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Ice Fishing the Bay
What all species do you target in the bay? I've heard that walleye are somewhat scarce when ice fishing the bay, but perch and steelhead are there in spades. Is this true? How about burbot? Can I hear some fishing stories about ice fishing the bay? Please share. I'm getting the itch pretty badly and want to hear about some banner days. I've never ice fished up there and would like to try it, so any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Big Tuna
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 12:02:32
The bay's a big chunk of water.Gills,crappie,perch,steelies,northern pike and bass provide the most action.Some years smelts may be in the bay also,the bay is very clear,a lot of guys use under water cams, a Vex is also helpful,gills run 7.5 - 8.5 and thats what the locals call bulls or keepers,I've caught some real nice crappie 13 -14 slabs some years.The gills are mostly in the weed beds but can be caught in deeper perch spots.Perch tend to roam so the run and gun approach sometimes works best. Don't be afraid to go off a hunderd yards away fron shanty town because sometimes there not getting fish or spooking them. I'm showing my age but 40 years a 1.5 to 2 lb perch there common in the 70'and 80's I could pull 9.5 inch plus pumpkinseeds all day in front of the monument in P.I. Guys fish off the two walls that enter the lake for Burbot (open water) gob afew emerals on a hook with a big weight 2 oz or more,the local guys can put a lot time in and never get one. I seldom fish there any more because I target big gills,my go to lake is 11 miles from my house and I don't keep gills under 8.5,so why tavel to the bay for a few keepers that meet my standards. I've had banner day on hog perch 12-14 inchers and fill a 5 gallon bucket up but that was years ago, filling up a bucket of giant Pumpkinseed was pretty common years ago. Getting away from ice fishing I've had some great ice out to april fun at the head of bay,Really nice crappie,some bigger gills an steelies and a pike or two into the mix all in the same day.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 12:08:37
I too would like some input on this, I've never ice fished Presque Isle before, but I'm looking to do it this year. I've heard it is a very prolific perch fishery, with some absolute hogs being taken. I'm not sure if youre a member of the IceShanty forums, but that right there is the erie/ presque isle archived report page. it might be of a little more help.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 13:20:47
Lets hope there is ice fishing this season, it looks like it will be 60 again next week so that is not going to help get it started.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 13:33:39
Big Tuna, thanks for the response. A bucket full of 9.5" punkinseeds would be a nice catch for sure. It would be nice to pull a limit of 14" perch out of an ice hole. I caught a 14" this year up at Erie that was a little over 2#! I can't believe how fat that thing was. I've caught longer perch, but I know they weren't as heavy as that 14"er. I can't imagine a bucket full of them. It's too bad that you are getting out of ice fishing. Someone your age with your experience (I mean that in a good way) would have an awful lot to teach someone that is just starting out. Fishingood, thanks for the link. Track: 60? Really? Crap! I want ice!
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 14:14:48
slabdaddy Yeah the forecast I have seen says 50's this weekend and we should break 60 on Monday or Tuesday.
"The things you own end up owning you." ~~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 15:24:39
Track, that's depressing. Thanks for the update though. So has anyone caught a walleye through the ice up there?
Big Tuna
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 18:56:01
I'm sure someone has caught a eye in the bay at ice time,but not me. I've caught a handful in 40 years fishing for smallmouth in the bay in May and early June. Best bet for ice ice is Pymy or if you got big b-lls,Ohio lake Erie 5 plus mile quad ride from shore,or guided ice boat.I caught a lot eyes at L. Chatuqua N.Y., plus nice perch.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 20:39:36
I have seen two eyes with aqua views.. And thats over 10 years veiwing the bay .. Not saying constantly, but pretty frequently.. nw/
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/11/28 21:52:16
Well, I guess that answers my question! LOL! Thanks guys. I guess if I want to pull eyes out of the ice, I had better go elsewhere. I'd still like to try it for the perch and steel though.
chili pepper
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/04 11:04:33
Most of the folks you see on the bay are fishing for panfish and perch. On any trip you could get into perch, crappie and some big bluegills. Steelhead are always cruising too and seem to pick the lightest rod to hit. I got a nice hook jawed 12 lb male on 2lb. floro. a couple years back this way. Lost many more. Some guys ice fish just for the steelhead. Will we get any ice?
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/04 11:15:45
KDKA says high of 77 low of 41 for next Monday (Pittsburgh Area).....Might be awhile for the ice.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/04 14:04:41
It was looking pretty frosty a week or two back. Now we're back up to 60's and 70's. That's ridiculous. I might have to take my boat out to Kahle.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/04 16:51:46
sorry fellas ...but I'd find NOTHING depressing about 50-60 degree temps all winter long  ` matter of fact, nothing would tickle me more ... a repeat of last winter would be dandy-fine too ..L.T.A.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/04 16:54:42
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/06 16:05:12
This weather is driving me nuts. The wife bought me a nice frabill suit last year for ice fishing, and didn't get out once. Looking very similar this year. I am also a beginner of sorts in ice fishing, but have fished the bay a few times and had fun each time, with perch, bass and gills being caught every time. Can't wait!
chili pepper
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/09 12:18:42
My ice gear never made it out of the garage last winter. I was standing there looking at my hut and auger yesterday and I heard a whimpering sound. Kind of an excited whine like a beagle makes when he knows he's going hunting and can't wait. I thought, "can an ice hut be "jonesing it" to go ice fishing?" Then i realized it was just me making that sound.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/09 14:52:03
All I can say to you guys that didn't make it out last year is you didn't look hard enough. I made it out a at least a dozen time last year and only had to take a 20 min drive from my house and no I wasn't fishing on bad ice.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/15 05:36:35
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/16 04:41:32
Heck yea ice fishing was different last year but was still a blast with many of fish caught and lots of new techniques learned
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/17 15:12:40
Were you on the bay or on inland lakes? I only got out once last year due to no ice. I'm south of you guys by about 2.5hrs. If the same happens this year, I'm coming north and chasing ice. I will get a couple of guys together to split costs and make a trip.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/25 23:20:58
Inland lakes the bay never froze
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/30 16:50:43
Could someone please post a report on what the ice looks like on the bay?
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/30 19:15:33
Look to the heavens and thank God everyday that hunting is such a grand part of our lives. Ted Nugent
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/30 19:19:20
No ice on the bay. Just a lil bit in marinas
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/30 21:58:19
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/30 21:59:51
NeFishneTime, Thank you very much for the report.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/30 22:01:26
Slabdaddy You might try this link it's The Sons of Lake Erie web cam it overlooks part of the bay from the Bicentennial Tower on State St.
I just tried it out. You have to buy a membership to view the camera.
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Re:Ice Fishing the Bay
2012/12/31 09:20:34
Don't think a membership is needed, I used it a few times in the past. It's been awhile sense I been on that cam I tried to access it today and it must be down I keep getting "timed out" you also must unblock active X controls, There will be a popup window asking you to log in TO ACCESS THE S.O.N.S. WEB CAM- Type in the word " Guest" on the user name line. "Guest" must be typed with a capital "G"
Look to the heavens and thank God everyday that hunting is such a grand part of our lives. Ted Nugent