LockedPermanent camp roster ??

Outdoor Adventures
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2011/06/23 00:23:23 (permalink)

Permanent camp roster ??

Permanent Camp Rosters: If five or more persons hunt together from a
permanent camp and cooperate to drive deer or bears, they must maintain
a roster in duplicate. A copy must be carried by the drive leader and the
other posted at the headquarters for 30 days following close of season.
Roster must include license year, name of camp or party, location, township,
county, name of each member, all required hunting license numbers,
date of arrival and departure, firearm caliber, game harvested, including sex,
date, weight and number of points if applicable.

Why must a roster be posted at a permanent camp but not at a permanent residence? What is the purpose of posting personal information for all to see ?

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    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 00:44:46 (permalink)
    What is the purpose of posting personal information for all to see ?

    There you go again.. just making up BS .... where do you see it state it has to be posted for all to see...

    and what personal info... name and license number.... WOW .... now that is getting really personnel..

    My opinion.... If you are going to have more than 5 hunters stay at your house and you all cooperate in driving deer or bear from that "base" .... I would suggest you post a rooster....

    PLUS... it is only required if you are going to be cooperating in driving deer or bear... if you are all going to hunt seperately you do not need one...


    GO TO BED and get some sleep... maybe you'll wake up a happier person with more rest .
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/06/23 00:47:26
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 00:53:19 (permalink)

    If you are going to have more than 5 hunters stay at your house and you all cooperate in driving deer or bear from that "base" .... I would suggest you post a rooster....

    Should I post a live "rooster" or dead "rooster" DT ?

    Why is it law ? Why is it law only at a permanent camp ? Instead of always criticizing my questions why don't you answer them DT ?

    As far as posting the "roster" I think it must be posted on the door of the camp. DT have you ever been put on a roster ? That would mean that you have at least 5 friends. Think hard now.
    post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/06/23 00:59:52
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 01:06:10 (permalink)
    why is it a law to wear seat belts???

    why is it a law to go 65 moph instead fo 75 ??

    Why is it a law I have to pay taxes??

    I have no idea why we have all the laws we have.. I just try my best to follow them...

    as for the "permananet camp" I'm not so sure I would be so specific on just what that is.... as I mentioned a residence may be considered a "camp" if used to host hunters that are going to cooperate in a drive to harvest deer or bear from it... NOT POSITIVE --- but I'd guess it would be considered a "camp" for that period... but that would be me using common sense...

    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/06/23 04:05:30
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 01:23:05 (permalink)
    Once again your comment is worthless. As far as a roster being posted for everyone to see you should first look before making statements. Anyone know the answer to my question ? http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/058/chapter141/s141.42.html
    post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/06/23 01:31:03
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 09:05:57 (permalink)

    Should I post a live "rooster" or dead "rooster" DT ?

    I'm sure most here realize that is/was a typo , just like so many that I post,, as I have said I do not have "spell checker" on my browser

    Course I see these from you just yesterday == and I never said anything or pointed them out ... til now....

    I try to obey the law to the best of my knowage

    It not my opinion it's fact

    acording to the annual sumary report

    what's that saying about living in glass houses ?????
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/06/23 09:08:39
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 09:22:25 (permalink)
    Look out OA seems you have a staulker.

    Wonder how many of the amish around here post camp rosters.
    Many field more than 5 hunters and they all drive deer even in archery.

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 12:18:00 (permalink)
    (a)  Rosters are required for groups of five or more persons who are members of a permanent camp and hunt together for deer, bear or elk or cooperate with others to hunt for deer, bear or elk.

    The law applies to ALL groups of 5 or more people hunting deer, bear, and elk, not just those hunting from a permanent camp.
    (a)(1)  Be prepared in duplicate with one copy being carried by the leader, and the other permanently posted at the headquarters.

    Headquarters would refer to whatever 'base' the group was using, whether that be a camp, trailer, house, tent, ect.
    I really don't see what is so difficult about this.
    Outdoor Adventures
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 14:27:17 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bingsbaits

    Look out OA seems you have a staulker.

    Wonder how many of the amish around here post camp rosters.
    Many field more than 5 hunters and they all drive deer even in archery.

    Guess not much action over at the "Outdoorworld" Bings. Ever wonder why ?
    I'm getting used to being stalked.
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 14:32:57 (permalink)
    Why must a roster be posted at a permanent camp but not at a permanent residence? What is the purpose of posting personal information for all to see ?

    Whats the reason for posting and making public all the personal information on a roster?
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 15:01:16 (permalink)

    The roster regulation has been in place since 1921. You'd probabley have to do some serious research to find the reason it was established. It's likely just one of many arcane laws throughout the country, that were enacted to adress some problem ( or percieved problem ). Most have never been remooved, because thyey have never been an issue ( usually because the are ignored/unenforced by law enforcement. You know anyone who has ever been cited for not posting a roster? Even had their camp checked? Most likely anyone who has been, had it as an add on to other charges.

    If you don't like the law. Lobby the PGC to change/recind it. Beeching here, does NOTHING.

    Thanks for keeping Pa. nit free

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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 15:04:42 (permalink)
    Penna. is not alone in such laws.

    "4. In Montana, it is illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays. And it is illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all. This law is so critical to the upholding of ethical behavior in the state that the Billings Convention and Visitors Bureau featured the tidbit of information on its website."

    How many women do think were cited for fishing alone in Montana last year? Over the last 50 years?

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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 15:24:28 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: spongier


    The roster regulation has been in place since 1921. You'd probable have to do some serious research to find the reason it was established. It's likely just one of many arcane laws throughout the country, that were enacted to address some problem ( or perceived problem ). Most have never been removed, because Thayer have never been an issue ( usually because the are ignored/unenforced by law enforcement. You know anyone who has ever been cited for not posting a roster? Even had their camp checked? Most likely anyone who has been, had it as an add on to other charges.

    If you don't like the law. Lobby the PFC to change/rescind it. Beaching here, does NOTHING.

    Thanks for keeping Pa. nit free

    Who beaching ? I just asked a simple question. The answer to your question is yes a deputy has checked camps in the area for no apparent reason.
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 15:40:32 (permalink)
    "I just asked a simple question.

    "Bull! It's just another one of your desperate attempts to find anything, and everything you can to rag on the PGC over. It's obvious to anyone who reads your posts.

    Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference.

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    The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody.

    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 16:05:11 (permalink)
    Guess not much action over at the "Outdoorworld" Bings. Ever wonder why ?

    Thanks again for the reference to my site... ""not much action"" ....

    that depends on what the administrator (me) was hoping for when it was set up.... I'd be happy with 30 visitors everyday .... IT's free === it just cost me the time to find and put stuff on it for others to enjoy...

    Here's today's stats so far ...just over 80 visitors in the past 24 hours and even a couple new members joined and that's on a site with no sponsors ... just my little old site for info, jokes, pictures,hunting, fishing and the Pa outdoors ...

    so again... thanks for visiting......

    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/06/23 16:06:39
    Outdoor Adventures
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 16:24:30 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout

    Guess not much action over at the "Outdoorworld" Bings. Ever wonder why ?

    Thanks again for the reference to my site... ""not much action"" ....

    that depends on what the administrator (me) was hoping for when it was set up.... I'd be happy with 30 visitors everyday .... IT's free === it just cost me the time to find and put stuff on it for others to enjoy...

    Here's today's stats so far ...just over 80 visitors in the past 24 hours and even a couple new members joined and that's on a site with no sponsors ... just my little old site for info, jokes, pictures,hunting, fishing and the Pa outdoors ...

    so again... thanks for visiting......

    I was talking to Bings but if you must continue to stalk by all means do what makes you happy !
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 16:31:37 (permalink)
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    RE: Permanent camp roster ?? 2011/06/23 16:40:32 (permalink)
    The roster regulation has been in place since 1921. You'd probabley have to do some serious research to find the reason it was established. It's likely just one of many arcane laws throughout the country, that were enacted to adress some problem ( or percieved problem ).

    No research is needed . The main reason camp rosters were required is because at that time there were camp limits on the number of big game animals that could be harvested by the group. Since camp limits no longer exist ,there should be no requirement to post a roster outside a cabin.
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