One step closer. Woo Hoo
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One step closer. Woo Hoo
BOARD ADOPTS RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT SUNDAY HUNTING The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners today approved a resolution to support repeal of the statutory prohibition on Sunday hunting. The vote on the resolution, which was proposed by Game Commissioner Jay Delaney Jr. and seconded by Game Commissioner Ralph A. Martone, was four in support, three opposed and one abstention. Those voting in support of the resolution were Game Commissioners Delaney, Martone, David J. Putnam and Robert W. Schlemmer. Those voting in opposition were Game Commissioners Thomas E. Boop, David W. Schreffler and Ronald A. Weaner. Game Commissioner Gregory J. Isabella abstained. Game Commission staff will present the resolution to the House Game and Fisheries Committee, which has been holding public hearings on the topic of Sunday hunting. The text of the resolution is as follows: “The Board of Commissioners for the Pennsylvania Game Commission declares its support for a repeal of prohibitions on Sunday hunting by the amending of Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statues in Hunting and Trapping. “Whereas, Pennsylvania has experienced consistent declines in hunting participation by both resident and non-resident hunters over the past several decades, with both the number of license sold and revenues generated experiencing steady declines, and “Whereas, youth participation is vital to maintaining the long-standing tradition of hunting in Pennsylvania, we can effectively double the number of hunting days for youths during the school year by offering Sunday hunting, and “Whereas, Sunday hunting is an effective means of recruiting new hunters and retaining current hunters by increasing the value of the hunting license through offering additional opportunities to spend time in the field, and “Whereas, many Pennsylvania residents seek hunting opportunities and hunting leases in neighboring states that offer Sunday hunting; Sunday hunting will keep Pennsylvania hunters in Pennsylvania, and “Whereas Pennsylvania has a long-standing tradition of hunting camps and clubs, Sunday hunting will effectively double the number of hunting days for camp owners and club members, and “Whereas, Sunday hunting is expected to generate a substantial increase in out-of-state license sales and the accompanying revenue for the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and “Whereas, hunting license sales and their associated federal matching funds are the primary revenue source for the Pennsylvania Game Commission in carrying out its mission, including maintaining 1.5 million acres of state game lands and acquisition of additional public lands, research and management of wildlife and providing information and education to the public, and “Whereas, Sunday hunting will provide substantial economic benefits to rural areas and businesses by increasing money spent by hunters on lodging, food, gas and other incidental items, and “Whereas, Sunday hunting is expected to generate $629 million in additional spending and create 5,300 new jobs, resulting in $18 million in additional sales and income tax, and “Whereas, the mission of the Pennsylvania Game Commission is to manage wildlife and its habitat for current and future generations, and “Whereas, Sunday hunting, which is currently permitted to control a growing population of coyotes, will provide the biologists of the Pennsylvania Game Commission a new tool to manage wildlife populations, and “Whereas, the forty-three states that currently permit Sunday hunting have not experienced any discernable impact on the health or vibrancy of game populations, and “Whereas, the Board of Commissioners recognizes the authority to permit Sunday hunting lies entirely with the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, and “Whereas, if the General Assembly repeals the restrictions on Sunday hunting thus giving authority to regulate Sunday hunting to the Board of Commissioners, the Board recognizes the many stakeholder groups any action on Sunday hunting will effect and will endeavor to engage these stakeholders before passing any new regulations in regard to Sunday hunting. “NOW, THEREFOR, we the Board of Commissioners for the Pennsylvania Game Commission, do hereby urge the General Assembly of Pennsylvania to REPEAL the PROHIBITION ON SUNDAY HUNTING IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 16:42:01
Yes very pleased to see this. I have been cautiously optimistic this would happen today after talking with sevral commissioners over the past few months. This will go a long way to the pending legislation transferring regulatory control to the PGC actually moving.
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 17:16:34
Rep Evans just introduced legislation. "Legislation introduced this week as House Bill 1760 The Pennsylvania Game Commission today endorsed removing the prohibition on hunting on Sundays in Pennsylvania, which is the basis of legislation I am sponsoring. The endorsement came at a meeting of the Board of Game Commissioners in Harrisburg by a vote of 4-3. One commissioner abstained. As chairman of the House Game and Fisheries Committee, I just introduced House Bill 1760, that would allow more hunting seasons in Pennsylvania to include Sundays. Currently, only coyotes, crows and foxes are permitted to be hunted on Sundays. By removing such restrictions and prohibitions, we would be greatly improving access and opportunity for hunters across the Commonwealth at a time when our great hunting and sporting traditions are in jeopardy due to declining numbers and limited access. My proposal would not mandate hunting on the 52 Sundays in the year, but merely would allow the Game Commission to include Sundays as part of regular hunting seasons. The implementation of Sunday hunting beyond the current provisions would also have a very positive economic effect on the Commonwealth as a whole. A 2005 study conducted by the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee found that Sunday hunting would have an economic impact of up to $629 million in Pennsylvania and add 5,300 new jobs. The study found that adding only the two Sundays within the general deer season would provide an impact of $185 million, with 1,627 new jobs. Pennsylvania, which imposed the ban in 1873, is one of 11 states that has some type of prohibition of hunting on Sundays. The legislation is supported by a vast number of statewide and national sportsmen’s and wildlife groups. It has been referred to the House Game and Fisheries Committee, which has already held one public hearing on the issue in Somerset County. Two additional public hearings are planned later in the summer for central and eastern Pennsylvania. For more information about the bill, visit my website at "
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 17:35:21
I see nothing in their comments about asking for ""transferring regulatory control"" but maybe I am missing it... all I see is the PGC saying they will support legislation removing the ban on Sunday hunting... just like I said they would do.. "pass the buck" to the politicians.. they are not asking for any changes to the current law to allow them "regulatory control".. they state they will just support a bill to remove the ban on Sunday hunting... so I see nothing new here from the PGC's stance.. as for Rep Evans.... any representative or senator can introduce a bill.. that does not mean much on it own.. we'll have to see if it ever gets to a vote of any kind and IF it would then pass... so I see this as just passing time on the subject.... no advancement as such... I seem to recall legislation was presented awhile back too but it went NOWHERE.... but we are all free to think what we want about this press release...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/06/28 17:49:50
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 17:48:27
Yes we are and I will be optimistic that GAME MANAGEMENT will come to being controlled by the PGC. As it should be.. Mabee we should have left the crossbow debate up to the politicians, then you could have joined the anti-PGC folks as you stated...
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 17:53:56
There was no need for the politicians to make the crossbow decision.. there was no state law prohibiting folks from owning crossbows.. it was a PGC law/rule saying they could not be used in archery season but could be used in rifle season..... the legislature was only going to change the defintion of a I recall.. not change any state law apples and oranges in MHO
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/06/28 17:54:41
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 17:55:13
This is from the PGC release, doc. "Whereas, if the General Assembly repeals the restrictions on Sunday hunting thus giving authority to regulate Sunday hunting to the Board of Commissioners, "
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 18:00:54
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout as for Rep Evans.... any representative or senator can introduce a bill.. that does not mean much on it own.. we'll have to see if it ever gets to a vote of any kind and IF it would then pass... so I see this as just passing time on the subject.... no advancement as such... I seem to recall legislation was presented awhile back too but it went NOWHERE.... Its got a long way to go for sure. It is a first step and one many thought we would not see any time soon. There will be many reps against this and many reps for it. Time will tell if it goes anywhere or not. At least we are talking about a real possibility here that our game angency will finally be able to regulate hunting 365 days of the year.
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 18:34:34
"Whereas, if the General Assembly repeals the restrictions on Sunday hunting thus giving authority to regulate Sunday hunting to the Board of Commissioners, " Naturally I read that == but LOOK CLOSELY.. all that states is that if the legislature changes the law the PGC can then regulate.. we all knew that all along... my arguement was and is ... I don't want the PGC ASKING for that change in the law.. if the law is to be changed let the legislature do it, they are the ones that passed the law in the first place... If a bill is passed making Sunday hunting legal.. so be it... I just do not want the PGC (by asking for the change) getting the "blame" from those not wanting Sunday hunting.. I have no idea why some have so much of a problem understanding my position... it's simple.. let the legislature do it... change the law ... then the PGC can do what they want with it and be held responsible for what they decide to do with it... notice also in the press release quotes it sure sounds like it will be across the board stating all the extra income, jobs created, doubling the time to hunt, etc, etc... those will only happen with full Sunday hunting..
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/06/28 18:35:23
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 19:31:12
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout my arguement was and is ... I don't want the PGC ASKING for that change in the law.. if the law is to be changed let the legislature do it, they are the ones that passed the law in the first place... I, for one, understand the basis of your position. Ultimately though, the legislature is the one that has to pass the law. Even if the PGC wants it, it goes no where unless the legislature acts. If it passes, it is solely the action of our representatives. IMO, the PGC should ask for this change as it is their responsibility to regulate hunting.
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 19:34:30
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout notice also in the press release quotes it sure sounds like it will be across the board stating all the extra income, jobs created, doubling the time to hunt, etc, etc... those will only happen with full Sunday hunting.. I noted that as well but I do not believe that is the intention of the BOC. Every one of my discussions have revealed there is no will to open it up across the board. I would not want "all in" and would work to ensure that we proceed cautiously. Would be a good opportunity for those for and against to work together to make sure we proceed in a manner that is seamless with the intention of keeping any negative consequences to a minimum.
post edited by dpms - 2011/06/28 19:35:38
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 19:37:00
I can promise that if the law is changed and the PGC gets to make the choices as to seasons. I'll be the first to join in not having it become all inclusive...
wayne c
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 20:15:14
We have longer seasons than ever. We've added other opportunity such as crossbows etc. recently. My area has record allocation and for several years has had all time high allocations, and this, after our herd has been reduced significantly. We have had our antler restriction lowered which will only serve to take out a few more deer, we have youth from pre-weaned toddlers on up legal this year to shoot does, and now with my unit in the crosshairs clearly for further reductions despite claims (claims were stabilization before, and rosenberry finally admitted that didnt happen the last 5 years).... and now Sunday hunting.... And not one snowflakes chance in hell that our allocations will be reduced in this unit when it is legal to deer hunt on sundays... And if sunday hunting is legal, thats what most would want it for.. And there is no reason why it shouldnt be legal to hunt deer if its legal to hunt for everything else... If it werent for a pathetic pgc antideer policy. Though i suspect its coming. Some hunters want it for some very noble reasons...Pgcs reasons arent so noble, just another way to slaughter more deer, and they are salivating like dogs that havent eaten in a week that are chained up inches out of reach of a T-bone steak. And yes Doc, you are mistaken, i watched the video of the meeting and they most certainly DID take a new position by actually voicing their position to take over the say on sunday hunting. I believe commissioner Weiner and couple others had reservations about doing so, and having to take "the heat" over the decision making instead of the legislators. Thats why 3 commissioners voted no. Actually the first vote was to TABLE the vote, The vote to do so was a 4-4 tie. (Ridiculous that they have even number of commissioners in the first place) Then they proposed a vote on accepting the policy, and it was 4-3. Which was rather interesting that Isabella ducked out and obstained on the vote, even though he did take part in the first vote.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/06/28 20:23:27
wayne c
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 20:20:13
"I can promise that if the law is changed and the PGC gets to make the choices as to seasons. I'll be the first to join in not having it become all inclusive..." Sorry, but at that point you are fighting a battle thats already 90% over Doc. Also some have spoke of "easing it in" or not all seasons right off the bat....And what makes the difference if they hold out a season or three until two or three years later?? It makes NONE at all. Why face the bitterness over such a long period? If you are gonna slap us in the mouth with it, just do it like pulling off a bandaid, so we can move on. Those of us against the deer slaughter will still vocally oppose the misnanagement, ridiculous allocations etc. until responsible management takes place..with or without sundays legalized. At least we are talking about a real possibility here that our game angency will finally be able to regulate hunting 365 days of the year. Do you think that will put our hunters at ease? Such a trustworthy bunch that hasnt cared about us and our desires for the last decade, now able to show that to be the case even more?
post edited by wayne c - 2011/06/28 20:30:49
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 20:26:50
ORIGINAL: wayne c Weiner and couple others had reservations about doing so, and having to take "the heat" over the decision making instead of the legislators. Thats why 3 commissioners voted no. Wayne. Isn't Weiner a landowner/farmer? Curious if he is a member of the PFB? Boop is against anything that may kill a deer. Schreffler tends to be all over the place so his is tough to figure out. Isabella, I don't understand. Most thought he was a firm "yes".
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wayne c
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/28 20:44:30
I have no idea if hes a member of the pfb. Boop i agree is against anything to kill deer and with good reason considering the current state of affairs. Sure wish there were more responsible gentlemen like boop on the board. We need to kill more deer about as much as we each need a second and third anus. Boops term being up, wonder if they will pick another likeminded to replace him so that they can have another token pro-deer representative on the board that they can point to as "a diverse board" and not 100% handpicked antideer if it matters with the majority in firm control and the prodeer kept the lame-duck. I agree schreffler is very flighty. As for Sclemmer, hes firmly in the antideer camp. Ive seen him flat out lie to constiuents in emails about positions and voting in regard to allocation reduction and other things and have lost all respect for him. Isabella of course as you know is antideer and why most would think to be a firm yes. I found it interesting he abstained...certainly wasnt about the deer for him, had to be because of religious reasons or not wanting to **** someone off with his vote. I believe if i recall correctly hes a Mason. Perhaps that had something to do with his decision. Putnam Is antideer, and i dont put much stock in martone either after having been privy to some converstations through email he has had with others on the deer management topic. They COULD be given benefit of a doubt and perhaps they sincerely see the added opportunity as a good thing for hunters, but i am sure neither would be highly upset if the deer herd were reduced further, especially since it would be to the delight of the pgc staff who will LOVE having sunday non workday deer/pest stomping days. Staff who clearly have Martone & Putnams ears where the "plan" is concerned.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/06/28 20:54:57
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/29 21:23:32
This from Ed Staback, former chair of Game and Fish. Seems that the momentum is building in a big way. Staback commends Game Commission's move on Sunday hunting HARRISBURG, June 28 – State Rep. Ed Staback, D-Lackawanna/Wayne, praised the passage of a resolution by the Pennsylvania Game Commission calling for the end of the prohibition on Sunday hunting. "By taking this bold action, the Pennsylvania Game Commission not only recognizes that Sunday hunting, when introduced properly, would be a boost to the sport of hunting and to the state’s economy, but also that decisions on seasons and bag limits are best left to the state agency specifically charged with that responsibility," Staback said. "The Game Commission's resolution states that Pennsylvania hunters should not be treated differently than hunters in 43 other states that may hunt some species on Sunday if they choose to do so," Staback said. Under current Pennsylvania law, the Legislature, not the Game Commission, has the authority to make policy regarding Sunday hunting. The current prohibition on Sunday hunting is the only game management decision given to the General Assembly. "With this resolution and the support for pro-Sunday hunting legislation now coming in to legislators’ offices, there is momentum building to move the decision-making powers about Sunday hunting from legislators to game biologists and the Board of Commissioners at the PGC," Staback said. "With passage of the resolution, the Board sends a clear message that they are ready to make those choices and that they want the authority to use Sunday hunting as one of their management tools."
post edited by dpms - 2011/06/29 21:26:44
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/30 00:08:18
Good post. I said the momentum was building not long ago and more guys need to send letters asking for the support of hunting on Sundays. We're heading in the right direction. Keep sending those letters people.
wayne c
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/06/30 11:00:48
Its the same people...just getting louder. Staback has ALWAYS been a proponent of Sunday hunting.
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/07/09 19:18:38
I know that most of the people on here are adults, but as a 21 year old i would love to hunt on sunday. I am still in school and hardly get the chance to hunt during the season. I wish they would move the seasons around and shorten them. (and get rid of crossbows) I like how in some parts of the state its buck only for the first week of the rifle season. I'm an avid archery hunter and i will never use a crossbow a day in my life. I pull the rifle out once a year for the first day of buck and that's it. What are the chances Sunday hunting will get passed and will it be this season if it does? I'm out of the loop here been working 80hrs a week. Ed
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/07/09 19:56:45
Don't plan on it for quite a while. Will take a few years of slow inclusion to get it in place if it passes through the legislature. This is just the first step, letting the PGC have control of game management all 7 days of the week. What they do from there is only speculation at this point.
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/07/09 20:52:02
ORIGINAL: bingsbaits Don't plan on it for quite a while. Will take a few years of slow inclusion to get it in place if it passes through the legislature. This is just the first step, letting the PGC have control of game management all 7 days of the week. What they do from there is only speculation at this point. It is gaining recognition and support though. Even the Pittsburgh news stations had a piece on it recently.
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RE: One step closer. Woo Hoo
2011/07/09 21:37:55
ORIGINAL: Eman89so What are the chances Sunday hunting will get passed and will it be this season if it does? The legislation to transfer regulatory control of Sunday hunting(HB1760) to the PGC was just introduced and referred to Game and Fish. It has to come out of Game and Fish then it goes to the house floor. Ammendments could be made to the bill. If this bill or a version of it passes the House it then goes to Senate Game and Fish for the same process. As one would imagine, this could take some time. It is possible, but unlikely, to see it move before the end of this year. Most likely next year if the momentum continues. The earliest the PGC could propose changes would be for the 2012/13 season, but realistically 2013/14. This is of course of this bill moves at all.
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