2024/12/13 09:48:23

Are you condoning the actions of United healthcare? They went so far as to use AI algorithms to deny claims.

I'll be glad to answer your questions when answer mine, Sweetheart 

MyWarYou very much seem like the kind of person who will rant on and on about how Barack Obama and democrats ruined healthcare, while the real villain is sitting right in front of your face, but you refuse to look at it or acknowledge that it’s the real problem.

you seem very much like a cueball that doesn't know chit about me and just assumes stupid chit
2024/12/13 10:10:04
How so?

It rewarded this “middleman” system as you noted, with more clients. It forced them to take in higher risk patients. They responded by finding the gray areas and pushing the boundaries as much as possible (the deny, delay, etc). Not saying it caused the issue, but fed into it. It could possibly be from “tweaks” to the original Obamacare, but the overall legislation forced a lot more business into health insurance and a lot more gray areas.

Insurance companies were exploiting gray areas before the ACA as well. They were different gray areas, but gray areas just the same. What would you call denial of claims due to pre-existing conditions?

As for “forcing them to take higher risk patients”, so what options should those people have for healthcare access? Because before the ACA they had basically no options at all. Also, who determines what “higher risk” is? The insurance companies?

If we want a market based private industry gatekeeping our healthcare access, then this is what it looks like. The healthcare insurance industry will ALWAYS look for ways to exploit the gray areas and make money from it. That’s a feature, not a bug.
2024/12/13 10:10:43
you guys looking the other way, not caring are the flip side of the same putrid rotten coin as the religious zealots that look the other way when a deranged killer murders  an abortion doc 
It's the same, only different 
beam me the f' up, Scotty 

Same in my book. I’m sure many like myself don’t condone vigilante justice to solve the issue and would rather it be handled through legislation and nonviolent means. But when these happened, I doubt many on the pro life side lost much sleep over it. Even some that likely gave to gofundme or other collections for the killers, which to me on both, is well beyond what I would do. It is completely in their right to share their belief that abortionists are baby killers, just as many consider some of these decision makers at these health insurance companies the same.

To me, both are morally questionable professions to an extent. Most of the health care insurance industry are likely really good people that want to help others. Same to be said of most OBGYN healthcare staff. A bit of a difference to me at least of a OBGYN that provides legal services than one that is doing illegal late term. Just as a difference between a health insurance executive from a company that is very low percentage deny rates and doing their best to resolve issues and one that leverages financial ability to bankrupt people drawing claims out in court that clearly shouldn’t be denied. Not speaking specifically about this person.
2024/12/13 10:22:04

Again, not blaming Obamacare. Obviously many other issues prior. It solved some issues, but created others. Like you said, it is part of the gatekeeper type of system and finding the gray areas is a feature.

Unfortunately how today’s politics are, instead of all agreeing that murdering the CEO was wrong and so is how they operated business. Dems pick one side and GOP the other. Instead of having a real discussion on how things could be better, it will go down in history as another culture war topic.

There are some insurance companies that are low deny rates actually interested in the gratification of helping others and not 100% profit driven. Hopefully something like this shines light on those companies and they end up thriving and being the model for the future.
2024/12/13 10:59:43

Are you condoning the actions of United healthcare? They went so far as to use AI algorithms to deny claims.

I'll be glad to answer your questions when answer mine, Sweetheart 


I think the people that live in this country should be subject to the rule of law, and it should apply fairly and equally to everyone. That includes vigilantes that commit pre-mediated murder as well as those individuals that tried to overthrow the government on January 6th. Donald Trump and Luigi Mangione should both be in jail.
2024/12/13 11:20:52
Nice far left progressive TDS try there War--Trying to get Trump involved in this was sure to come from some poor lib soul sooner or later.
2024/12/13 11:34:33
Are you condoning the actions of United healthcare?


you'll have to cite specific examples.
I'm not inclined to have a knee jerk reaction anti or pro.
I will share I consider the whole health care industry in this country  a racket.
From the hospitals, to Big Pharma, to insurance 
I'm curious too, if the "they're killing people by refusing treatment"  mantra being regurgitated applies as well to the countries with gov provided health care?
Can anyone cite treatment Canada or Europe health care provides that United, Kaiser, Blue Cross, et al denies? 
imHo, that's info that would be useful to put things into perspective, methinks 
2024/12/13 11:45:24
Nice far left progressive TDS try there War--Trying to get Trump involved in this was sure to come from some poor lib soul sooner or later.

I chose not to point out.
regardless of the topic, (is it OK to support  murder of ins execs and abortion docs) it always comes back to "eeyeahbutt trump" rant 
crazy idn't ....
2024/12/13 15:45:19

Are you condoning the actions of United healthcare? They went so far as to use AI algorithms to deny claims.

I'll be glad to answer your questions when answer mine, Sweetheart 


I think the people that live in this country should be subject to the rule of law, and it should apply fairly and equally to everyone. That includes vigilantes that commit pre-mediated murder as well as those individuals that tried to overthrow the government on January 6th. Donald Trump and Luigi Mangione should both be in jail.

LMAO you are so broken over DJT 
2024/12/13 18:06:46
 I have more sympathy for the poor innocent babies and children than the adults that lived the highlife.   

Agree, but more so with how this guy made his highlife earnings. He set policy, which was a steady increase of denials and delay of coverage. Like MyWar said, often leading to pain and suffering and sometimes death of mostly everyday people. I am just fine with people making big bucks if they are doing it with morals. This guy was not that.

  Yeah, It was difficult for anyone in the country to not know the million dollar smile, candy wrapper, water bottle, bus terminals, finger prints, dna, 3d printer and history of the murderer & victim.
 Meanwhile a child is murdered in Pittsburgh and it won't even make the Erie tv news.
 Life is so fair.  FT to put it mildly.

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