2024/09/11 20:28:29
Let’s also never forget the valiant efforts and “fiscal responsibility” of Republican senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee, who fought to block the bill to extend benefits of 9/11 first responders. They would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that commie dirtbag wannabe “comedian” John Stewart, who insisted that the federal government pay the healthcare costs of people who have been suffering for decades because of all the toxic crap they were exposed to on 9/11.
2024/09/11 20:42:39
Several months after getting home from there and standing in what seemed to be wet cement particles the soles of my boots -sitting in the basement since that day -rotted completely off, no other effect but that was not normal,
2024/09/11 22:20:20
Thanks for sharing r3, that's amazing. Thank you for lending a helping hand. 

What an awful day that was. 
2024/09/12 07:44:20
Thanks for the sacrifice R3. Glad to hear no long term issues. That is crazy about the boot soles.

I wish they would have scheduled this debate a bit further from 9/11. The top story every 9/11 should be remembrance of those lost, the constant threat we face, the sacrifice of first responders and most importantly that regardless of beliefs we are Americans that can come together. Probably a few other lessons that I missed noting.

I can understand life going on and being a Capitalist economy, not having our government tell business to alter what they do. But our politicians, especially at the top, should have realized how much of a distraction a debate the night before would create? Sort of shows the priorities of these two parties.
2024/09/12 08:58:04
Agree wholeheartedly--was a bit surprised at the debate date,
Sadly some will try and use the day for venting present day political  beliefs.
Just remember where the attacks came from and that folks over there danced in the street and burned our flags.
Now unfortunately some of their people and supporters now do that here --history matters.
2024/09/12 09:36:58
100% on turning this and just about everything into a political issue.  The two parties have joined forces with far too many media sources that act as their propaganda wings.  Those propaganda wings feel the need to politicize anything they can.  They distort everything to a degree that what one person feels is common sense, the other side it is perceived as lunacy.  Freedom of speech and freedom of press should not cover the ability to lie to people and claim it as fact.  Until this is addressed, we will remain divided.  Likely after it is too late and another 9/11 event happens that likely could have been prevented if two sides weren't blocking each other from action, so the other side wouldn't get "a win".  Then we will come together again briefly, show we are all Americans.  Then the propaganda wings will spin it as the other side being at fault and tear apart the unity again.  Just the way our system seems to work.  Although, to be fair, it seems like every government in the world does similar.  Or, just flat out dictatorships, so we at least have some say, or at least perceived say.
2024/09/12 10:03:01
well said
2024/09/16 17:00:53
To actual policy in this election, I think a hybrid of both would be good.  I like where each are going with some things, but how they are doing it, I'd love to see adjustments.  Hopefully whatever one is in would have the ability in Congress for the adjustments.  Which I know would NEVER happen, but just nice to think I guess.
I like the concept of trying to get the uber wealthy to pay an equivalent tax rate as the average American on earnings.  I do not like the Harris plan of going after the unrealized capital gains.  I know, it is only those that have whatever ridiculous amount and would only target the top 1%.  But it definitely opens the door for taxing this and other property taxes for the federal government.  The state and local municipalities already hammer us with property taxes.  When I lived in VA, they would go after the value of your car and other property.  I'd much rather see legislation to curb "Buy, Borrow, & Die".  I know some will say that you don't need to be uber wealthy to take advantage of this, but that really isn't the point.  People are legally avoiding taxes doing it, take the legally out of the equation is the goal.  I'd imagine talking to IRS attorneys would give hundreds of other suggestions of how to close loopholes that would mostly effect the uber wealthy.  And not their actual businesses.  Maybe some would pass it onto consumers, but then it really becomes a consumption tax, which in theory, I support.  Although thousands of flaws in a full consumption tax concept.
I agree with Trump on keeping business taxes lowered.  Raising these would definitely just be passed along to consumers, again, would be basically a consumption tax as a result.  Which that part, I am not too worried about, but slowing business growth, elevating inflation and GDP would be more of the concern.  I'd love to see tax cuts be more on an incentive basis.  Industry publications, IRS & Bureau of Labor Statistics all keep track of what is good compensation for what job.  Set tax policy to incentivize higher pay for their workforce.  Just cutting business taxes and relying on the top 1% to pass that along to the workforce, is laughable.  I'm sure some do, but there is a reason the top 1% are the top 1%.   
Both are going to add a ton to the deficit with their plans.  What happened to fiscal conservatism???  It seems to be extinct?  At least with the Dems, you know there is going to be spending...  On many programs that are maybe "nice objectives", but half of the country doesn't want their taxes raised to pay for.  How can anyone that has considered themselves fiscally conservative even look in the mirror without vomiting looking at Trump's record of spending and plans to do more.  His fiscal policy is to just print more money...  I believe either 3rd or 4th on the list of our government spending, is interest payment on the deficit, not actually paying it down.  We need to stop with billing our kids/grandkids for our horrible spending.  I don't really want to pay higher taxes, but kicking the can is just making it even more of a burden for them.  
2024/09/16 18:57:57
I never believe them when they say the tax will only affect certain people -somehow they always seem to creep out of John Qs pocket.
Imagine paying an unrealized capitol gain tax every time they say your home went up in value.
I think the last time there was an opportunity for a true cooperative Govt was when McCaine talked of picking his friend- and mine- Joe Leiberman for VP. (republican hierarchy was frantic lol)
Never happened- he picked that Alaskan lunatic for VP and lost soundly,
2024/09/16 19:44:49
Yeah, doing that unrealized capital gains even with the ultra wealthy would be practicably impossible. The ability to assess assets would be overwhelming. One thing to look at stocks or bonds, but how do you find the real value of collectibles. From my very small experience watching the Mechum auctions, the value is what a buyer is willing to pay, beyond that is a relatively wild guess. It would be a massive invasion of privacy to find anyone’s full asset values. Court cases blocking it for years.

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