2024/08/14 14:03:39
Both Trump and Harris are proposing “no taxes on tips”. If you thought the trend of just about everywhere asking for tips has already gotten out of hand.

If the coffee shop employee is going to ask for a tip to do their job, why shouldn’t the butcher, mechanic, or carpenter? Businesses love it, since they pay the employee less and taxes on that employee less, but won’t lower their prices to compensate. It is like, hey, the US consumer is already used to inflation, let’s hit them with round two.
2024/08/14 20:46:45
Went to the beach today  first time in a long while,
Saw some real great sights.
Next time will be sure to bring some THANK YOU cards.
2024/08/15 10:08:17
Wonder if he will show his Tax Returns this time around? For 2020 he and his old lady paid zero into federal taxes and claimed a 5.47 million dollar return 
2024/08/15 12:21:42
I'm interested to see Walz's return to be honest.  There were some preliminary reports that he actually is a regular middle class guy, financially speaking.  Even after being in Congress and Governor..  I guess that a teacher's pay, supplemented with National Guard pay isn't the recipe to compound wealth???  The article that I read, said he owns no stocks or bonds...  The little that he has in the market is in a student 529, about enough to pay for a half semester.  He even turned down the pay raise he was voted to receive as Governor.  I can see that if coming in with $Ms/$Bs, but that is just plain stupid if living off of retirement funds (which I am sure are good retirement plans).  I thought Congressmen were supposed to know better and load up on stocks they are making policy on, then deny it?  But, yes, he did say that he carried a weapon of war in war and didn't go to an actual combat zone when deployed to assist the war.  So, completely untrustworthy for making that comment.  Others can make $B's off of ripping average people off for decades and is completely fine.  Heck, some can make $Ms off of bankrolling companies that make fentanyl and people will still vote for the guy.  Let's not pretend that is the same as "you have investments, do you know exactly what every one does"...  If I am the fund manager, selecting these companies to invest $Bs into and making $Ms in the process, I better well know exactly what those companies do.  
2024/08/15 18:02:15
Others can make $B's off of ripping average people off for decades and is completely fine.  Heck, some can make $Ms off of bankrolling companies that make fentanyl and people will still vote for the guy.  

Geez Pork! If ya wanna throw an untruthful dig at McCormick, you could at least show a little subtlety and beat around the bush a little. Wouldn't wanna be too obvious.
2024/08/15 18:13:52
Untruthful dig? Look it up. $1.7M investment while CEO to the company that makes 90% of Chinese fentanyl. Sorry man, but if even think to be in politics, $1 invested in that company is far too much.


By the way, ripping of $Bs was a general dig at about 80% of all national politicians. Nancy Pelosi pretty high up on that list.
2024/08/16 20:18:25
1.7 million is chickenfeed, considering the investment was coming from a multi-billion dollar company and going into a multi-billion dollar company. Humanwell Healthcare is listed on the US stock market and is a major provider of some of the products you can buy in your local drugstore; products such as pain relievers and also they're big in women's health & reproduction. So now he's pulled out. Big deal! I'd bet some of your favorite democrats in Congress hold paper on the same company.
Are ya still cryin' about the mansion in Connecticut too? He sold it nearly two years ago.
2024/08/16 21:50:56
You do realize what a hedge fund does and the CEO that oversees everything correct? He ABSOLUTELY knew what this company does and 90% of Chinese fentanyl. A lot of extremely sketchy companies sell stock, being listed means nothing in terms of being complete trash American killers. It is your choice of who you invest your money with, but 99% of Americans don’t have a clue of what they invest in. So, your argument would be just fine for people like us. I’m not going to give anyone here crap for having a mutual fund that happened to invest in this company or any others that are completely sketchy. Heck, even if you have $5k in this company because you were looking at fundamentals only and saw what you thought was value. The guy knows the system, which is completely different. Fine if you want to look the other way for politics. Defending it is something that I would hope is heavy on your conscience. You are a good dude.
2024/08/17 01:15:21
1.7 million is chickenfeed, considering the investment was coming from a multi-billion dollar company and going into a multi-billion dollar company. Humanwell Healthcare is listed on the US stock market and is a major provider of some of the products you can buy in your local drugstore; products such as pain relievers and also they're big in women's health & reproduction. So now he's pulled out. Big deal! I'd bet some of your favorite democrats in Congress hold paper on the same company.
Are ya still cryin' about the mansion in Connecticut too? He sold it nearly two years ago.

So 2 years eh? 

In 2022, when he ran for Senate, stepping into the field after Abuser Sean Parnell (You remember, the guy who choked his wife?) Dropped out, and he lost a very tight race to TV's Dr. OZ? That's 2 years ago right? 

^(What an insane situation that actually happened)

C'mon Mitch, they play these games right in front of you. They think you're stupid, and prey on you.

Stop pandering for a multi-millionaire who doesn't even live here, and surely doesn't give a **** about you or your family. 

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