Bigfoot, I know many democrats that are more conservative than my republican friends when it comes to government fiscal responsibilities and also believe in trickle up economics as compared to trickle down economics.
I am conservative by nature. I left the republican party and re-registered as Independent. Apparently if you don't agree with 100% of what your party tells you, you get Labeled as either a traitor or lib or unpatriotic.. As a Republican, you are not to question or criticize your candidate. If you bring up the fact that republicans preach fiscal responsibility when they are not in power then get the power and blow up the deficit and national debt worse than their democratic predecessor, you are labeled as disloyal. Now they call it TDS.
BTW, my wife was a lifelong democrat and is now a registered independent. Apparently, you are not allowed to be pro-life and a democrat at the same time.
Me,,, I was pro-choice and a republican.