2025/01/29 15:08:46
I see that I’m not the only one who gets frustrated with this!
2025/01/31 14:03:19
They say astronomers have sighted an asteroid that MAY hit earth.
I had asteroids once-they went away by themselves.
2025/02/03 13:57:57
  1. People who ask to be taken fishing but don't chip in for bait and or gas.
  2. People who ask for deer jerky but never help drag a deer out of the wood. 
  3. People who stage their boat on the ramp and not off to the side. 
  4. Drivers who put on their turn signal 5 feet before the turn. 
  5. Drivers who go 10 mph under the speed limit. 
  6. Parents who allow their children to interrupt adult conversations. 
  7. People who show up to social gatherings who are still sick, or with a sick child. 
2025/02/03 14:18:25
  1. People who ask to be taken fishing but don't chip in for bait and or gas

People who ask to be taken fishing and are either late or they don't show up.
2025/02/15 15:13:15
Was in a store today in blue Ct and  upon paying for a purchase the clerk started the requests of after sell-store card--donations etc would I like to give my e-mail address=NO NO NO NO just want to pay and GO
Then the big surprise-
Would I like to donate to the fire victims in California ?
Not for those in N Tennessee or N Carolina storms and floods --just Cal.
I responded NO they asked for it themselves with their BS enviro mandates.
Other customers looked up as I may have been a bit loud on that one-
Seemed I had some support from their reactions though lol
Drove through N Tenn and N Carolina days ago--horrible.
2025/02/17 17:34:47
Was in a store today in blue Ct and  upon paying for a purchase the clerk started the requests of after sell-store card--donations etc would I like to give my e-mail address=NO NO NO NO just want to pay and GO
Then the big surprise-
Would I like to donate to the fire victims in California ?
Not for those in N Tennessee or N Carolina storms and floods --just Cal.
I responded NO they asked for it themselves with their BS enviro mandates.
Other customers looked up as I may have been a bit loud on that one-
Seemed I had some support from their reactions though lol
Drove through N Tenn and N Carolina days ago--horrible.

 This right here...Americans somehow thinking that a vote blue or red determines how we should view one another in real time and care about one another.  The people in the fires are Americans just like you and me...some vote red, some vote blue...some don't vote.  Same with those affected by the terrible floods.  This is what we've become. 
2025/02/18 18:13:08
It's not a cult though! Says the old guy saying out loud that he yelled at a credit card machine in public for bring too liberal. Old hateful people are aggravating.
2025/02/18 19:00:19
It's not a cult though! Says the old guy saying out loud that he yelled at a credit card machine in public for bring too liberal. Old hateful people are aggravating.

The irony is mind numbing. If Trump had his way during Covid, much of his base would be rotting in a box 6 feet under and would have never had the numbers to be reelected. The reward for the younger generations that sacrificed to save this same demographic will be lifelong. I wouldn’t doubt 20 years from now, when many of us are old and hate filled, we could very well lose our right to vote pointing to present day for justification.
2025/02/18 19:07:04
When you forgot to put the ice cream back in the freezer and finding your meal in the microwave from the day before.
2025/02/19 08:31:17
I went in for bloodwork a few weeks ago. Left my house when the kids left for school to try and get it in before work. Show up and lobby is filled with retired people. You can’t at least wait until the working portion of the country is at their jobs working? Nope, what should have been 5 min, was now 30 and had to make it up. This happens any time that I go to the Doctor. Try to go either before or after work or lunch time, constantly filled with retired people. If my appointment is 10AM or 2PM, the places are empty.

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