2024/12/12 21:21:24
I mean yea, united healthcare made billions of dollars by denying healthcare to hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom then died as a direct result of their actions.

Sums up why I haven’t lost any sleep over this. I’d rather see politicians pull their heads out of their rears and address the root of the problem, rather than vigilante justice. Wasn’t right with Dorkenhouse, not right here either.
2024/12/12 21:27:40
 I have more sympathy for the poor innocent babies and children than the adults that lived the highlife.   

Agree, but more so with how this guy made his highlife earnings. He set policy, which was a steady increase of denials and delay of coverage. Like MyWar said, often leading to pain and suffering and sometimes death of mostly everyday people. I am just fine with people making big bucks if they are doing it with morals. This guy was not that.
2024/12/12 23:24:20

What I don’t understand most, how is this only 2nd degree murder? From what I had heard, that is the charge. That and weapons, false id and other lesser charges. How wouldn’t this be premeditated? I thought planning out, intentionally killing someone then trying to get away with it was first degree???

I agree, Pork. He researched the target and knew exactly who it was that he was after; he knew his itinerary & his route, and deliberately laid in wait in the early morning for the victim to come along. To me, that is murder in the 1st degree.
2024/12/13 06:50:33
Calling an insurance company CEO evil for getting shot in the back is so much BS. Makes the man saying a huge DBAG, azzhole... And guess who his president will be for the next four years... What a piece of **** you have to be to think the way you do. Feel sorry any one in your family that has to live with an individual as stupid and evil as you.
2024/12/13 07:54:38
Maybe my buddies at the JTF will enjoy your latest harassing message to go along with your threat. Better hope your record, taxes and acquaintances are clean. One nice thing about working 26 years as a federal contractor, you get to know a lot of people. Keep it coming, who knows they may dig something up on one of your family members or best friends while they are at it. Speaking of sorry to ones family, right?
2024/12/13 09:10:17
hendey lathe
"There are no atheist in foxholes."
Major General Bartford Hamilton Steele
2024/12/13 09:15:13
you guys looking the other way, not caring are the flip side of the same putrid rotten coin as the religious zealots that look the other way when a deranged killer murders  an abortion doc 
It's the same, only different 
beam me the f' up, Scotty 
2024/12/13 09:25:38
MyWarAnd everything wrong with our healthcare system is Barack Obama’s fault, not the multi billion dollar medical insurance industry, which only exists to profit by serving as a barrier between patients and patient care.

Obamacare kind of made this dynamic even worse though.

How so?
2024/12/13 09:39:38
The same conservatives that celebrated vigilante justice when it was Kyle Rittenhouse dishing it out are suddenly clutching their pearls when the target is the embodiment of pure corporate greed. Because of course they are.

Ok then let’s all reflect on how capitalism is beautiful and perfect and flawless. And everything wrong with our healthcare system is Barack Obama’s fault, not the multi billion dollar medical insurance industry, which only exists to profit by serving as a barrier between patients and patient care.

It’s a good thing we have millionaires and billionaires like Donald Trump and Elon musk, so they can remind us that the real “enemies of the people” are other poor schmucks instead of people like Brian Thompson. I mean yea, united healthcare made billions of dollars by denying healthcare to hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom then died as a direct result of their actions. But thats only a bad thing if it happens to me.

are you condoning murder?
Do you belong in the nut house too?
or do you just like to blather on your left wing rants? 

Are you condoning the actions of United healthcare? They went so far as to use AI algorithms to deny claims.


You very much seem like the kind of person who will rant on and on about how Barack Obama and democrats ruined healthcare, while the real villain is sitting right in front of your face, but you refuse to look at it or acknowledge that it’s the real problem.
2024/12/13 09:42:54
How so?

It rewarded this “middleman” system as you noted, with more clients. It forced them to take in higher risk patients. They responded by finding the gray areas and pushing the boundaries as much as possible (the deny, delay, etc). Not saying it caused the issue, but fed into it. It could possibly be from “tweaks” to the original Obamacare, but the overall legislation forced a lot more business into health insurance and a lot more gray areas.

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