2024/08/20 13:52:39
From reading some of the comments on pages that shared this info on their own pages about this oil spill . . .
1.  It looks like this may be from an oil well that dates back over 100 years
2.  Concerns were reported to appropriate agencies several weeks ago before it got this bad.  And the agencies responsible for monitoring and mitigation did nothing.  
What regulations that we don't already have on the books would have prevented something like this from happening?  The real kicker would be that if this source happened to be on state or federal land, which is certainly a possibility in that area.  
PA has had a Dem governor now for 10 years.  Do Wolf and Shapiro not care about the Allegheny?  Have Biden and Harris not cared enough about the Allegheny in their 3 years in office?  Why haven't they done something to prevent this old oil well from seeping and spilling into the Allegheny?
2024/08/20 13:55:42

What from the DNC this week do you think they'll tell you to be mad about?

Is Andy Beshear's insinuation that he hopes JD Vance's wife or daughter gets violated legit or nah?  
2024/08/20 14:39:23
In the last 16 years we had 8 of Obama /Biden --4 of Trump/pence and 4 of Biden/harris
Why is it some here are bad Trumping about the River--seems if presidential blame is due -if it even is-Trump would be the minimum blame  yet there is little to nothing said about the other 12 yrs where Bidens name was on all 12.
2024/08/20 14:55:56
From reading some of the comments on pages that shared this info on their own pages about this oil spill . . .
1.  It looks like this may be from an oil well that dates back over 100 years
2.  Concerns were reported to appropriate agencies several weeks ago before it got this bad.  And the agencies responsible for monitoring and mitigation did nothing.  
What regulations that we don't already have on the books would have prevented something like this from happening?  The real kicker would be that if this source happened to be on state or federal land, which is certainly a possibility in that area.  

Im not sure what you are getting at here. Because if you mean to say that the existing regs are not adequate protection, and we need more, then yes, I agree. And if you are saying we need better enforcement of existing rules, then yes I agree with that too. 
If this is from a well that is 100+ years old, is there is no lesson to learn from an era when there was essentially no environmental regulation? When you have basically every elected republican lawmaker in the country preaching the gospel of "de-regulation" because regs get in the way of making money, maybe the numerous dead, orange rivers and creeks in PA should serve as a reminder of what happens when money is prioritized over natural resources. 
And if we are still seeing pollution of major waterways like the Allegheny river, even now in an era where we place a much higher value on environmental protections, maybe we need MORE environmental regulation rather than de-regulation.
PA has had a Dem governor now for 10 years.  Do Wolf and Shapiro not care about the Allegheny?  Have Biden and Harris not cared enough about the Allegheny in their 3 years in office?  Why haven't they done something to prevent this old oil well from seeping and spilling into the Allegheny?

Wolf and Shapiro do not govern unilaterally. The state legislature has mostly been controlled by republicans, with the exception of the house which had a narrow D majority for I believe only the last two years. Do you want me to dig up some examples of environmental protections that have been pushed by PA democrats, but PA republicans have blocked in the state legislature? Because I will have no trouble finding a BUNCH of examples.
2024/08/20 15:34:53
 The hot topics that reach those forums are almost all Dem overreach, pandering to the far left wacko environazis.  Just like this forum, I look at the issues, try to do a reasonable amount of research and form my opinion of where the truth lies.  It is almost always the far left environazis that hide under the "environmental protection" BS.  Beach closures so migrating birds don't get upset and chirp at you...  Even to people on foot, staying clearly away from their nests.  Having ridiculously speed restrictions in the open ocean due to migrating wales (who have something like .0001% incident report of anything smaller than a cargo ship hitting them).  Flounder and other fish harvest restrictions for recreational fishermen, but completely fine for commercial fishermen.  Not allowing bridges or roads due to some sort of endangered insect or bird migration found in the area.  But look the other way when it comes to wind farms, solar farms or other clean energy projects.  I am just fine with those projects and I don't buy into the BS that they are killing wales or use more energy than they produce wacko right wing crap.  But the idea that these environazis will get in the way of any project and ends up making it cost 2-3 times the initial budget, but then have no issues with clean energy or other self serving projects, is a clear double standard.  And are 99.9999999% Democrat supported.  So, yes, I can see why many sportsmen wouldn't approve of the Democratic party.

Basically you are just calling people names that value different things than you do. 
2024/08/20 18:05:43
Your response sums up your initial question. Sportsmen value the environment and conservation, they don’t value the BS the far left pushes.
2024/08/20 19:06:52
MyWar Do you want me to dig up some examples of environmental protections that have been pushed by PA democrats, but PA republicans have blocked in the state legislature? Because I will have no trouble finding a BUNCH of examples.

Whatever blows your hair back bud.

Please also cite examples of sportsmen’s coalitions and organizations opposing these protections.
2024/08/20 21:01:09
Your response sums up your initial question. Sportsmen value the environment and conservation, they don’t value the BS the far left pushes.

I don’t understand what this means.

Let me re-phrase my comment tho.

Would I be incorrect if I call snagr an enviro-nazi because he is trying to save some remote stream with a small population of native trout? Because I’m more of a smallmouth guy, I don’t care about trout.

Was it far left enviro-nazis that fought to ban DDT and restore habitat to save bald eagles and a bunch of other raptors from extinction? Or was it ok to save eagles because they’re our national bird, but if it was just some other less valuable raptor species like osprey then it would have been fine just let them go extinct?

Is my girlfriend an enviro-nazi because she places a high value on French Creek because it supports a uniquely biodiverse habitat for animals, wild flowers and birds (honestly she doesn't care that much about fishing), but I’m not because I value it more as a fishery?

Who gets to decide which species are important and which aren’t? Is it just totally arbitrary?
2024/08/20 21:03:07

Please also cite examples of sportsmen’s coalitions and organizations opposing these protections.

How about every time they vote for a Republican?
2024/08/20 21:41:50
  Thank goodness he didn't do the 90% cut for the Great Lakes like he promised. Come election time will do that to ya. Still cut pollution regs with coal. A little long read in this format.  https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/09/trump-casts-self-as-great-lakes-champion-but-his-policies-may-do-lasting-damage.html
 Long term will need money and change.  

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