by the cooperation of all or at least several of the Sportsmen clubs in the county. The Game Commission and Fish Commission generally assist with the events but it is Sportsmen hosted and organized.
    They are a great way to introduce youth to the shooting and other outdoor sports. It takes a lot of volunteers to make it work. You should all get involved in one.
     R.S. Bodenhorn
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/15 16:36:18 (permalink)
    Couldn't agree more. Also "Women In The Outdoors" is also a great event. Chapman state park holds such an event with a pretty good turn out. RSB, you involved in any of the women or youth programs ?
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/15 17:23:48 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

    Couldn't agree more. Also "Women In The Outdoors" is also a great event. Chapman state park holds such an event with a pretty good turn out. RSB, you involved in any of the women or youth programs ?

    Absolutely, the youth programs are especially one of the most rewarding things I have been involved in as a WCO. I will be staying even more active in those events once I am retired and have more time to put into them. 
    I was one of the principle organizers of the Elk County Youth Field Day and have organized, worked at and MC’ed the event every year since it’s beginning about 18 years ago if I remember correctly. I am attending all of this year’s organizational meetings, coordinating the adult programs and working on the food and raffle donations for this year’s event even though I am going to, for the first time ever, going miss this year’s event. The reason I am missing the Youth Field Day this year is because I also have been a major player in organizing a Foundation to take disabled youth and their families on a hunt (much like “Hunt of a Lifetime”) and the only time we could get the lodge and shooting grounds was the same weekend as the Elk County youth Field Day. Our disabled youth hunters this year are both young girls (one 11 and other 17) and going on a pheasant hunt/fishing/trap shooting event. Unfortunately this might well be among the last hunting opportunities for at least one of this year’s selected hunt recipients. I felt it was perhaps more important to assist on making it to that hunt this year than being there for the Youth Field Day where they always have plenty of help.
    I have been part of both organizing and getting the funding sponsors for the “Women in the Outdoors” program. I have also been part of the local “Pheasants Forever Mentored Youth Pheasant Hunt” held in Elk County each year since the first year of youth pheasant seasons. In fact I spent most of today, my day off, meeting with people, ordering hats and shirts for this year’s youth hunt, discussing more of the details that need to be worked out on the disabled youth hunt and partnering with a Shooting Grounds/lodge owner on his desire to host a hunt for Disabled Veterans.
    I will probably always be involved in working with the volunteers who make these types of hunting events happen. I suspect from your comments that you are also actively involved, if you are I want to thank you for being a part of those most worthy events.
    R.S. Bodenhorn
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/15 17:40:01 (permalink)
    Thats great to hear and many thanks for your time and effort for such events. I often come off as negative but do post where credit is deserved. Great job !
    Outdoor Adventures
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/15 17:48:21 (permalink)
    The Tionesta Indian Festival is all this week and I hope to see both the PGC and the PBFC promoting hunting and fishing for the youth and women as well.
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/15 17:48:47 (permalink)
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    RE: Youth Field Day 2011/08/28 13:05:13 (permalink)
    I think that these youth days are very important & also participate in several of them that are for handicapped children.Unfortunately as my phsical condition worstens I am doing more administration than hands on.I do think that we are missing a great public relation oppurtunity by not scheduling more of these events on the last Sat. in Sept. ,as this week-end is set aside by the Government as National Hunting & fishing Day. As far as I know My club( Irwin Sportsmans Assoc.)is the only club again, that has an event for that week-end in our area. On this day we have free shoots for beginners in trap,.22,bows & pistols,along with that, we collect used hunting clothes & equipment,especialy clothes that our kids have grown out of, to give to those who can't afford them. I would suggest that any club that is intrested in helping our youth,do the same. We all know how important it is to have warm clothing.It could make a difference in whether a kid goes the following year or not. sam
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