2024/09/10 23:02:07
Rg3g, please don't associated a super lib like Chris Wallace being from FOX presently. He left FOX 2 years ago; maybe longer because of FOX' pushin' the stolen election.
NC is leaning more Blue than Red.
Arizona will be blue. Arizona had election problems in 2018, in 2020, and in 2022. They will have them again in 2024. It's a way of life in Arizona for the 'Crats to win, come hell or high water. Whatever it takes.
2024/09/10 23:21:38
Rg3g, please don't associated a super lib like Chris Wallace being from FOX presently. He left FOX 2 years ago; maybe longer because of FOX' pushin' the stolen election.
NC is leaning more Blue than Red.
Arizona will be blue. Arizona had election problems in 2018, in 2020, and in 2022. They will have them again in 2024. It's a way of life in Arizona for the 'Crats to win, come hell or high water. Whatever it takes.

About the response I’d expect from someone pro Trump after that…. About the same from the pro Biden when he proved to be unfit for another term. Can’t wait to hear the right side media talking points in the next day or two though. Not to raz you personally Mitch. You are one of my favorite dudes here.
2024/09/11 00:10:16
I didn’t see much in that debate to move the needle either way.

Trump managed (barely) to not drool all over himself and shiit all over the stage. At his best he was vaguely reminiscent of his 2016 self, at his worst he was talking about eating dogs.

Harris had a lot of missed opportunities to really hammer him. Personally I was hoping for a better performance from her, but at the same time I don’t think she did poorly. She just wasn’t all that great.

We’ll see how the media spins it and how the polls react. But my initial reaction is pretty meh, like nothing much will change as a result of the debate. I think Taylor swift’s endorsement might be more consequential.
2024/09/11 03:10:36
She did get a huge boost in support tonight. Wonder how many likes this lady can get in a week? Crazy what being the most popular person on the planet can do. The singer has 283 million followers on Instagram. Her endorsement has received more than 4.5 million likes on Instagram less than three hours after she posted it.
In her post, Swift urged first-time voters to register and said she would post a link with more voting information on her page.

2024/09/11 08:35:51
LMAO....like there was any doubt on who Swift was gonna endorse
2024/09/11 08:47:00
As I suggested yesterday bias moderators have become a big part of the story-sad but its where we have digressed to,
2024/09/11 08:52:19
I too doubt that the debate itself will have a major shift as well.  Those supporting Trump know he is a simpleton blubbering idiot.  His base worship him and probably think he won.  I'm sure many were screaming at their TV any time that Harris spoke, so probably didn't hear a word she said.  For anyone that paid attention, not talking policy but the debate in getting their point across, Harris wiped the floor with him.  Not that hard though, just talk in complete sentences and don't sound like a deranged lunatic.  Maybe she could have done better?  Not sure if Trump could have done better, I think he is just a deranged lunatic at this point.  If there are actual undecided voters that were basing their vote off of the debate, no doubt that Harris swept them.  I doubt there are many of those though.
2024/09/11 15:21:49
fishin coyote
Here's my take on the show... Just like professional wrastlers as soon as the show was over they are all including the moderators behind the curtain sipping some fine chardonnay and eating prime russian caviar. Laughing about how they just fleeced John Q Public again.
2024/09/11 17:13:12
In the  late night of 9/11 was with an ad hoc team of responding  Fire and Police  individuals from different Towns in Ct that we made up on the train to NYC -most of us had taken quick vacation time and went to the RR stations for transport realizing other transportation would be impossible,
We started at a FEMA gathering point and arrived at Zero in the wee hours of 9/12 hoping to save lives through our training.
That hope was dashed almost immediately--the destruction was total,  the gore common and the fires still burned and the air tasted like grit.
We worked for hours digging and still hoping to no positive avail until huge numbers of people and actual equipment took the place of hand digging through the rubble as  the day progressed,
The smells, observations and ultimate National coming together will be with me forever,
9/11 was our wedding anniversary and when I told my wife my plan she simply said -GO- she is still spectacular.
2024/09/11 17:39:17
Thank you!

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