Just like bulldog and SHutup said...They are out there, just depends on the bait your gonna use...Spoons (Stingers or whatever) Are gonna get you eyes, steelies and "some" Junk.....Crawler harnesses are gonna get you eyes, maybe a steely or two and a lot of junk....I am hearing now that the best success is with stick baits ( Reef Runners, Rapala's, Bomber's, Bagley's etc) Ran behind dipsies or weighted off of planers are really working well and not catching any junk....My buddy got 30 Just last week using this method in 72FOW (Out of Conny though) Good luck too ya...with the hard blow we just had, it cooled the lake off a few degrees so it will be interesting to see if they have moved shallower to find warmer water or ???? Could be just sitting higher up in the TC....