2024/01/24 12:42:00
Thank you to Sons of Lake Erie, PA fish Commission, and Fish USA. Us walleye boaters out of Walnut really appreciate the new webcam, it gives us a good look at lake conditions, and a look at the wall and parking lot. To some it may not mean much, but to me, part of the small tin can fleet, again I thank you.
2024/01/25 09:46:55
Erie Mako
Agreed, nice addition to their camera system!
Will become a useful tool for boaters.
Thanks to those who make it possible.
2024/01/25 10:07:44
We appreciate the positive feedback! 
Here's a link to the Walnut Creek Webcam for those of you that have not seen it yet. 
2024/01/25 11:47:05
Thanks for doing this.  Will this web cam be added to the weather and waves section on this web site with Trout Run and Elk Creek?
2024/01/25 12:43:00
Yes! It has just been added to the Weather and Waves section.

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