IF and when it becomes so bad for the deer it becomes illegal then I will stop, but as of now it is totally legal..
I have talked to deer biologist and read all the literture on the subject...
and in my case and I repeat
in my case here at the house.. it is not a problem.. there is standing corn close enough that the deer around here eat corn year round anyhow... I would not for example put corn over in the state forest..I am sure they could not handle eating corn this time of the year... and finally as for disease, IMHO it is not a problem or worry here, in 20 some years a couple times there were 8 or 9 here at one time... usually the most is 6
PLUS once I start I do not stop until late spring... it gets expensive because I do not get that much free corn from the club, we have a limit for each guy... but we sell TONS of it (2 bushel bags)at the store year round so getting it is never a problem.
I do it because we enjoy watching them and it allows for thousands of photos over the years.. and I'm sure the deer enjoy it

BTW.. I do feed in moderation.. I only put 8-10 ears out at a time.. never more than that... and only once a day ....
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/02/17 22:15:38