2010 PA archery stats

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retired guy
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RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/18 10:10:19 (permalink)
Good hunting Clay;
Some spots are only good for a few hours and its a waste of time to sit it out in those places. Especially when the sun comes up and the wind changes. In my post I said I sit it out on Oak ridges for long hours.
  I hunt them cause the deer tend to feed on them during the day as well as rut around the higher ledges in my area. They  like to bed on the  cedar shelvs on the side hills near the top where they have the updraft in their favor during the day. This makes the bucks frequent these areas too when on the hunt for does, thats why I get in so early -they arent there yet and I'm waiting.   Clearly this "long sit" doesnt work well on travel lanes from night feeding areas or on those same lanes in the evening. Like for a guy limited to before and after work who has to get in and out quicker. If those guys walked up the ridge in the evening theyd spook the very deer they were going to sit for down below.--different strokes
  Actually Im a bit out of sorts talking about bow hunting. Have taken many deer, and turkey as well as a nice bear with the bow but now am getting to the point where tree climbing can be a bit well--- a bit. --enjoy it as much as you can while you can.
post edited by retired guy - 2010/12/18 13:16:57
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RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/18 20:44:05 (permalink)
Some guys can,t sit..:)  me...
Every buck I nailed was on the ground still hunting. Biggest being a 21 inch 8 at 5yds.
When I did sit I would bring a book with me to cut the boredom.
rg...I to like those shelves. Cracked a nice one at camp walking above and looking over the edge.
Caught him in his bed with my smoke pole. ( I do shoot them laying down, lol)

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RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/18 21:01:11 (permalink)
getting to the point where tree climbing can be a bit well---

I used to feel you had to be way up with nothing for the deer to see around you but I'am getting just like you and started using ladder stands a bit this year. I had a 3-1/2 year old buck come within 6' of my stand and pay it no mind and I was only up 15'. I plan on buying two more for next year. At 68 I don't bounce like I used to.
retired guy
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RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/19 10:06:49 (permalink)
Hey Mike- I do that a lot-walk the top flat and peek over every now and then, they dont see you or hear you on that flat.
10- yea I know how the 60s are-  Remember there are more hunts behind us than there are ahead of us so DO IT.
As long as the ladders are in early they dont seem to notice or care about them. Pain in the butt getting the seat strapped on a loose system when setting up but they really work well. I never feel high enough in them though. Have been thinking about the ladder extension but they are so darned insecure the first time up I'm a little skeptical. Even though I tie them off to trees to help secure them so I can get the top dogged down. I also camo spray the ladders -hate that silver grey it shows up to other hunters real well.
post edited by retired guy - 2010/12/19 10:22:31
retired guy
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RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/22 12:37:10 (permalink)
Ground fineally thawed  bit today after 3 weeks of frozen leaves and freezing temps. Lots of frost heave under leaves impossible to still hunt quiet.
 Snuck up an a doe and two in their beds at about 40 yards. No horns letem pass. Looking good though they were right where poppa was late last year.
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