2024/08/17 09:28:11
Porktown, since we found out during Covid that the majority of all US drugs, (both prescription and over the counter), are made in China, do you think McCormick's Fund invested only because of seein' an increase of illegal fentanyl use, (illicit from across our wide open border), or possibly because Humanwell Healthcare is a major pharmaceutical corporation and part of world trade? Legally, fentanyl is used in cancer drugs. I think we might have a few folks here in the US that suffer from cancer, and it's the job of the investor to make money. So you wouldn't hold an individual investor or even a mutual fund in contempt for their investment, but because McCormick was the CEO you do 'cause you believe he should have known where every dollars was going and what it was going into? My God! If only we could convince our politicians of the investments they make around the world.
2024/08/17 12:28:14
I’m not saying he did it “because” they controlled 90% of fentanyl. I don’t think he is satan. I do believe he 100% knew they controlled it and looked the other way for profit. Again, a fund manager/CEO of largest hedge fund in the country knows everything of the companies they invest in. They aren’t mechanics, truck drivers, engineers, teachers, etc that put money in mutual funds and hope to get close to S&P average returns with their retirement, kids school or other basically savings. Dude controlled $Bs of rich folks money and invested to make them more money. He had the choice of thousands of companies to invest in, that have zero ties to fentanyl. For someone that tries to make himself “tough on fentanyl”, how does that even make sense? Either really, really dumb or just didn’t care. I don’t think he is dumb at all.

BTW, I have said many times on these boards for at least 4 election cycles. Every politician should have to put ALL of their wealth, whether businesses or investments into a standard index fund or mutual fund that any American has access to invest in as well. There was a report a few months ago showing the S&P average compared to the average American compared to the available records of Congress investments (not including businesses or book/speaking deals). Average S&P is something like 12%, average American is like 9% and average Congressman was something like 17%. I’ll try to find it. Those numbers might be off, but off of memory only, the disparity was ridiculous. That and countless times that Congressmen/families have sold a month before companies crash and months before they take off, tied directly to legislation. It is rather sickening. As noted, that pig Pelosi is one of the worst at it.
2024/08/19 12:29:14
Walz is promising a tampon dispenser in every boys room
2024/08/19 12:52:02
Walz is promising a tampon dispenser in every boys room

Will they be for everyone's use or just for the transgender women who want to play men's sports? .........Oh, wait!
2024/08/19 17:27:23
Haven’t you heard? TAMPON TIM is here to stop the RED WAVE.

You guys really walked into that one. You’re gonna need some new material now.
2024/08/19 19:41:54
Walz is promising a tampon dispenser in every boys room

 That was back checked as fake news first time Trumpy said it. He said it at his rally again in Pa over the weekend.You should know by now how his brain works. He was at it again this morning posting after 2:00 am. Post after post, on & on until 6:00 am.
2024/08/19 20:07:12
George Santos invented the tampon…. I mean, he is a tampon. Republicans have to be thinking that he lied about being a Republican to go along with his other fake stories. The GLBTQ+ are likely challenging that he really is one of them too. What an embarrassment that guy is. I guess there are worse candidates than Trump, Biden and Hillary.
2024/08/19 21:17:02
Pretty indicative of how desperate Trumps campaign is - the tampon thing.
Fox News and Trump mention it, you guys regurgitate it. Seriously, even yinz can see it right? 

What from the DNC this week do you think they'll tell you to be mad about?
My guess is going to be Kids from somewhere who didn't show respect in some way OR Anger at people repeating things Trump said word for word.

2024/08/19 22:38:26
Let’s talk about this.


I don’t know if that link will work, but I’m sure some of you know about this by now. And I’m pretty sure some of you fish this water. I do. I know this stretch of the Allegheny pretty well.

There is a crude oil leak just above fisherman’s cove on the Allegheny. I haven’t seen many details yet as to his bad it is, how difficult the clean up will be, or what the long term impact will be. But I think we all know this is very much not fukkin good.

So I have some questions for you.

Why are sportsmen not stronger advocates for conservation and environmental protection? Does this not hit close to home for you?

Do you think Donald Trump gives two shiits about the Allegheny river? Or any river? Do you think an actual avid outdoorsman like Tim walz does?

I honestly do not understand how issues like clean waterways and the protection and restoration of natural resources are not more important to people like us. I don’t understand why some of the sportsmen on this board side with the fossil fuel industry instead of the people who are trying to hold them accountable.

So make me understand. Convince me why I shouldn’t be outraged because the parties that are responsible for dumping oil into our river never be held accountable. Convince me that the real villain is not the fossil fuel industry. Convince me that more oil won’t just lead to more oil spills in waterways that we care about.

Sell me on the modern Republican solution to this problem. Pretend I’m an independent undecided voter and convince me.

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