2025/01/10 14:01:43
OK here goes. Daylight saving time. Seems to be there is consideration by the powers to be to make it permanent. No more spring ahead, fall behind. I would prefer that I a decision be made one way or another. I used to think that I would prefer to stay on DST year round but as of late, changed my mind. Too dark early in the morning in the part of the country I live in. Either way, set it and forget it. From the info I found, according to most sleep experts our biological clock is more naturally aligned with standard time.
Just wondering if anyone else has an opinion.

I have a toddler. I don't care whatever way we do, just stay with one. For the love of god stay with one. 
2025/01/10 14:49:58
I could care less either way, but I can see the safety factor of kids in the morning having light on way to school/bus stop. It is still dark when my kids leave, but the younger kids it is light when their buses roll through my area. I know my dark vision/headlight glare seems to get worse by the day and some of those kids/parents don’t seem to have a clue about kids running into the street from blind areas. Not sure if that is the reason for it or not, but one thing that I do like about it. It is a bummer that it is either turning dark or already there when I finish the day. But it is only other working suckers on the road since kids are home from school already and also not just waking up.
2025/01/10 15:12:19
Change it 1/2 hour--right in the middle to minimize any  issues or complaints-then never change it again-its a pain in the azz
2025/01/10 18:04:42
Just wondering if anyone else has an opinion.

 stop the yo-yo
I don't care whether standard or daylight savings .
pick one and leave it

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