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2012/10/23 10:23:58 (permalink)


FISHED THE LAKE AT TROUT RUN ON SUNDAY, lake conditions and weather was great, but that said saw at most 30 fish hooked and landed ,not one fish tried to enter the stream,,, now i know the comments will follow this post but i was there with my son mugzy from 7 am til after five and this is how it was,,,, it should have been a sore arm day but never materialized,,, go ahead start the comment bashing


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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 12:30:07 (permalink)
    Anyone who thinks the Steelhed numbers are not down never fished the late 90's on into the early 2000's. Fish numbers were astronomical all over Erie tribs and shores. Did weather matter ? Not a whole lot ! We did have good water flow most years. Fish were stacked from Crooked Creek to 20 Mile. Trout Run was on fire every morning with 100 plus fish caught on good days. This looks like the 4th year in a row that numbers are not as good as years past. There were days when we would fish up at I-79 (Rick Road)  catch numbers of fish and drive down to the Elk Access and battle just as many. I don't have a exact answer as to why it is ( this has been argued way to much ) but , there is no doubt there are way less migrations then years past. Don't forget to buy your 3CU buttons every year!
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 12:48:08 (permalink)
    have there been any studies done on why return rates are low?
    pollution could be to blame but its more likely that the food chain is being interfered with by asiatic clams or zebra mussels, could be the fish are just spawning in the lake instead of running the tribs, could even be that the bass and walleye are eating the young fingerlings going into the lake...it would be very interesting to see some scientific research on the why.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 13:24:54 (permalink)
    Thousands of fish being kept a year on the lake before they can even enter the creeks. While in the creeks thousands being kept a week throughout all the tribs. Love hearing the stories of all the fish in the tribs in the late 80s from a buddy of mine. He has been going at it every year forever and says you would just see huge black clouds in the water moving up. Not complaining as we still have 50+ hook up days when the water flow is nice but he says it does not hold a candle to what it once was.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 13:33:19 (permalink)
      Oh God, here we go again!
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 13:52:38 (permalink)
    facts would be nice
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 13:54:10 (permalink)
    There's alot of hungry walleyes in late spring waiting for those tiny morsels to come to the lake.
    Bumper years for walleyes lately.
    post edited by pafisher - 2012/10/23 13:55:41
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 14:08:53 (permalink)
    That's right. There are NO STEELHEAD IN ERIE! Don't waste the trip. Save your gas money. I live 2.5hrs away. I'm NEVER COMING UP AGAIN BECAUSE THERE ARE NO FISH IN ERIE! People fishing the tribs and keeping the fish instead of releasing them have decimated the numbers so much that the fishery is almost extinct. THERE ARE NO MORE STEELHEAD IN ERIE.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 14:14:22 (permalink)
    The walters ate them and we wacked 20 times the normal number of steelbows in the lake trolling this year, they sure make good fertilizer...
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 14:19:00 (permalink)
    If 50+ hook ups a day isn't enough for you what will be?? How about focusing more on landing some of those 50+ hook ups.....change your techniques, do something other then say...well the fishing was better 5-10 years ago. Keep in mind it's only October....And I agree FACTS would be nice. But I tend to believe anglers are just lazy....go find the fish....catch the fish. badabing badaboom!!

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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 14:53:41 (permalink)

    facts would be nice

    Fact is big fish eat little fish. When there is a higher population of walleyes, you will see less Smolts make it to maturity
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 15:02:17 (permalink)

    When there is a higher population of walleyes, you will see less Smolts make it to maturity

    And that....is a good thing.

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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 15:07:17 (permalink)


    facts would be nice

    Fact is big fish eat little fish. When there is a higher population of walleyes, you will see less Smolts make it to maturity

    Couple that with warmer lake temps and it would explain the lack of EPIC run patterns thus far. Either way, I can almost guarantee that I could come up there and catch my limit almost any day as long as the tribs aren't completely blown out. That's enough for me. I don't need 50+ hook ups. It would be nice, but not necessary, as long as I get my three fish for the grill.
    I think everyone on here could go out and land 3 fish darn near any day, provided the creeks weren't blown out. If there was money on them, we could all do it. I don't mean every time, but more days than not. If that is possible, then why is everyone saying that there are no fish?

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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 15:12:26 (permalink)
    It's still October.
    This is my 9th year fishing for steelhead, so I think I've been doing this long enough now to see some trends in my feeshin.  I usually make a trip mup every year during the last 2 weeks of October.  I have yet to see as many in the last 2 weeks of October than I do in mid to late November. Give it a few weeks of colder weather and sustained, elevated creek levels before you hit the panic button.
    That said, I'll still be mup in sometime in the next 5 to 7 days probably, and I bet I'll find plenty of fish to fish for.  Whether or not I can catch 'em is another story altogether. 
    Last year was an excellent year for me - best I've had in 4 or 5 years probably.  Only got up there 5 or 6 times, but caught more last year than I did in probably the previous 2 or 3 years combined with about the same number of trips.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 15:20:36 (permalink)
    just saying i would like to see some facts instead of speculation
    it is still a wonderful fishery even if you only get to see a couple fish a day
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 15:59:57 (permalink)
    just saying i would like to see some facts instead of speculation

    Here you go, there are facts in this article from PFBC bilogist Chuck Murray: 
    They were blaming it last year on a combination of things including walleye/bass predation, a spike in the lamprey eel population, and fish straying to larger NY/OH tribs.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 16:05:14 (permalink)
    It's still October.

    This is my 9th year fishing for steelhead, so I think I've been doing this long enough now to see some trends in my feeshin.  I usually make a trip mup every year during the last 2 weeks of October.  I have yet to see as many in the last 2 weeks of October than I do in mid to late November. Give it a few weeks of colder weather and sustained, elevated creek levels before you hit the panic button.

    Anyone saying that the fish are already in and numbers won't change much from here on out, are either out of touch or never fish past October.  I always begin fishing in the last week of October also, and there are never near the amount of fish in Elk at the end of October as there is in mid November.    That's a fact!
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 16:28:36 (permalink)
    I fished the lake front almost exclusively during the marvelous, fabulous, superspectacular days of the nineties. More Elk than Trout, but the lake anytime it was fishable. There were many days such as you described, that the fish either weren't THERE, or just not behaving ( slammin ) as one might expect. Many times the day before, or the day after though were "epic". Now those fish didn't suddenly cease to exist the next day. Or suddenly come into existence. So what happened. I have a theory. Would you like to hear it? Either something triggered the fish that were staged there, to make an overnight push up the creek. The weren't yet inclined to make a push, and there was no bait around.  So they moved out in search of the bait. OR, the fish were there, AND the bait. Enough bait, that they had no need or interest for what we were offering.  I've seen this happen everywhere I've fished, with every species. Slammin fish one day, and in the same "perfect conditions", nothing the next.  Who really knows why? They move on, or just copped an attitude. You'd have to ask the fish.

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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 16:40:31 (permalink)
    I've seen this happen everywhere I've fished, with every species. Slammin fish one day, and in the same "perfect conditions", nothing the next.  Who really knows why? They move on, or just copped an attitude. You'd have to ask the fish.

    My theory is that the majority of fish school up and like to stay together.  Once some of the school starts to run the rest of them follow along, not to be left behind.  It's more likely that several different big pods come in all at once, rather than x number of fish coming in steady every day. 
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 17:41:02 (permalink)
    WELL, now its november for the runs, i been coming up since early 90's even in the 80's,, started end of september early oct.,and the lake at trout run would be boiling with steel, not saying november no big runs ,but these fish just didnt change their big runs from oct to nov,,i dont agree,,,,i do agree u can find fish but no way in the numbers of the past... streams always have a up /down cycle,but the lake when fishable was always the perfect bet,,,,no matter the reason,the numbers are down, still fish to catch,but not in the numbers of yesteryears

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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 20:10:53 (permalink)
    When do the burpitz run?
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 20:16:37 (permalink)
    No way the amount of fish is the same as in the past.  Trout Run is an indicator of the run and the stream may be a 1/3 filled with fish if that.  Now you have to find numbers of fish either up or down the streams.  The Salmon River had a run like the past this year.  Erie needs to get back on board with stocking more fish in ordeer to keep the people coming from all over or they will go to other places.  Been doing this since the 80's yearly so have seen the Great runs of the paast compared to the runs of today and there is simply no comparison.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 20:22:05 (permalink)
    You guys are either blind or have no idea how to catch a steelhead if you aren't finding fish in the creeks right now.  All these years of complaining about numbers while friends and I have banked hundreds upon hundreds of fish.  Do some research, take a walk, observe what the other people are doing that are catching them and maybe you will have a better time.  Whether there is 10 fish in a run or 50 doesn't mean anything if you don't know what you are doing. 
    It's straight up stupid even on a bad year how many fish you can find in Erie county.  Go find them.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 20:49:39 (permalink)
    You have got to be kidding me!Pa is known as the fish factory by bordering states.Do you know why?Because they stock 1,000,000 smolts every year.Yeah that is way down from the 1,100,000 they used to stock.They now stock try to stock 100,000browns per year instead.Do you know how many fish Ohio stocks in all of those giant rivers?400,000.Some of you guys wont be happy unless you can park your****in one spot at the access and catch 30 fish.This is my 23rd yr at this and I have fished all through Ohio,Pa and NY including Ontario tribs.In my opinion there is no easier place to consistently whack double digits than Pa.I dont get caught up in if its a good year or a bad year.I just go and fish.Sorry for the rant but you guys are unreal.
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 21:27:36 (permalink)
    They all died of cancer, from Blue dye 235#. Leached into the water from the gobs of powerbate.

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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/23 21:32:02 (permalink)
    "Erie needs to get back on board with stocking more fish in ordeer to keep the people coming from all over or they will go to other places."

    Wow.  I guess 250k every year plus browns isn't enough.  

    And let the people go to other places.....fine by me.  

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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/24 06:56:35 (permalink)
    I don't fish the mouths ..never have
    but as far as Trout Run.....has anyone looked at this?
    1992 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 208,000
    1993 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 200,000
    1994Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 150,000
    1995 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 140,000
    1996 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 125,000
    1997 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 143,048
    1998 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 199,622
    2000 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 220,100
    2001 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 6,350
    2001 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 163,675
    2002 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 180,000
    2003 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 48,037
    2004 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 84,750
    2005 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 92,797
    2006 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 83,500
    2007 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 70,200
    2008 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 48,998
    2009 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 51,000
    2010 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Small Fingerling 18,000
    2010 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling49,050
    2011 Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Yearling 45,750  
    Look at the numbers...It would seem abundantly obvious why catch rates are down
    (ASSuming fish stage at their "home" creek before entering)
    and if i understand right, the majority of mature steelies are 3 and half  years old  when they return
    one year old when they're dumped in the creek and 2 years in the lake
    going by the stocking numbers, that would coincide with a drop  in catch rates starting around '06/'07???
    post edited by genieman77 - 2012/10/24 06:59:06
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/24 09:15:55 (permalink)
    that article was interesting
    but there was alot of speculation in it as well
    they are quessing that lampreys, walleye and bass, and weather may have something to do with the lower returns
    they need to follow the fish and find out for sure...if the answer is important
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/24 09:38:48 (permalink)

    You guys are either blind or have no idea how to catch a steelhead if you aren't finding fish in the creeks right now.  All these years of complaining about numbers while friends and I have banked hundreds upon hundreds of fish.  Do some research, take a walk, observe what the other people are doing that are catching them and maybe you will have a better time.  Whether there is 10 fish in a run or 50 doesn't mean anything if you don't know what you are doing. 

    It's straight up stupid even on a bad year how many fish you can find in Erie county.  Go find them.

    No....^^^  Fo Sho This!!!
    Yes bigbear I also read nothing but mere speculation in the article as well...speculation by a PA biologist nonetheless...So, it had to be true!
    post edited by CroatianSensation - 2012/10/24 09:40:58
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    Re:WHERES THE FISH ????? 2012/10/24 10:47:07 (permalink)
    I made the trip mup once so far and i saw a guy walking down the middle of elk just above folleys and when he got within 75 yds of the run i was fichin , all the chrome domes fled for cover under a big long log and overhanging tree . He looked in the run dissapointed and said to me "Boy the #'s are way down this yr " I smiled and said "yeah i know " I kept poping em after he left . This routine went on for quite some time that day .
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