2025/02/28 15:02:55
I'm loving it as well.He is doing what he said he would do sometimes a little too fast and without much thought.I just wish he would take it down a notch or two but the things they are doing NEED to be done.The federal government is without a doubt bloated some of the waste that has been exposed is downright criminal.You would think Dems would applaud some of the cuts of our tax dollars But NO i guess their the reason for them.I am all for America first!!!! Keep draining the SWAMP!!!!!
2025/02/28 15:59:58
the meeting today at the White House was a cluster fk  
2025/02/28 16:09:32
the meeting today at the White House was a cluster fk  

A little awkward yes But as long as Americans and anywhere are suffering in say NC Kentucky and California or any where else I don't want to see another dime or in Ukraine's sake Billions and Billions to be spent there.It's about time Europe the Eu whatever you want to call them steps up and were is that worthless NATO ? It's Europe's  turn Let's take care of our own problems we sure have enough of them.
2025/02/28 16:23:50
We look like a shameful disgrace after that.
2025/02/28 16:58:08
We look like a shameful disgrace after that.

You should have seen what we looked like with the previous numb nuts in office SUCKERS. The disgrace is that our own citizens are suffering and we give billions away to every where else.
2025/02/28 17:59:31
A little awkward yes But as long as Americans and anywhere are suffering in say NC Kentucky and California or any where else I don't want to see another dime or in Ukraine's sake Billions and Billions to be spent there.It's about time Europe the Eu whatever you want to call them steps up and were is that worthless NATO ? It's Europe's  turn Let's take care of our own problems we sure have enough of them.

my position, Ice,   from the very beginning is this was/is Europe's war, not ours.
here's the sad thing though, we (with bi-partisan support) took the lead.
Now we're throwing them under the bus
we did the same in Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now the Ukrainian people.
I don't know why any country would trust us 
Putin (a REAL "dictator" and commie thug)  wins 
and that's a gawd daamd shame 
2025/02/28 18:12:26
Cant believe the guy showed up at the press meeting for the deal and then tried to change it right there-and got Cocky when he couldnt do it,
Glad he got tossed
2025/02/28 19:03:52
we did the same in Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now the Ukrainian people.
I don't know why any country would trust us 
Putin (a REAL "dictator" and commie thug)  wins 
and that's a gawd daamd shame 

 That's really what it comes down to. Trust. Can anybody in the world trust the US anymore. 
Putin trusts us. He said that when things got tough, America would back down.
2025/02/28 19:08:37
Zalenski demanded security guarantees- which usually means troops on the ground--NO WAY

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