2024/08/29 13:21:35
Recessions are a necessary evil of economies. They have been historically cyclical and rarely has all that much to do with policy set by the president. Presidents don’t have much control over the Federal Reserve who’s job is to basically navigate through the cycles. There are some excessive spending/borrowing or playing politics to halt debt payment which may lower credit rating that can sway the economy. But interest rates are the biggest tool to navigate through, which is solely the Federal Reserve. Recessions and all economic metrics are dependent on the private sector, the government shouldn’t have the ability to stop/start a recession.  (Edit to add - Unfortunately, "shouldn't" doesn't mean can't/won't.  Major tax legislation usually will have an effect).

Yes, there are economists and others that predict a recession every day, but simply looking at historical charts, we are clearly past the peak growth phase, which means a recession will eventually happen. When it will happen, or how deep, who knows. With how out of line property values are from a historical perspective (even compared to inflation adjustments), the odds of a bubble bursting there are pretty high. Especially when much of our current inflation figure is from housing. I’m sure there will be many other sectors that will likely look obvious after the fact as well.


2024/08/29 16:00:21
Unlike all of yinz, I actually work in Franklin and live close to Franklin....can assure you, this is not a new well or something an evil Republican did. But carry on. 

I really cant understand if people say stuff like this because they really dont get it, or if they are being deliberately obtuse. 
Why does it matter whether this one is new? And why does it matter if I live in Franklin?
When you have gas drilling, and oil wells, and mines everywhere, this is what happens. we are still having accidents and leaks from the stuff that has been sitting here for the last 100+ years, and republicans just want to keep building more and more. Do you not see the connection between "more oil wells" -> "more oil well leaks"? Or do you think the stuff they make now will just somehow last forever and never leak?   
Like seriously, how do you not look at this think "hmm, maybe we should stop using oil", or look at the thousands of miles of dead, orange creeks in PA and think "hmm, maybe we should stop using coal". 

You really are an ****clown. The very kayak you float down the river in, is made possible due to "big oil"
Ever look at a lithium mine or cobalt mine and think gee this is great for the environment? I m not even going to waste the bandwidth with you anymore. You wanna make EV's remotely possible, start allowing new nuclear reactors to be built...but its a scary word to the libs. Nuclear energy is cleaner and the only feasible solution. 

On one hand this response just boils down to whataboutism. You never actually addressed what I posted.

On the other hand you’re not wrong about the environmental costs of rare earth element mining. In addition, there are substantial human rights violations as well, for example the artisanal cobalt mining in the Congo is essentially modern day slavery, with child labor and extremely dangerous working conditions.

Much of that supply ends up in China, but alot of western industries have undertaken serious effort in trying to source materials ethically (even if it’s not always easy to do). The problem is that some of largest deposits of these rare earth elements are in third world countries, and therefore much easier to exploit.

Many of these materials can also be recycled as well. You can’t recycle oil, or natural gas, or coal. And if we are talking about things like lithium for EV batteries, then there is still no carbon footprint.

This is a complicated topic (as is nuclear energy), and it’s totally worth talking about. But simple fact that mining is dirty doesn’t mean we should just go back to coal. I’d say this is a chance for the US to demonstrate leadership and push for clean, ethical sourcing of these materials instead of just racing to the bottom, which the Republican Party has zero interest in doing.

You really think you are the smartest guy in the room. LMAOOOO.
Yes, there is a footprint for EV batteries no matter how you wanna slice it and dice it Carbon is involved.  
Currently, most lithium is extracted from hard rock mines or underground brine reservoirs, and much of the energy used to extract and process it comes from CO2-emitting fossil fuels. Particularly in hard rock mining, for every tonne of mined lithium, 15 tonnes of CO2 are emitted into the air.
The vast majority of lithium-ion batteries—about 77% of the world’s supply—are manufactured in China, where coal is the primary energy source. (Coal emits roughly twice the amount of greenhouse gases as natural gas, another fossil fuel that can be used in high-heat manufacturing.)
And when recycling said batteries, carbon/fossil fuels will absolutely be used. 
And France boosted Nuclear output in Q1 of 2024. 

  • France derives about 70% of its electricity from nuclear energy, due to a long-standing policy based on energy security.
  • In February 2022 France announced plans to build six new reactors and to consider building a further eight.
  • France is the world's largest net exporter of electricity due to its very low cost of generation, and gains over €3 billion per year from this.
  • About 17% of France's electricity is from recycled nuclear fuel.
  • https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-a-f/france
Hate to say this, but we should be more like France. 
2024/08/29 20:59:06

Oh look - he did it again. Still mad about the DNC Snag?

"Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds," the statement said. "An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside. Consistent with the decorum expected at ANC, this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption. The incident was reported to the JBM-HH police department, but the employee subsequently decided not to press charges. Therefore, the Army considers this matter closed."
The Army, in its statement, called the incident "unfortunate," adding: "it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked."

He does this to you and your kin, he does it right in front of you, knowing full well you'll hop through hoops to defend anything he does.
The disrespect is astounding. 
2024/08/30 11:12:55

Oh look - he did it again. Still mad about the DNC Snag?

It's never been difficult for me to say out loud that Trump is an idiot who has and continues to do and say some detestable things.  I don't think you'd find a post on this forum where I ever defended Trump's character because I don't believe that he has any.    
It surprises me that you'd defend Beshear on this particular statement and engage in whataboutism on it.  You and I disagree on a lot, but something like that doesn't match up with what I know of you from our interactions here.  
2024/08/30 14:54:40

Oh look - he did it again. Still mad about the DNC Snag?

"Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds," the statement said. "An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside. Consistent with the decorum expected at ANC, this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption. The incident was reported to the JBM-HH police department, but the employee subsequently decided not to press charges. Therefore, the Army considers this matter closed."
The Army, in its statement, called the incident "unfortunate," adding: "it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked."

He does this to you and your kin, he does it right in front of you, knowing full well you'll hop through hoops to defend anything he does.
The disrespect is astounding. 

you forgot to mention but he didn't keep looking at his watch .
2024/08/30 22:29:55

Oh look - he did it again. Still mad about the DNC Snag?

It's never been difficult for me to say out loud that Trump is an idiot who has and continues to do and say some detestable things.  I don't think you'd find a post on this forum where I ever defended Trump's character because I don't believe that he has any.    
It surprises me that you'd defend Beshear on this particular statement and engage in whataboutism on it.  You and I disagree on a lot, but something like that doesn't match up with what I know of you from our interactions here.  

Beshear put the words Vance said back on him. While uncouth, it's a far cry from what MAGA does every single day. I do find the pearl clutching over Beshear's comments to be a bit schadenfreud-y to be honest. 

You know the saying Dems used to use of "When they go low, we go high?". 
I saw it said the other day a bit differently, "When they go low, be waiting with a knee."

2024/08/31 08:14:24
Never mind. Sounded a little… after rereading.
2024/08/31 10:25:15
I don't feel it's fair that Doug and Gwen are out campaigning to help the Dems. Melania and Usha don't do that to help their party out. The Dems are cheating again I tell ya!! 4 against 2 is not right.
2024/09/05 14:05:27
I am actually extremely shocked to find something out just now.

Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul is happening after the election!!! I’d almost think having it the night before the election would be very fitting for the circus our political system has become. Maybe the loser of the fight will try to start a civil war?
2024/09/05 15:58:09
"Trump vows to cut business tax rate to 15%, create government efficiency commission led by Elon Musk" - fox news headline.
You conservative folks still buying the trickle down economics line? Just askin.


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